However, when this watery discharge occurs more often than usual, it may signify an underlying health problem such as a hormone imbalance. This is because, during exercise, your body is exposed to warm and damp environments which create an ideal space for yeast to grow. So lets talk about some proven treatments; There are many ways to prevent infections of the genitals, but practicing good hygiene is essential. Avoid vaginal douching because it alters the vaginal flora. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Watery discharge feels like I peed myself: Hormonal imbalance Another cause of vaginal discharge in women is hormonal imbalance, as mentioned earlier watery vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy part of some women's life. These symptoms might include irritation, itchiness, and pain. However, if you notice any foul smell or changes in color, call your doctor immediately. Clear and odorless, amniotic fluid is a colorless, thin liquid. It is sexually transmitted though it can rarely be transmitted through other ways. Leaking Amniotic Fluid | Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself | How Do I Know If Im Leaking Amniotic Fluid | Leaking Amniotic Fluid Symptoms Follow me on. My Wife is Now 7 month With Twins, For Past Two Weeks She have an low Vaginal Watery Discharge. Urgent Care vs. Walk-In Clinic: Whats the Difference? Now that we've cleared that up, time for us to, ahem, discharge more information. Download the app to join the conversation. A normal vaginal pH tends to be slightly acidic and when this is thrown off, women start to experience symptoms of infections. The excessive watery discharge could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Checked with Doctor She have Yeast Infection,Taken Medicine and Glucose. But, 4th of this month, I had watery discharge and ever since then the discharge has been increasing. Some people complain of getting intermittent pain (mild to moderate) in the lower right abdominal region during this period which can be unnerving especially for women who are pregnant. Leading up to ovulation, discharge can appear slippery, clear, and stretchy, with a consistency similar to egg whites. The volume of normal vaginal discharge differs among people with vaginas. Excessive watery discharge can also be caused by the conditions listed below: Pregnancy Contraceptive hormones STIs (sexually transmitted infections) This mucus plug will be inside your cervix, and it will serve to protect the fetus. Get free meds and delivery. Estrogen can stimulate the production of more fluids. This estrogen plays a role in the formation and discharge of fluids from womens body. The acidic nature of the secretions can help to deter bacteria and also remove dead cell debris. Discharge is generally your bodys way of getting rid of dead cells in the vagina and preventing harmful bacteria from traveling up the uterus. This vaginal discharge from women in most cases are beneficial to them as it helps eliminate germs from the vagina and also moisten the vagina. Why Does My Vaginal Discharge Smell? I know watery discharge is common and the amount varies among women., Vulvovaginal Atrophy. There are other possible causes for increased vaginal discharge, which your doctor can diagnose. A common cause of pain and a discharge is a pelvic infection. Antibiotics kill bacteria, which can upset the delicate balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina that work to keep other germs in check. So, its never out of place to contact your doctor immediately if you notice sudden abnormal watery discharge while youre pregnant. Yellow/Greenish Discharge: Causes & Treatment, Greyish-White Discharge: Causes & Treatment, White Cheesy Discharge: Causes & Treatment, How to Prevent Watery discharge feels like I peed myself, 10 million women visit gynecologists yearly,,*nal-discharge.htm,*nal-atrophy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352288,,*nal-discharge,*nal-discharge/index.html, Im Hungry But I Dont Want To Eat: Common Causes & Solutions. There is also a different type of discharge every pregnant person produces called a mucus plug. In addition to that, most discharges that women experience are often not from their vag*na because the vag*nal doesnt have secretory glands. 4, Jessica Guht Oct. 05, 2022 Mayo Clinic proceedings,85(1), 8794. But if you notice brown discharge before your period, you may wonder what it means. A vaginal discharge reflects a healthy functionality of the body. Healthy, normal discharge provides lubrication and protects your vagina and urinary tract. If this is your first encounter with a yeast infection, it is better you see your gynaecologist first to confirm what you have before you start buying over the counter yeast infection creams. Watery vaginal discharge might not indicate an infection, but it can be uncomfortable wearing wet underwear all day. 7,677. During menopause, clear, watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself can signify vaginal atrophy: a condition that causes the vaginal walls to gradually thin. Despite it feeling odd to have watery discharge, sometimes feeling as though you peed yourself, it is most often not a cause of concern. Rao, V., & Mahmood, T. (2020). Apart from excessive watery discharge, spotting that occurs a few days earlier before period is an early pregnancy sign. 1, Jessica Guht Nov. 17, 2022 The ovulation stage involves the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. Some people who are pregnant may mistake watery discharge for their water breaking. There could be several reasons for watery discharge that feel like you're urinating, including: 1. Below, we shall be discussing some situations that bring about watery discharge feels like I peed myself before period. That said, its important to understand that healthy discharge is usually odorless, clear, and colorless. Hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy by increasing the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the bloodstream. This infection is also linked to poor personal hygiene. However, if the watery discharge is rushing much, it may be that your water just broke and you need to seek care immediately. The lactobacillus organism is actually the good, natural resident of the vag*na and helps to maintain the acidity of the vag*na which helps to keep bad microbes in check. Most of the causes are no concern, while others require medical attention. (2021). and explain the situation. Download the DrHouse app. The vaginal flora harbors numerous bacteria and yeast that [], Pink Discharge: Causes and What to Expect, Noticing pink spotting in your underwear can be worrying. I have a lot of discharge, it is super watery and feels like I've peed myself it is soaking through all my pants, it's got a slight yellow colour, and it read more. Its important to advise that you stay completely off douching. When you think about sexual things definitely you will get wet. If this occurs to you, be sure to visit a doctor. As previously mentioned, discharge in candidiasis is often whitish, and cheesy but has no odor except mixed with infections from other microbes. sometimes it's a bit creamy color or kind of white too. At this time, the egg will be ready to be fertilized by the sperm. A watery discharge with an odor such as a foul odor is another sign your abnormal discharge might be due to an STD. Mac Bride, M. B., Rhodes, D. J., & Shuster, L. T. (2010). However, when vaginal discharge assumes a foul smell (smelly) or appears coloured and flows irregularly more than normal quantity, then it is said that an infection has occurred. PCOS affects some10 percentof reproductive-age women. However, the color of this discharge can say a lot about your internal health. A woman's menstrual fluid is called menses and will often have a clear to white color. Some causes of this discharge can include pregnancy, sexual arousal, ovulation, or hormonal birth control. avoid putting perfumed or colored feminine products on or near the vagina. Watery vaginal discharge is rarely harmful, but sometimes it can be a symptom of a serious infection. As I mentioned previously, a watery discharge could be a harmless sign. The answer isnt straightforward, as several things can cause brown discharge. Vaginal discharge comes in different colors, odors, and textures. Treatment: Your doctor will often prescribe ant-fungal drugs to get rid of the causative agent: candida or at least limit their growth. What Can I Do When I Have Watery Discharge That Feels Like I Peed Myself? Get an Rx from your preferred pharmacy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Read More What are the Montgomery Glands?Continue, Read More Does Fenugreek Increase Breast Size?Continue, Read More 10 Delightful Health Benefits Of Cucumber For WomenContinue, Read More 10 Useful Health Benefits of Avocado for WomenContinue, Read More 10 Special Benefits of Dates for WomenContinue, Read More Natural Lactation Supplements To Increase Milk SupplyContinue. So when people with a vagina find clear, watery discharge in their underwear, of course, our first suspicion will either be that we peed ourselves or we are getting our period. Estrogen levels rise when the body gets ready for ovulation, which may result in more vaginal discharge. Healthy bacteria living in your vagina help make your secretions acidic. This changes occurs in such a way that the cervix and the vaginal wall get more soft that they were under normal conditions leading to increased vaginal discharge that might make you feel like you peed yourself. The normal discharge tends to be mucus-like and will not soak a pad or panty liner. It does this by negatively affecting the microbial Flora and as we discussed earlier, the negative effects leads to more vaginal discharge than normal. Pay attention to any swelling or blisters around your vulva or vagina as well. Now we know the types of watery discharge, lets look at the causes. This is because blood rushes to the vagina and stimulates the glands to produce lubricating fluid. In fact, you will instead want to watch for any changes in your discharge, as this may signal infection. When you see a yellowish or greenish discharge, it is a sign of infection caused by trichomonas vaginalis. In the United States, about 10 million women visit gynecologists yearly on account of watery vag*nal discharge. The discharge usually feels stretchy like egg white and has a mild odour. Some of the serious causes of watery vaginal discharge include: If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, reach out to your healthcare provider to figure out the next best steps in terms of testing and treatment. It does not require you to douche in order to make it clean. sometimes i think i have to poop so i push but its just this mucus.and there blood on the paper.sometimes its alot of blood like u would think i have my period. Also, ensure that your underwears are ironed and changed regularly, once or twice a day. Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans causing vaginal discharge among pregnant women in Lebanon. The most important part of vaginal hygiene is maintaining its pH. Vaginal discharge can begin about six months to one year before a girl gets her period. She completed her trainings at Mount Sinai Hospital and UCLA. But if a significant, sudden rush of fluid comes out of your vagina during the later stages of pregnancy, it could be your water breaking (even if you're not fully to term). Makes me feel as if I peed myself. Also, ensure that your underwear is ironed and changed often, once or twice daily. If a foreign object, such as a condom or tampon, is left in the vagina for an extended amount of time, your vaginal discharge may change. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible for further evaluation. Best wishes The information provided does not constitute a diagnosis of your condition. Normally, every woman experience a certain white or yellow discharge or even clear watery discharge from their body in which many believe it is from the vagina but that is not the the case, the fluid are formed by the combination of the secretions from the vaginal entrance and glands in the cervix and cellular layer poured from the vagina. Vaginal discharge is a normal fluid that comes out of the vagina, and watery discharge is typically white or clear and has only a mild odor. Watery discharge due to ovulation is often stretchy and clear. It could also happen because your hormones change, and youre sexually excited or pregnant. 2, Jessica Guht Oct. 11, 2022 26/08/2012 09:24. I feel little heaviness in the stomach. With DrHouse, you can meet with an online doctor in 15 minutes to discuss your vaginal discharge or any other symptoms and what might be causing it. However, light to dark brown discharge, especially with a foul smell, may be seen in certain conditions such as bacterial and fungal infections, polyps, or even in more sinister conditions such as cervical or uterine cancers. Single. In the female body, there exists a microbial flora which helps to keep the vagina clean and healthy by producing discharge and fighting against any bacteria that might want to enter the vagina. Read Also: 10 healthful Foods That Will Help You Conceive Twins. If you have unusual discharge and think you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection (STI), it is also recommended to visit a doctor. And when we realize it's neither urine nor blood down there, it can be pretty unsettling. Make sure to see your doctor as soon as possible and get tested for diseases like chlamydia or Gonorrhea, which are easily transmittable if not treated immediately. Anyway, here's what to know about this annoying but important type of discharge. Hi. Yellow discharge pregnancyIf you notice yellow vaginal discharge, it could indicate infection. When a grey whitish discharge is seen, it is usually a polymicrobial situation. However, you may continue to experience vaginal discharge during and after menopause. So, yes pregnancy can make watery discharge feels like I peed myself. This post was written by Dr. Adeniyi Adesanya, a qualified & passionate medical doctor who loves to educate people about healthy living and lifestyle. Clear and watery discharge can increase at any point during your cycle. Brown Discharge Before Period: Why Is It Happening? Infection by this pathogen is via sexual means. So if you have watery discharge than usual, but it only sticks around for a day or two, it might be your body's way of saying that you're extra fertile right now. If you're experiencing the sensation of peeing a release of your bladder with urine passing through your urethra and then realize that it's actually vaginal discharge, it's definitely time to see your doctor. It can be from something as serious as an STD to something minimal, like a change in your diet. See a clinician in 15 minutes. However, there are a few characteristics of vaginal discharge that need to be observed to judge if it is healthy or time to visit your GP.. A healthy discharge is watery or milky . Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. Vaginal discharge is normal and healthy, but changes to vaginal discharge are a common cause of concern. The thinning of the vaginal walls called vaginal atrophy can cause watery discharge during menopause. Brown discharge is usually not a cause for alarm especially if it is after menstruation. If you experience brownish discharge, immediately after your menstrual period, chances are that this may be normal. The body can also produce up to 30 times more mucus leading up to ovulation than it does after ovulation. Discuss it with your doctor to find out what is going on with your body. The following signs of abnormal discharge should prompt a visit to your doctor: Yellowish/greenish discharge is often caused by Trichomonas vag*nalis.,,,, It can also change depending on ones life cycle, whether you are still an adolescent, a pregnant woman or during menopause. This happens to about 10% of women who use clindamycin or metronidazole. This is because there are some sexually transmitted diseases and other vaginal infections that may have similar symptoms. Hormonal imbalances due to stress or other health conditions, likepolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), may alsocause increasesin vaginal discharge. After intercourse also, there is usually a watery discharge from the vagina. Watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself before your period is usually caused by: 1)Elevated oestrogen levels: Estrogen levels change throughout the menstrual cycle. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. DrugsBank is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and may make money from this or other affiliate programs. 24/7 care support Do you feel any pain in your pelvis, back, or abdomen? (2018). Arousal comes with an increase in vaginal discharge. This discharge is usually white, clear, thin, and stretchy (it's sometimes compared to egg whites). It is important to note that the factors that affects the amount of discharge mainly is the phase of the menstrual cycle. Watery Discharge feels like i Peed myself. A number of STDs can cause distinct changes in vaginal discharges, altering the color, scent, and more. Glands inside your vagina and cervix create vaginal discharge to carry away dead cells and bacteria. This is because the hormones in the contraceptive thicken the cervical fluid. Some changes in the color, texture, or odor of vaginal discharge are normal and can be attributed to phases of the menstrual cycle. This can interfere with the normal vag*na flora. Vaginal discharge can be uncomfortable, but using panty liners or changing underwear multiple times a day can help increase comfort and prevent infections. Set up your free account in a minute. Consult a doctor. Discharge of this color may signify an infection, especially if it is clumpy and thick or accompanied by a strange odor. You also need to present your male partner for treatment. Thanks to estrogen which helps you produce more vag*nal fluids. However, vaginal discharge is thin and clear, whereas when your water breaks, it releases amniotic fluid, which is pale and straw-colored. It is without odor or smell. Medicine,46(6), 319-324. doi: Hillier, S., Austin, M., Macio, I., Meyn, L., Badway, D., & Beigi, R. (2020). It could also happen because your hormones change, and you're sexually excited or pregnant. very normal for anyone with a vagina! Sometimes, an increase in vaginal discharge can be a result of the presence of a foreign object in the vagina such as a tampon, condom, or IUD. Your 34 weeks pregnant belly is starting to look like you are about to pop. This is because the discharge helps to cleanse your vag*na and make it free from infection. This is absolutely normal and is not a cause for alarm. This is a condition where the walls of the vagina become thinner, and watery discharge is common with it. An increase in Oestrogen also causes a watery discharge like pee. A wet watery discharge can be a sign of early pregnancy. Your genitals may feel warm, and your underwear may feel damp, moist, or soaked. A vaginal yeast infection most often occurs when candida albicans, a fungus that is a natural part of the microflora of the vagina, overgrows. For those who find panty liners uncomfortable, another option is to change your underwear multiple times a day if the wet sensation is bothersome. When sexually aroused, your body produces a clear, watery discharge. Vaginal discharge can start one year before a person with a vagina starts their period. This is quite normal and your body is just doing its thing. When their is continuous intake of hormonal contraceptives which also contains oestrogen, the oestrogen level of in the woman is highly increased and this leads to a very high discharge of fluids from the vagina which might seem like you have peed yourself. However, some changes may indicate a []. Clear, watery discharge, however, is rarely a sign of a problem. How to Make Your Breast Grow Bigger Overnight FAST! Watery discharge and itching is often a sign of probable infection. As stated earlier, cervix plays a role in the formation of the discharge that comes out from a womans body. Familiar anyone? Posts: 563. vaginal discharge.feels like i'm peeing I've been getting this weird type of discharge lately. The healthy vag*na provides a wet, warm environment, which can encourage the growth of fungi such as Albicans and other microbes. This includes an increase in vaginal discharge while your hormones adjust. Ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle where the ovaries release an egg, and it occurs around 14 days before the first day of your next period. Another cause of vaginal discharge in women is hormonal imbalance, as mentioned earlier watery vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy part of some womens life. Not only do they cause excess discharge, they also cause the production of a discharge that has a foul smell. The discharge from your vagina is a natural part of being female. Location: Ontario, Canada. PCOS is a condition that which the ovaries are surrounded by lots of immature follicles. The microorganisms have gained more power over the lactobacilli in the vagina. Reviewed by Dr. Iryna Ilyich Hence, the infection is called trichomoniasis. Youre about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before. Naturally, their bodies produce lubrication to keep us moisturized and happy. i have noticed alot of bleeding. This discharge on a normal circumstance has no odour and it appears colourless or clear, also the quantity of the discharge in normal condition do not cause discomfort to the women. No need to feel guilty my friend. Its possible that youre ovulating at this period. This means that antibiotic treatment can sometimes end up causing a vaginal yeast infection (candida fungus). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The whitish discharge could occur as a result of infection with the fungi called Candida Albicans. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Pregnancy (watch video) Most women that get pregnant will experience a clear discharge that is excessive. Another infection affecting the vagina is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which occurs when there is an imbalance in the bacteria that reside in the vagina, leading to an overgrowth of lactobacillus bacteria. So, you need to call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following: Your doctor may also need to order some laboratory tests and conduct some clinical examinations to be sure of the diagnosis. Have you used any feminine hygiene products recently? Your doctor may need to perform some tests to be able to specifically say whats wrong. However, excessive watery discharge may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. In this article, Ill explore what clear discharge is, how to know what is normal, and when you should see a doctor. The greyish discharge could also be caused by two or more types of infection. In preparation for ovulation and during it, discharge tends to be stretchy and wet. We are here to help you. UTI While Breastfeeding: Is It Safe? Clear, watery vaginal discharge is never caused for concern. A thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese. This is usually the uterus clearing the remnants of the uterine wall that did not come with the menstrual flow. 3. Even the act of inserting things like yoni pearls can cause harm to the resident microflora of the vagina. Just before a period, discharge is often white or cloudy, because of raised levels of the hormoneprogesterone. First, we should point out that when talking about vaginal discharge, there are a lot of variables to consider including when it comes to watery discharges that make it feel like you peed yourself. It is important to note that the amount of discharge depends on certain factors, including the phase of the menstrual cycle and this can occur at any age. The [], Increased or abnormal grey vaginal discharge can indicate certain changes in your body chemistry or the presence of disease. It will prevent infection from traveling to your womb, placenta, or baby. Most common signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women are irregular periods, fatigue, thinning hair, thinning skin on the face and body, and watery vaginal discharge. Immediately after a period, vaginal discharge may be brownish, due to remnants of blood in the vagina. I have Googled this and found a few other women have experienced it but no 'answers' iyswim. You may also experience higher amounts of vag*nal discharge after sexual activities. If neither of those things applies to you, pink discharge may still be no big deal, but it could also signal a medical condition that needs attention. These contraceptive pills causes a very high quantity of discharge order than normal. Almostall people experience an increase in vaginal discharge with pregnancy. Jessica has a Masters of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering. Other symptoms include anything from excess facial and body hair and weight gain to irregular periods and infertility. We have Taken Scan and AFI is Adequate and Range is 38 cm. Usually, a thin, clear, or milky discharge is seen as healthy, as long as it does not have an unpleasant smell. Healthy discharge usually has mild or no odour. You can also have a leaking watery discharge and not be pregnant at all.