We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Indeed, as Sison suggests, the cultural milieu of Whale Rider is characterised by the ongoing Maori quest for soul and identity in the postcolonial aftermath (Sison 2012: 122), and it is these themes, as well as female empowerment, which underpin the narrative. The Whale Rider isn't like every other story I've read before. "Whale Rider" [ ] There's an amusing sequence where they practice looking ferocious to scare their enemies. Koros adoption of Western/Pakeha clothing and his noticeable reliance on modern technologies (i.e. Whale Rider is an expressive, cultural drama film by the award winning director Nikola Jean "Niki" Caro, that explores the ideas of love, rejection, tradition and gender roles. Her father refuses leadership, and returns to Germany, but Paikea is interested, even though she is a female and it goes against all tradition. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. Whale Rider exemplified the Ideology of Patriarchy perfectly because of how Koro ran his tribe. Though there is a recurrent and overarching feeling of great-whale-in-the-sea calm, strength and beauty, there is a strong undercurrent of emotional turmoil, with which each of the main characters struggle., A physical journey is more than a physical movement. berkeley Synopsis An error occurred trying to load this video. Upon accepting Rawiri undergoes a transformation, immediately feeling at one with his ancient tribal heritage: This artefact of tradition has an almost sacramental character and seems to immediately recall him to himself, to remind him of not only who he is but who is called to be. Hemis father also shows sign of beginning internalized.. This novel unfolds the history of the Maori Tribe that by tradition the new chief would be the first born son directly descended from their ancient ancestor Paikea. In The Whale Rider, Kahu is a young Maori girl who wants to be the chief of her tribe, but cannot be because in her culture that role is only for men. And then--well, the movie does not end as we expect. Koro, who is the Chief of the Maori tribe, is the other important character of the film. Chapter 1 begins in myth, and myths explain what was once unexplainable to a people. Fearing that his granddaughter has drowned Koro finally understands that it was Pai all along who was destined to be the tribes new leader, finally accepting that he must adapt his cultural beliefs. The first is of an indigenous girl named Kahu in a New Zealand Maori village who rediscovers the power of her people's belief that their ancestors came to their island on the backs of whales. He is acting out of distress when he moves to Germany to pursue a career as an artist, and he has learned that he can never live up to Koros expectations. The films plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana (Pai)[In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribes chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. Koros frustration is plain to see as he proceeds to exclude both Hami and Pai from his final challenge to determine who will become the next chief. We will write a custom Essay on Face Negotiation Theory in the Film "Whale Rider" specifically for you. This upsets Paikeas grandfather who out of nger says that he does not need Paikea, and that she is just a hassle. Whale Rider is about the current chief, Koro, having to accept that the tradition of the first born males becoming the next chief will have change, and the challenges he has to overcome by letting a female become leader and breaking the tradition and letting a girl be in control. The movie, which takes place in the present day in New Zealand, begins with the birth of twins. Koro explains to her about her ancestors and he uses a rope to demonstrate how the strings from the rope represent her ancestors. Pai is played by Keisha Castle-Hughes, a newcomer of whom it can only be said: This is a movie star. Though the film has a strong female character, there are still male dominant elements throughout it. She made a loud sound and the whales dove into the water, as if Kahu was warning them. Since the largest whale traditionally belongs to the legendary Paikea. $15.00. By continuing, well assume you agree with our Cookies policy. It won the audience awards as the most popular film at both the Toronto and Sundance film festivals, played to standing ovations, left audiences in tears. Personality determined, wise, and sensitive. Sep 30, 2014. In the Paikea tribe, only the first-born son should be the leader of the tribe, which proves difficult for Paikea, since she is a female. As for Pai, all she wants to do is to earn Koros respect this point is brightly illustrated in the scene where she gives a speech dedicated to Koro. The film ends with the village, including Pais father, uncle, and grandparents, celebrating her status as leader, as the finished waka is hauled into the sea for its maiden voyage. The film was a coproduction between New . A special attention should be paid to a the concept of shadows in the story, as it has an important meaning. She stands up for what she believes even in the face of the adults around her, and isnt afraid to take risks to do whats right. On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their presence there dates back a thousand years or more to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. The Maori, the native Polynesian people of New Zealand, are looking for a male descendant of Paikea the brave leader who escaped death on the back of a whale to lead them and restore the traditions. As Koro has made it crystal clear that no girl can ever become chief, its an uphill battle, to say the least. A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to full fill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize., Whale Rider shows just how important culture and tradition is to some people. Ihimaera was inspired to write the book in 1985 while living in an apartment in New York overlooking the Hudson River. I highly recommend you use this site! Pais koro, Apirana, or Old Paka as his wife Nanny Flowers calls him, the leader of the tribe, is initially angry at losing his grandson and being left with a worthless female. She gives birth to a baby girl, but things soon take a turn for the worse as the narrator reveals, When I was born, my twin brother died and took our mother with him. But Pai has several surprises for her tradition-bound grandfather that will open his eyes and the rest of the tribe to her true destiny. This is a hot issue of many cultures through the world even today, as women try to gain a respectable place by hard working. Meet Kahu, a young Maori girl, and follow her journey as she contradicts the roles females are expected to play. The most rewarding of these is that of Pai and her grandfather. Another example is how Pais father leaves Pai with Koro while hes in Germany pursuing his career as an artist. Her grandfather, who is her Herald in a way, condemns her for issues within the tribe. Sison (2012: 134) proposes that this ending follows a particular theological trajectory, with Paikeas symbolic reincarnation having a transformative impact on the community. All People have the same emotions: they upset and cry, they feel happy and laugh. Koros youngest son Rawiri, meanwhile, has turned to drugs and alcohol as a form of escape, whilst the younger children of the tribe laugh and joke as Maori rituals are performed on the marea, more concerned with football and cigarettes. When Kahu finds out, she is devastated. Whale Rider Photo Credit: Everett Collection Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Growing Up without ever knowing her mother or twin brother. No plagiarism guarantee. Janet Wilson, Re-representing Indigeneity: Approaches to History in recent New Zealand Australian Films, in Alistair Fox, Barry Keith Grant and Hilary Radner, (eds), New Zealand Cinema: Interpreting the Past, Bristol, Intellect, 2011, pp. Whale Rider is a great example of the problems that many cultures and families are facing around the world. Rehua's family wanted to raise her in their tribe. It has a lot of awards through the world: BAFTA Childrens Award, Best Feature Film 2003; Broadcast Film Critics Association Award, Best Young Actor/Actress (Keisha Castle-Hughes) 2004; Chicago Film Critics Association Award, Most Promising Performer (Keisha Castle-Hughes) 2004; Cinemanila International Film Festival, Special Jury Prize 2003; Humanitas Prize, Sundance Film Category 2003; Independent Spirit Award, Best Foreign Film (New Zealand) 2004; Mexico City International Contemporary Film Festival and others. An enduring issue is one that many groups across time have attempted to solve with wildly varying degrees of success. In response to Porourangis announcement and the realisation that he has failed to anoint a suitable heir to leadership, Koro gathers all firstborn males from the tribe to teach them ancient Ngati Konohi culture and traditions, with the intention that one of these boys will become the tribes next chief. However, Pai fixes the rope and the motor runs fine, much to Koros frustration; frustrated that a young girl managed to repair something he couldnt, and for what it symbolises, that a female could become chief and restore the tribe. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Whale rider scene analysis Introduction Whale Rider follows a little girl named Paikea (whose mother and twin brother died at birth and her father is in Germany) as she tries to find acceptance from her grandfather (Koro), who blames her for "all" their issues and is chastised multiple times by Koro. *You can also browse our support articles here >. 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Movie analysis The Whale Rider Together with Yavaraj Athur Raghuvir I watched the movie called The Whale Rider which deals with the issue of cultural restrains both as an individual and as a society. In the film Whale Rider depicts a culture in transition. The main social issue that is brought up by the film is the function of the woman in a world controlled mostly by men. She leaves with her father, but on their way to the airport, she suddenly decides to turn around and return to her grandparents, for she cannot leave them. Koro tells Kahu that he loves her regardless of whether she is a girl or a boy, and he names her the new leader, called Paikea, just like the founder of their tribe. As Pai grows older, her defiant character of a leader becomes evident. The biggest whale, the founder of Maori culture, has a special relationship with the whale rider, a young man who sits upon its back. On her journey to become the leader of the tribe, she comes across numerous amounts of challenges from her grandfather, Koro. However, Koro was late, and as he was walking to the school, he notices that numerous right whales are beached near Pais home. to help you write a unique paper. Koro had believed that Porourangis first-born was destined to be the boy who would be chief, responsible for leading the community into a new age of prosperity, and he initially refuses to acknowledge his granddaughter. Until one person prepares to make the sacrifice to save the peoplethe Whale Rider. account. us: [emailprotected]. Various types of journeys can be seen clearly in the three texts studied this year: The Happiest Refugee extract, written by Anh Doh in 2010, The Silver Donkey novel by Sonya Hartnett in 2004 and the film Bend It Like Beckham directed by Gurinder Chadha in 2002. "Whale Rider" arrives in theaters already proven as one of the great audience-grabbers of recent years. Unbeknown to Koro, Rawiri later takes Pai out in the boat, who not only finds the necklace, but also manages to catch a lobster as a present for her grandfather. This film combines elements of history, traditions, depicting them from the point of view of a child, that sees the world not in black and white terms. After being told for so many years that she is worthless because she is a girl, Pai is also struggling to find acceptance and love. Create your account, 4 chapters | AUTHOR OF THE NOVEL THE WHALE RIDER - WITI IHIMAERA The film is based on the book The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera. Pride can be seen in both positive and negative ways. Her mother died giving birth, and her twin brother never had a chance. 545 Words3 Pages. Explores intrinsically linked ideas of discovery through the lens of cultural identity and heritage. Pai, in an attempt to bridge the rift that has formed, invites Koro to be her guest of honour at a concert of Mori chants that her school is putting on. Kahu is found floating in the ocean and protected by dolphins. Both are signs of internalized oppression. This shows how Koro does not want anything to do with Pai. First of all, because Paikea is a woman, she is not fit to be the Maori leader. Interests whatever the boys are doing. Whale Rider 15th Anniversary Edition . The Whale Rider: Summary & Analysis 3:26 The Tequila Worm Lesson Plan American Born Chinese Novel Lesson Plan American Born Chinese: Book Summary, Analysis & Themes . However, Nanny tells Pai that her second son, Pais uncle, had won a taiaha tournament in his youth while he was still slim, so Pai secretly learns from him. cite it correctly. Tradition as a Tool for Oppressing Women in Witi Ihimaera's The Whale Rider The Influence of Beliefs on Individual Life in Witi Ihimaera's "The Whale Rider." Throughout the novel, Ihimaera juxtaposes the migration of a herd of whales with the Maori tribe's search for a male heir. : Taking Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault to Church, MI, Baker Academic, 2006. Pai climbs onto the back of the whale and makes it re-enter the ocean. convincing her grandfather, Koro, that even though shes a girl, shes still worthy to become leader of the tribe. The second concerns the ancient leader of a pod of cetaceans who has suffered The following chapter will compare and contrast the content, the structure, e.g. Furthermore, such a portrayal of a Maori tribe in their contemporary setting highlights post-colonial ambivalence in New Zealand, indicating that Maoris are not fully opposed to the hybridisation that has occurred during the colonial process. Her father, Porourangi, and Koro convinced Nanny Flowers that this was a good idea. Looking for a flexible role? In one of the scenes Koro and Pai are talking about a speech Pai has to do for school. Challenge. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny. She glows. Whale Rider (15th Anniversary Edition) [New Blu-ray] Shout Factory Select. Lyrics to Whalerider What's in Your Head? The film under analysis is called Whale Rider and focuses on the story of the Maori girl Pai who is interested in becoming the leader of her tribe. The program saw the city offer up to $1,200 for anyone looking to buy an electric bike, an additional $500 was also available for anyone considering a cargo bike. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The whales are safe again once man respects nature and the ocean again. Before man, "in the years that have gone before us, the land and sea felt a great emptiness, a yearning" (8). Many centuries ago a legendary ancestor named Paikea brought there the Maori people, who still lives there. All rights reserved. 'The Whale Rider' tells the story of a girl destined to be a leader of her people. While Kahu was visiting the family when she was two years old, she saw whales at the beach on the way back from a trip to the movies with her uncle Rawiri. The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera Buy Study Guide The Whale Rider Summary The story begins with a focus on the ancient days, when nature and all wildlife were excitedly waiting for the coming of man. The 2003 movie Whale Rider is a wonderful story, aptly described in this IMDB plot summary: A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, London and New York, Routledge, 1998. Whale Rider, then, brings into question the notion of postcolonial identity within New Zealand, with a renewal of tribal values being presented as the means by which the Maori people learn to adapt to the modern-day demands of urbanisation. To become the next chief., A journey is a physical or psychological adventure that takes from one place to another. He is certain that through a process of teaching the ancient chants, tribal lore and warrior techniques, the future leader of their tribe will be revealed to him. The Whale Rider by Witt Alhambra has many important themes that are represented by several characters in the text such as Koru Farina, who struggles to put aside traditional values and struggles to input moored values. Years later Koro is determined to find a leader and begins to teach and train the boys, in which Pai is not allowed to join because she is a girl. While the grandfather is explaining about the ancestors, hes trying to start the engine but the rope breaks. Whale Rider is a 2002 drama film directed by Niki Caro, based on the novel of the same name. Pais father refuses to assume traditional leadership; instead he moves to Germany to pursue a career as an artist. From the beginning, Paikea, or Pai, is a young girl in a mans world. This confidence was shattered when all boys failed in his final test of leadership, they have lost Koros closest symbolic representation of his faith: the whales tooth. Similarly, Smith (2006: 110) suggests the imposition of Pakeha culture and opportunities of modernity has created a lost generation amongst the Maori people, with several characters portraying the effects of this modern allure. She uses her gifts of communicating with nature to save a beached pod of whales, and because of that she is finally accepted. We`ll do boring work for you. Instead, she spies on them and does everything the class does, except by herself. For Brief Language and A Momentary Drug Reference, HBOs Rain Dogs Finds Humor, Despair in the Working-Class Mum at its Center, Berlinale Highlights, Part Three: Hummingbirds, Concrete Valley, Afire, The Oneness of All Things: On Sofia Alaouis Animalia, New York International Childrens Film Festival Opens Window to the World. Available at www.indiewire.com/article/girl_power_new_zealand_ writerdirector_niki_caro_talks_about_whale_ rider. Cinematographer: Leon Narbey. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Spirituality & Practice: Resources for Spiritual Journeys The Whale Rider Chapters 1-4 Summary & Analysis Part 1: "Prologue: The Coming of Kahutia Te Rangi" - Part 2: "Spring: The Force of Destiny" Chapter 1 Summary The land and sea are filled with suspense as they wait for the coming of man. Unfortunately the tradition was broken when Pais twin brother passes away. She completes her expected tasks of singing during concerts, escorting the boys into the marae, and leading the other girls in their performance. In one scene, Hami, the most promising student in Koros school, challenges Pai to a taiahi duel, which Pai eventually wins. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. Koro was very upset when Kahu was born because she was a girl, and since then has ignored her, even though she loves him very much and wants his affection. This technique stresses the notion of even items separated by time being interconnected which makes them part of the oneness of the world. The Whale Rider by Ihimaera, Witi at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 1439517193 - ISBN 13: 9781439517192 - 2008 . Traveling, in basketball, is a player taking too many steps without dribbling. This highlights the tensions between the traditional and the modern in Maori culture, with Koros stringent following of the tribes ancient traditions leading him to alienate his own kin, despite the fact that Pai shows more promise than any of the other boys. There are several enduring issues, such as the impact of cultural diffusion, or that of imperialism, presented Family is an important concept. Though she is loved by her grandfather named Koro, who is the Chief of the Maori tribe, she is not accepted as a future leader, and as a person as well. A nations culture resides in the heart and soul of its people- Mahatma Gandi and this culture is kept alive by what they do. "Man might carve his mark on the earth, but unless he's vigilant, Nature will take it all back.". The other text that I have studied Bran Nue Dae is also a good example of this. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Whale Rider (Lions Gate) (2002)(DVD)*DISC ONLY at the best online prices at eBay! Niki Caro's Whale Rider - An analysis in relation to journeys. The Manchurians have a unique way of life. Most heroes are big strong men, or mythical creatures that have thousands of stories and tales written about them. They are the Sea Shepherds and they operate under the United Nations World Charter for Nature. A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. The story takes place in New Zealand where the Maori people of a small village claim descent from the Whale Rider, Paikea. Dont As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Kahu's great-grandfather Koro is chief of the tribe, but because of his old age he is worried about who will be his heir. Whale Rider is a contemporary re-telling of the 1000-year-old legend about legendary first ancestor named Paikea. Amelia Earhart. 1672. Dont Give Up is an example of the theme because even though TJs dad turns to suicide and drugs in order to cope with the accident, he still decides to take that experience to help out children in need. However she finds that she cannot bear to leave the sea as the whale seems to be calling her back, tells her father to turn the car back and returns home. And if that were not bad enough, Paikea ("Pai") lost her father as well. For generations, this tribe was always told that a man is to be the leader. This is traditionally reserved for males. Editor: David Coulson. Koro sees it as a sign of failure and gets upset when Pai is touching the largest whale because he feels she has done enough damage. But, no, her people need her--whether or not her grandfather realizes it. You may use it as a guide or sample for Marginalised from contemporary New Zealand society, the Maori community is ostensibly struggling in rural poverty and obscurity; rusting car wrecks and abandoned machinery litter the otherwise idyllic Whangara coastline (the northeast region of New Zealands North Island where the film was shot), emphasising the intrusion of Western/Pakeha culture and the effects of modernity. This time, while no one is looking, Kahu jumps into the water and talks to the whales. The negative side of pride can be seen in both the play Antigone, written Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (DDLJ) translated as The Brave-Hearted Will Take Away the Bride is romantic bollywood film directed in 1995 by Aditaya Chopra. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? In every generation for more than one thousand years, a male heir born to the Chief succeeds to the title. The opening sequence presents a powerful juxtaposition between contemporary culture and Maori heritage, with a modern hospital birth-scene intercut with mysterious shots of a whale and a female narrator recounting the Maori tale of Paikea: a mythical descendant of the Ngati Konohi tribe who discovered Whangara on the back of a humpback whale after his canoe had capsized off the coast of Hawaiki the ancient Maori homeland. "Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future". The film "Whale rider" is considered to be a personal and family drama, showing that families even in the most far away parts of the world have similar relations and personal problems. He takes the remaining boys out to sea in his speedboat and throws his whale-tooth necklace overboard stating that he needs someone to demonstrate the spirit needed to recover the necklace (which symbolises the tribes connection to their ancestors). Soon after, there is another mass group of beached whales. They grew crops such as soybeans, apples, sorghum, and millet. Pai feels, that she can become the leader, but it is impossible for a woman to do so, and she is given little encouragement by her grandfather. Paikea trains in secret, eavesdropping on Koros classes, determined to learn all she can of her ancestral customs. I recite these facts right at the top of this review because I fear you might make a hasty judgment that you don't want to see a movie about a 12-year-old Maori girl who dreams of becoming the chief of her people. Pais father leaves her because he doesnt believe that there is such thing as a leader and shows that he does not want any part of the culture. This hero is an unlikely one, a small girl, from a small tribe, in a small village in New Zealand. She stands up to her grandfather in painful scenes, she finds dignity, and yet the next second she's running around the village like the kid she is. The theme ofWhale Rideris female empowerment is not unique, but the context in which it is presented is very interesting and unusual. Soon after, Rawiri moves to Australia and then Papua New Guinea to see the world. Pai states, Maori women have got to stop smoking, we have to protect our childbearings. This quote helps to show how the women do not care about their health and just smoke. Pai is found alive and the film closes with the whole tribe embracing their Maori culture, celebrating through traditional Maori rituals. The leader is usually a male, and because pai is a female, her grandfather, koro is unhappy about her birth. Sounds too ethnic, uplifting and feminist, right? While the movie Whale Rider is set in New Zealand and reflects Mori traditions and culture, it's relatable to kids everywhere. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. But her Grandfather, Koro Apirana, wanted a male chief for his tradition. There are several similarities and differences between The Whale Rider and Whale Rider. The book's narrator, Kahu's uncle Rawiri, then explains that the tribe's first chief and ancestor, Kahutia Te Rangi, who is also called Paikea, came to their land on the back of a whale, making him the whale rider. We see the different techniques employed by composers through Peter Skrzyneckis Crossing the Red Sea and Immigrants at Central Station, Shirley Geok-lin Lims The Town Where Time Stands Still and The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham., The killer whale, also known as an orca, is known to be the largest dolphin. . Based on Witi Ihimaeras novel of the same name, Niki Caros Whale Rider is a moving depiction of a young Maori girl battling to overturn the patriarchal traditions of her Ngati Konohi tribal community. "Whale Rider" arrives in theaters already proven as one of the great audience-grabbers of recent years. (1998: 139), this highlights a form of colonial mimicry, whereby the indigenous population adopts the colonisers cultural habits. Only Koro had failed to turn up; distant cries had drawn him to the beach where a pod of whales lay dying. After Koro realizes how sacred and special Kahu is, he sees the error of his ways and finally accepts Kahu. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ Whale Rider, then, brings into question the notion of postcolonial identity within New Zealand, with a renewal of tribal values being presented as the means by which the Maori people learn to adapt to the modern-day demands of urbanisation. This video fits the requirement for the Whale Rider video analysis of Dr. Ann McClellan's Global Literature class at Plymouth State University. Im not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of their strength.. Lesson Plans for English Language Arts and Literature. The Whale Rider is a 1987 novel by New Zealand author Witi Ihimaera. The film Whale rider is considered to be a personal and family drama, showing that families even in the most far away parts of the world have similar relations and personal problems. The picture book by Colin Thompson,, Beneath the Clouds, Ivan Sen, Road Movie 2002, shows perceptions of personal discovery.
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