Nearing the point of stepping down as top dog, she is thrown a lifeline from an unlikely ally. Jake is trapped when Ferguson reveals that her lawyers have ensured that the drug money trail leads direct to him. What season is Vera pregnant on Wentworth? Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot The Danger Within. Jakey, Stewart, Jake The Snake, Jakey The Hero. During Episode 1, many fans tweeted that Vera and Meg seemed to have switched roles/names. Realising that Liz is ill and vulnerable, she takes advantage of her condition and convinces her that Boomer was responsible. He later finds out that Vera is pregnant and he says he can make it work, but Vera refuses and tells him he will have nothing to do in her life or the babys. She was quite a pleasant officer to begin with, trying to get to know the prisoners as people, trying to help prisoners adjust to life at Wentworth, and so on.. Vera helped to induct Bea Smith, and was a bit of a friend to her in general. The season comprises 12 episodes. Meanwhile, Derek Channing tries to build his case against Ferguson, but soon realises that she will not be taken down easily. But Franky doesn't die! Vera believes that there is some supernatural power controlling this island. Vera learns from Ann that her daughter died in a blast caused by terrorists and Judy reminds her of everything she lost. With Maxine as acting Top Dog, Ferguson places Tasha in Lucy's orbit and when Tasha breaks the rules Maxine appears to have no choice but to punish Tasha. 01. Vera in her office watches Linda spray Judy on Ann's orders and reports her for it. As the forces align against Ferguson, she begins to unravel, realising she is in a fight of her life, professionally and personally. S5 E1 Vera later makes Ferguson clean up vomit on the prison floor. 2022-06-22; junior apprentice where are they now . Boomer faces a crisis of courage when she takes on Lou for top dog and Judy convinces Allie to help with her bid for extradition. Stewart's arrival at Wentworth is overseen by Vera Bennett and shown around the prison by Will Jackson. Vera informs Rita that she cannot see Ruby as Will has denied the request, and when Rita goes to jump the fence, she gets caught in it and Vera radios for help telling Rita not to move. She is painted as a 'screw-lover', and rapidly begins to lose the support of the women. In episode five, Vera is in the staffroom when Ann flies off the handle about the camera in the prison. Its success is largely due to the relatability of the prisoner and prison guard characters, who deal with real-life issues in a more controlled setting. The beginning of a new era: dangerous new prisoners threaten to turn a post-siege Wentworth upside-down. Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. Bea struggles to accept that she had a psychotic episode, despite the CCTV evidence. Vera runs into Miller and tells him to read several other inmates files on what Ferguson was involved in and Will later stand in the security room and threaten to bring down both Ferguson and Miller. They meet in a little cafe near Franky's office. S2 E4 Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. Franky's parole hearing is brought forward. Later Vera returns to court with a folder full of notes she would be ready to show the court until Ferguson reveals she has had her memory back for a while. Will and Vera talk where Vera says she is calling it off as she doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. S8 E1 S2 E8 Stewart before his time at Wentworth served as a warder at Long Bay Prison and Walford Prison, in which his time at Walford he had a sexual relationship with Sean Brody. The Pink Dragon. Bea is released from the slot and is immediately confronted by Lucy - if Bea doesn't punish Tasha for her break in prison rules, Lucy and her crew will be forced to. Wentworth explores interesting social dynamics in a prison setting. Indelible Ink. Vera sleuths on the prison computer the results of her drug test. Vera Bennett is the former Governor of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Maxine is committed to the chemotherapy and her prison family rallies around her. Season 5 took its fans through twists and turns, especially in episode 11. When the door is open Lou is pepper sprayed and taken away by Jake and another guard. Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. In the aftermath of Rita's exposure as a cop, the family fights for survival while Ann continues to unravel. The Velvet Curtain, S1 E6 Meanwhile, while Sonia and Boomer join forces in a new work project which involves erecting hanging plant pots. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media He later tells Eve that she is needed to clean the conjugal room. S6 E3 Franky pays a high price in the name of retribution. Season 4 Vera becomes Governor of Wentworth after Joan is arrested and sent to Wentworth Correctional Centre as an inmate.. Vera struggles in the governorship due to several incidents and a board after blood. Maxine is back after surgery and finds herself in the crossfire of huge tension between Boomer, Liz and Sonia. S9 E7 Vera talks with Will about Miller and how she knows everything. Finally exposed as Allie's attacker, a desperate Judy makes an audacious play for Lou's protection while Ferguson fuels Eve's obsession with Jake. Will confronts Jake and makes him realise what he did for Joan. 4. S2 E12 Jake wants to do more and tells Vera he loved spending time with her. Later after the prison explodes, Vera finds Judy, but she is dead. Franky's escape plan goes haywire with near-tragic consequences. Wentworth's Final Sentence: Second Episode. Showdown. Mere Anarchy. Meanwhile, Boomer's position as Franky's muscle is under threat. S7 E9 Vera refuses Jake's idea and says that she needs to stop running from her past. But there is still unfinished business to attend to which doesn't go to plan. In Wentworth's new season she's dealt with nothing but big dilemmas, from escapees and stabbings to her own personal situation of discovering she's pregnant to Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) after their fling last season.. Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate. When Ferguson realises Bea is the driving force behind the complaint her revenge is swift and brutal, leaving Jodie isolated and without support during the hearing. Ferguson delivers Vera her coup de grace. Jake eventually cuts ties with Turk. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. S9 E9 Later Vera taunts Joan and says that she could've walked free and what her "end game was.". Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth. Later on Vera spots a disjointed Linda Miles who tells her what is going on. Is Joan Ferguson faking it? Bad Blood. Vera in episode 7, informs Rita that the doctors need to operate immediately and Rita asks if she can go and see her, but Vera says she'll speak to Will about it, Vera then grills Will about why he released Marie from the slot so early and says that just because Marie is grieving her son its not a good look for drugs to be seen. Boomer blossoms under Sonia's attention. Vera talks with Allie and tells her that what Ferguson said under the LSD is meaningless. Jake tells Linda that he knows about Sean and that if she needs to talk, he'll be there, Linda who is upset says "Thanks Jake." Vera tries to poison Ferguson but Jake talks the milk she tainted and almost makes a coffee with it. Fractured. Ascension. The extent of Bea's plan is revealed as she makes the final moves to avenge Debbie's death. tides equities los angeles . Vera later hears Ferguson in the yard laughing and goes to talk with Miller about it and she says that they must know each other. I see a lot of people saying Jake was just caught up in a bad situation with Ferguson (and hence Vera should take him back) but imho what Brody implied is that Jake was in no way innocent before getting involved in all that. In episode ten, Vera is first seen during the staff meeting after Marie Winter's death guards will be stationed outside of the unit, Linda says that they don't have the staff and Vera doesn't think its fair. by. Afterlife. With Bea and Allie finally out as a couple, Kaz forms an alliance with Tina's Asian crew to help take Bea down. One Eye Open. Meanwhile, Bea seems to be losing control of the women so she forces a prison-wide vote to end the debate. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. On the eve of Vera's birthday, Ferguson puts her plan in motion to take over the prison, instructing an increasingly-conflicted Jake to draw Vera even closer. Bleed Out. Fly Me Away. S3 E2 Nickname Jake Stewart is a Senior Officer and former Deputy Governor at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Vera watches on as Ferguson is in the psych unit. His behaviour was exposed to Will, Kaz and eventually Vera. Checkmate, S2 E1 Ferguson is rattled when she discovers that Bea will be supporting Jesper's evidence in court. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. In episode ten Vera struggles to settle Grace as she deals with Ferguson's upcoming committal hearing and the stress of the prison. In episode one, Jake is first seen telling Ferguson that she has an appointment with Dr Miller, while he takes her to the appointment Joan fantasizes about snapping his neck. A surprise letter sets Franky on a radical new solution to her problems. In episode five Jake is with Vera and Will when they learn of Ferguson's "total memory loss" and is later present at the presentation that Ann is giving, Jake laughs at it and later lets Ruby out on day release and has a shift in the laundry. is graham wardle still married to allison wardle; poorest city in north carolina; the coast neighborhood cambridge They could start by setting it when Nash, Brody and Jake were there (season 2 in Wentworth time, 2014ish). Jake also deals with the guilt of killing Nils Jesper for Joan Ferguson (Wentworth), and he attempts to hide the fact that it was him who did it. Into The Night. Meanwhile Bridget struggles to force Franky to accept that she has an emotional block. Jake learns that Vera knows that he killed Jesper and he threatens Will that he will go down with him, so they later dig up Ferguson. Vera tells him they will have to find dirt on him in order to sack him. Freak Show. Jake, Linda and Will later drug bust Kosta and Hutchins and find a lot more then they bargain for. In episode seven, Vera is present when Will tells everyone about the threat that Lou has made to them. Jake returns to her later and said that it worked. Jake leads Marie back into general. Becoming Liz's protector, Kaz also demonstrates a harder, tougher top doggedness. Jake later tells Vera about it and when Vera goes to take the call from Ann, Jake takes the milk that Vera laced and Vera runs off after him and tells Jake the truth that Ferguson had passports under the Kath Maxwell name. Battle Lines. Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes. Loose Ends. And as . S6 E6 Vinegar Tits In episode 9 Vera listens to Marie and Will have sex in her office during the night, and in the morning confronts him about it, Will tries to justify his actions but Vera tells him "At least I didn't bury a prisoner alive." The first ever conjugal visit takes place at the prison, and Boomer shamelessly attempts to impregnate herself to her deadbeat ex-boyfriend, Daz. S9 E2 It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". After being slotted for an aggressive confrontation with Ferguson, Liz's world is rocked with the arrival of a new prisoner. S8 E4 Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy Season 3 Vera gets infected with Hep C during a riot set up by Bea Smith, Vera keen to find out who does it, learns from Linda that Ferguson never opened the doors and it was Channing who did so. Vera tells us Kath Maxwell, the homeless woman The Freak stole the identity of, was the corpse they saw when they dug up the grave to check Joan was definitely in . Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? Vera undermines Ferguson's "self-defence" plea in Bea Smith's slaying but her victory will come at a cost. S8 E8 Vera later helped bring down Ferguson taking her complaints to the board. Playing a dangerous game of her own, Allie claims responsibility for the accident to convince Tina of her allegiance. As Ruby undergoes surgery for the ruptured brain aneurysm, Rita makes a desperate appeal to Vera to be with her sister in hospital. Jake makes it outside where he is still frantic to find Vera until he sees her come from the distance, he hugs her. He manages to make it too the boiler room to see Vera has delivered there child safely and Vera names her Grace, Grace is seen touching Jake's finger and its revealed to Boomer and Liz that Jake is the father. Boomer, Liz, Vera and Will are the only characters to appear in every episode with Linda following close behind only missing one episode the pilot. And as Jake points out, there's a simple solution: go back and . Metamorphosis. With Wentworth into its sixth season and still riding a wave of success, Jake unlike many of the show's characters is still breathing, proving Curry's move has proved a winner. Welcome to Wentworth Centre Extra! After Erica's shock resignation from Wentworth Correctional Centre Vera serves as Acting Governor until Joan Ferguson is made governor of Wentworth. In episode nine, Jake says that he has seen the news reports of Joan saying that she could get off. Here's a guide to when you can watch season 9 on Netflix including a confirmed Netflix US date and predicted release dates for other regions around the globe. It's the worst possible scenario for Jake, who had been willing to risk his own life to save Vera and the baby's. It's a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Vera, who shoots him a look that can only be described as devastating. Vera is later asked by Linda to go to the governors office as the police wish to speak with her. Jake with the help of the prisons drug dealers Tina Mercado and her crew manage to flood the prison with gear. In episode two, Vera returns to work as Industries Manager and tells them about the decision to let the women work in the call centre. Sins Of The Mother. Ferguson, having found protection in Kaz's crew, cunningly blames Will for her brutal ganging, a move which only strengthens Kaz's support for her. Jake is later roaming the corridors when he tells Vera about the vomit on the floor. As always, Ferguson has an endgame but will she live to accomplish it? Kate Atkinson has stated in interviews that Vera will get nasty over time, and this has been correctly proven in Episode's 8, 9 and 10. Agendas and conspiracies clash as several life-and-death struggles reach their dramatic conclusion. During what becomes an angry exchange, Bea is left with a shattering notion. When the lab results point to Doreen being pregnant, Ferguson threatens to have Doreen's lover, Nash's, parole revoked unless lies about the father. Fear Her. Jacs realises she has to make a final play to break Bea. 100%. S2 E9 Joan Ferguson, aka "The Freak" (Pamela Rabe), finally told Vera (Kate Atkinson) the truth about Jake (Bernard Curry). Vera stepped closer to the Top . Vera became close to Matthew Fletcher until the two broke up. Perhaps the only shining light is that Will (Robbie Magasiva) has finally been vindicated. In episode nine Jake inducts Sheila to Wentworth after she is brought in on murder charges. He was introduced as correctional officer, and husband of Governor Meg Jackson up until her death. Happy Birthday, Vera. "Bea fans won't agree with that, but to ensure the standard remained where it is now, Bea needed to go . Jake is later in the kitchen when Eve and Joan are talking. Do Doreen and Nash stay together? Vera and Rita wait for news as the two talk, Rita informs Vera that the injury was her fault, as the night goes on, Rita and Vera get to know each other better and Rita tells Vera that she'll make a great mum, Vera holds Rita's hand and puts it to her belly to feel the baby kick. S1 E3 Divide And Conquer. But when she challenges Franky to talk about her mother, she elicits a confession she wasn't expecting. Seeing Red. Foxtel finds out exactly why that is. Ends And Means. Bea agrees to a visit with Kaz Proctor to demand she and her group stop committing violence in her name. Marie Winter, arrives in Wentwort. Something Dies. This version of Vera is nothing like the Vera of the original to begin with. S1 E8 An increasingly guilt-ridden Jake defies Ferguson by encouraging Vera to leave Wentworth with him. As Bea and Allie take their illicit affair further, Bea finds herself uncharacteristically tentative and vulnerable. Vera later tells Will about what happened and she says she needs to report her once and for all. This causes friction between Erica and Vera. With Vera under Jake's spell, Ferguson performs an ultimate act of terror to dethrone Kaz and rule Wentworth. Vera finds herself under added pressure at work when the press criticise her reopening of the workshop. A critically-acclaimed, award-winning gritty drama that follows the inmates of a women's prison. In episode 10, Vera goes into labour while being taken hostage in the laundry along with the others, is taken hostage by Sean to get pain relief when one of his cronies is shot in the arm. S1 E1 In episode six Vera is present when Cynthia is taken to medical and tells Linda that she will deal with Marie instead of Will. In episode eight Jake is furious when Miller takes Joan to the creche. . Meanwhile, Franky pursues Shayne in the hope of exposing Ferguson's plan to undermine her trial and secure her release from Wentworth. Ann attacks Vera to the point Vera losses consciousness, Vera sees Joan but she passes out before she could see what Joan does. None of us are thanks to you." Vera Bennett is the Industries Manager at Wentworth Correctional Centre. The show returns to TVNZ 2 for its seventh season this week, picking up a few months after Vera announced her pregnancy, at the same time telling the baby's father, corrupt prison officer Jake . In episode 8 Jake returns to work and immediately notices Linda upset after losing on a bet, and when Sean laughs at it Jake gives him a feral look, Jake also gives Liz a letter from Artie, and learns from Liz that the medication is working when he thinks it didn't. S3 E6 June 27, 2022; how to get infinite lingots in duolingo; chegg payment options; when does vera find out about jake on wentworth . Last appearance: Legacy. Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. Lou discovers her phone is missing and all the money for Reb's transition surgery has been stolen. Alive S4 E9 Kaz stages a protest with the women in the yard in an attempt to force Vera's hand on the conjugal visits program. Vera is faced with the ethical problem of investigating who let Bea into a restricted area. Even if . Vera later goes on a night out with Ann and leaves Grace with Jake. Think Inside The Box. It's the day of Franky and Allie's break for freedom, but events in the prison are conspiring against them. 10. S3 E11 Jake escorts Kelly into the prison and tells the staff to process her then slot her. S8 E5 hessy wa kayole pictures. In episode 6, Jake's jealously again comes to the forefront, as he is pissed off that Vera is close to Miller, and Jake later learns off of Nurse Shen that Liz's medication helps but she had a rocky start to the medication due to a psychotic episode, later Jake sneaks into Miller's office and takes a photo of Liz's file and reports him to the medical board, he also spots Brody handing drugs over to Marie, and when Brody tries to blackmail him, Jake smashes him up against his locker and says that he has been blackmailed by smarter people than him (meaning Ferguson), Jake is later suspended as Brody has falsely accused him of a "sustained campaign of sexual harassment" Jake refuses to believe it but he leaves the room suspended pending an internal investigation.
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