[31] The two began a collaboration. It just cant happen. Nazca Aliens. Information from S-4 regarding the alleged cure for AIDS virus: This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The 20ccs are metabolized in 36 hours, having dissolved the protein coat on the virus, In 1980, when Reagan and Bush were running against Carter and Mondale, as you know, the hostages were still in Iran, in Teheran. President of the United States is, like, Top Secret Crypto 17. They preceded to drive home and were stopped by the county sheriff. And then as soon as they got them over Russia, just shot their ass down, which was a message to Mossad: Hey, we dont want this to go on. [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. Lear argues that "Germany may have recovered a flying saucer in 1939" and discusses the 1946 American military investigation into the Ghost rockets reported over Sweden. Unlike most of the convention's attendees, Moore did not stay at the same hotel that was hosting the convention. [16], Lear flew planes for the CIA between 1967 and 1983. According to this alleged source the machine was acres in size but it did not know how they got the machine to the moon. Does he have a Brother named David? There was a five hundred percent increase of drug traffic from Afganistan after Osama was eliminated, There were no planes on 911, it was a hologram. Trending: Former world Darts champion, Ted Hankey, Charged with Sexual Assault, Aged 54, Everything on his Family and Wife. [35], Lazar's claims were widely discredited. LAS VEGAS (KLAS) Famed Nevada aviator John Lear, known for his world records and his UFO activism, has died. Cooper and Lear were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us. So theyd say, you know, theyd read a sentence. John Lear. John took his time to compile a list of insults and posted them wondering why that is allowed to go on. No antibiotics should be used during this period. There are people just like us on every single one of the planets, a week ago CNN said that a 220 mile by 40 or 50 mile chunk of ice had broken off from Antarctica, it was obviously a direct energy weapon that had made all the square cuts on this [saying it is not due to global warming], there is global warming, but we had nothing to do with it. Having an X clearance does not mean you get to know everything everyone with an X clearance knows. He lived down on Third Street with his wife, Josephine, and they were in our house just like Vandenberg, just like Twining, all those MJ-12 guys, Its theorized that there is one black hole for every galaxy, Its theorized that every black hole has its OWN galaxy, HIV - the protein coat is on the virus itself, The recycle time of the gravity amplifier is 10 milliseconds, we have got two live aliens from Roswel, one died shortly after the other one lived until 1956, we have found so far there are eighteen different alien species monitorning planet Earth, oh yeah Clifford [Stone], he knows everything, four, not three, astronauts had died on Apollo launch pad on January 27th, 1967. The symposium was titled: "The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy? William wanted to keep this hidden, swept under the carpet, but John refused to do so and got himself a full ban. When he spoke, Moore said that he and others had been part of an elaborate, long-term disinformation campaign begun primarily to discredit Paul Bennewitz: "My role in the affair was primarily that of a freelancer providing information on Paul's (Bennewitz) current thinking and activities". As per her, Lear passed away in his sleep at his Las Vegas home on the Tuesday night. It has to do with drag, and it has to do with power and it has to do with the fact that they use turbofans. According to the narrative, Truman formed a group of twelve insiders, known as Majestic 12, to investigate the matter. The atmosphere has a saffron color. Now the reason I say thirty to forty thousand years ago, is because its still within the history of man. John has been found in 23 states including Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Michigan, Kentucky, Florida. And its out on the Paiute Mesa, we have bases on Mars. John Lear's research and teaching interests include Mexico, Cuba, post-independence Latin America, comparative labor and urban history, cultural politics, and gender and social movements. American scientist explained why death does not exist, Secret corridor discovered inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Explanation for mysterious dust that fell from the sky in the US appeared, Hey explorer! Then they started to read the clearance, the briefing of the clearance, which he was being given. He was not born in December 3rd and he did not die on March 29th- he ans his wife have TWO daughters that COMPLETE their family- this is asinine reporting. Moore said that he "was in a rather unique position" in the disinformation campaign: "judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved in it, [the disinformation] definitely had something to do with national security. Flight 93 allegedly crashed in Shanksville. This link below as well as other Lear Corp historical references can back up Exactly what and Who John has claimed he is. Mossad couldnt figure out how the pilots got off course. It has flown in more than 150 test aircraft. [13], Between May 23 and 26, 1966, Lear and a crewmate flew a record-breaking flight around the world in a LearJet that covered 22,000 miles in 50 hours and 39 minutes. Its none of his friggin business. The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. Now the reason I say thirty to forty thousand years ago, is because its still within the history of man. Its just a natural cycle of Earth, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, was absolutely a direct energy weapon. [25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. He said he felt like he was in a well that was 100 feet deep, that his arms were 100 feet long, and he was just holding on to the sides of the well, just barely with his fingertips. He lived down on Third Street with his wife, Josephine, and they were in our house just like Vandenberg, just like Twining, all those MJ-12 guys. And at the end, the soldier would take the M-16 and poke it into his stomach. r/hyderabad Me and my friends are planning on starting a Bar & Lounge on a rooftop in Hyderabad. In 1984, Bill Moore's partner Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film which, when developed, showed images of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12", a top-level UFO group with the US Government. John Lear began his creative biography in the 1980s and 1990s when he began to speak publicly and disclose confidential information. It is with great sadness that we have learned that John Lear, a hugely influential figure in the history of British Weight Lifting and one of the great characters of UK sport for over five decades, has passed away last week in his home town of Shrewsbury. But basically, the civilization of the Moon starts back at Newton. He was NOT a part of MJ-12, but he was around our house in Santa Monica, 222 14th Street. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. How bodies are merely vehicles. [citation needed] From 2003 to 2015, Lear was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM. AIDS virus is protected by the protein coat on the RNA preventing the antibodies, the T-4 cells, of the immune system from detecting and eliminating it. Biographer Mark Jacobson argues "the Tiru incident itself would not have done much to make Coopers name in ufology. But whichever one it was the CF6 or the CFM56, it had to be General Electric and unfortunately, or fortunately, United Airlines used strictly Pratt and Whitney. the intention of 9/11 was to polarize American opinion against Muslims and to get rid of the Osama who was shutting down heroin poppy field and was causing a disastrous monetary lose to the illegal drug industry. [16], Lear flew planes for the CIA between 1967 and 1983. When each airplane, American Airlines in the North Tower and United Airlines in the South Tower, hit, it was two-fifths of a second while they, disappeared in the airplane In two-fifths of a second youre not going to have a fuselage panel about seven feet long drift down and just be lying there in almost perfect condition, unless it was accompanied by Mohammed Attas passport, The engine on Murray Street has been identified as either a CFM-56, CFM stands for Snecma OR the CF-6, which was a 767 engine, which was developed out of the CFM-56. Cooper and Lear were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us. RIP to the Legend John Lear. "[2][31][42], In 1970, Lear married Marilee Higginbotham, owner of a California fashion modelling agency, at a ceremony in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.[8]. As a reply William has said Can anyone help me to remove the ringing! Lear testified at the Civil Aeronautics Board investigation into the crash. R.I.P. One other successful inventions was the Steam Bus. The first flight to Mars took place in 1966, says Lear. Moore said that he "was in a rather unique position" in the disinformation campaign: "judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved in it, [the disinformation] definitely had something to do with national security. There is a conspiracy that Mitchell told a man named Farida Iskiovet (allegedly a former U.F.O investigator for the President of the United Nations) about the UFO he saw on the moon. Doty [U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations Richard Doty] was sent to disinform him along with Bill Moore, to make him look like an idiot, Grey aliens are are cybernetic organisms, there is no male or female gender, the Grays, are just here monitoring, seeing everythings going OK. has to do with the cucumber Trichosanthes kirilowii, which is only grown in China. But John Lear did not complete his research on this. [25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. We think its that color because, although the atmosphere is not as dense as Earth, its higher. In 1980, cattle mutilations near Dulce, New Mexico were linked to UFOs in popular media. Theres 64% gravity on the moon, using Bullialdus-Newton law of inverse-square, if we know where the neutral point is and the size of the planets, we can figure out what the gravity is. cid exam previous question papers.