After Toothgnasher stepped on Mjolnir, a piece of the hammer broke off. Moments later, Thor explains he just ripped apart and sealed Loki under millions of tons of debris. When Thor arrives, he first battles a wide assortment of demons, before finally coming across Umar, a sorceress whos a longtime enemy of Dr. After leading a diplomatic mission to Nidavellir, Volstagg and his party were attacked by the force of Muspelheim. Thor may be one of the Marvel Universe's strongest characters, but these OP acts are absolutely ridiculous. The World Serpent, or Jormungand, is the son of Loki and the sorceress Angerboda. For reference, Namor has fought the Sentry and the Hulk on occasion, and even beaten the latter. And a few complex multiversal feats (scaling to Odin with Odin Force,or the time he bench pressed the world engine. Michael Giacchino To Compose Thor Love And Thunder, Thor Love And Thunder Toys Reveal New Costumes And More, The 10 Darkest & Grittiest Crime Movies of All Time, Ranked by IMDb Score, Jack Nicholson's 10 Best Movies, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes. At the time, the Red Shift was the herald Galactus, imbued with the same Power Cosmic that Silver Surfer has. A virtually indestructible man-made metal alloy, adamantium is the stuff that coats Wolverines bones and makes him unbreakable and combined with his healing factor, Wolverine is nearly unbeatable. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. Silver Surfer then stood up, unfazed, and blasted Cable with a cosmic optical blast. I mean depending on how you powerscale anyone* in marvel does. Thus what RK Thor accomplished was to destroy a parasitic tree, that at the time fed on the lives of those nine realms. Thanos, the Mad Titan, is one of the most feared beings in the Marvel Universe. Granted, hes strong enough to lift ten tons, is remarkably agile, and can run up buildings, but thats nothing compared to Thor. And Deadpool could be put into basically a pulp and still be somewhat conscious. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. He found his love of writing and love of comics at a young age, making it his passion ever since. Galactus is on par with some of the most powerful beings in the known universe, tricking him with illusion was no small feat. I'm sorry am I missing something here?. He instead helps Surtur and his forces lay waste to his land and people. The sheer weight of the Serpent is uncertain, but at the very least, its not in the billions of tons, rather its weight is in the trillions of tons. And from that light he created the firmament, the stars, the Earth, and everything from highest to lowest. Bill pleads to Sif to recruit more help and she gathers the Infinity Watch, made up of Drax the Destoyer, herself, and a couple other cosmic heroes, to stop Thor. Using Mjolnir, Thor divides the timestream (which is itself an impressive accomplishment) and attempts to travel to the past. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from. This solidified him as one of the most dangerous beings in Marvel. True. Do they have any source/evidence for this? During the fight, Namor tackles the thunder god and Thor hits Namor harder than he intended, accidentally knocking him out. To better understand the feat of Thor pushing the World Engine, its important to understand Yggdrasill. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. However, in The Mighty Thor #309, the God of Thunder proves more than up for the task. >TWSAIS aren't Celestials, Celestials aren't so weak that they will let Thor do his thing. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The man who paved the way for World War II and inhuman atrocities, it certainly stands to reason that many people have forgotten the time that Thor teamed up with the mad tyrant. Bestowed upon him by the world eater Galactus, the Power Cosmic is the source of all the abilities of Silver Surfer. The embodiment of the Sky was named Ouranos (people know it better as Uranus). The tower is 14,500 tons, and Thor performs this feat with absolutely zero effort. Privacy Policy. It's probably something akin to what happened in Mark Waid's History of the Marvel Universe, where Galactus and Franklin sited at the birth of a new creation and the last of the previous ones. This includes not just universes but higher spatial dimensions as well and theres multiple statements besides the ones you posted confirming that it contains infinite realities of each dimension, Midgard is clearly referring to the the 616 universe where humans reside so the totality of Midgard realities alone is a multiverse on Yggdrasil, they just focus on planets and lands of other realms to simplify the diagram and give you an idea of the terrain since thats where the locals reside, they wouldnt just be floating in space now would they? The Ultimate Universe was Marvels attempt at transforming their characters to be more realistic and relatable to the times. Sure, RKT isn't multiversal, but everyone with a functioning brain cell knows that, already. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. Then as He looked into the great void he said Let there be light and there was light. Besides, it would be weird for Thor to bring up such a fact if wasn't something significant, especially since his dialogue is basically him bragging about putting to end a being who survived all that. Maybe those ten worlds were kinda like the worlds Silver Surfer kept from Galactus. Nearly every planet is connected to the World Tree in some way. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Which again proves just how powerful he was. It's a very efficient way to wank and disregard Anti Feats, Lmfao they think that Hulk has a true form which is archetype of archetypes of strength and is outerversal. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. To put things into perspective, she was able to put theworld-class mutant telepath Charles Xavier in a coma using a very basic psi-bolt attack. Once there was even a kind of map given about it. Momentarily confused by the strength of the cables, Thor regains his senses when he realizes innocents are in jeopardy because of their battle. One of the most powerful Celestials to ever exist, there are few sentient beings as mighty as Exitar -- resisting him is a futile gesture. Beta and Thor formed a rivalry over Mjolnir and got the attention of Odin himself. Afterward, Thor returns back to his form as the God of Thunder. The Space Phantom says that Thors hammer is likely on the formers homeworld and that they must journey to the center of the planet to retrieve it. Because after a while Loki realized he couldnt defeat Thor on his own, he would occasionally enlist or trick other to do his bidding. This universe is seen as one of the darker timelines introduced by Marvel. As the battle intensifies, Thor orders Asgard itself to fall on the Skrull, while he and Bill are underneath. and our Sure Jan. there's no context of the death of a multiverse though.. When our heroes realized anyone could be a Skrull, trust ran in short supply. But again, all of that has been more than debunked. A member of the Celestial race, a group of planet-sized aliens known for exploding worlds with the flick of a finger, Exitar is often summoned by Arishem the Judge (another Celestial), when the decision has been made that a planet needs to be purified, which involves blowing up the world. The two heroes quickly overpower the villain. Funny enough Loki himself had already theorized that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, were actually created through the worship of the Asgardians themselves. The son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod and practically the equal to the God of Thunder. Still at the end of the day the Ten Realms are not ten universes, they aren't even ten different dimensions. However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. As their battle reaches its climax, Thor has Bill pinned beneath him and strikes his fallen friend with enough force to complete destroy the planet they are both standing on. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. Because those five planets have special energies to them, that if Galactus had consumed them he would've become far more powerful. Old King Thor often refers to 616 Thor as his "past self" and has insinuated . isn't Rui Silva the guy who generally underrates Lucifer and Thor??? He is way more powerful than Galactus. The two fight each other with everything they have until eventually the pair grab hands, locked in mortal combat, either unwilling to budge an inch. Capable of fighting Thor and even the Hulk, Hercules is also one of the most powerful members of the Avengers. it would be difficult to actually draw 9 to 10 entire universes on a tree especially since we have no real word perspective of what the whole universe looks like from outside of it, its not meant to be exact similar to the dragonball macrocosm map so dont take everything literal, Asgard is a pocket universe, your confusing the Floating Land of Asgard with the entire dimension, theres visible stars and other celestials bodies throughout the Asgard dimension and again its been stated to be a pocket universe. He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. Every character got their gritty spin, some worse than others. Now these are not multiversal but a non holding back Thor is definitely way way beyond planet busting. Kinda like a self fulfilling wish, where they made Those Who Sit Above In Shadow become real. Thor quickly jumps under the massive building, summoning his might to hold up the millions of tons worth of steel and glass, while everyone heads to safety. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. Did you even read the comics? Galactus granted Thor with the power cosmic, a source of ultimate and unlimited power that both Galactus and his Herald wields. This piece of Mjolnir was then wielded by Simon, who gained the powers that come with it. Which obviously was not the case. And has already begun the initial process to begin destroying it. Funny enough Loki himself had already theorized that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, were actually created through the worship of the Asgardians themselves. He instead called upon the aid of the Silver Surfer. In the mini-series Secret Invasion: Thor, Beta Ray Bill crash-lands on Asgard, warning that the Skrulls are about to invade. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Come here to talk about fictional characters, fictional events, concepts, objects, etc. Moving from down to up and then down again back into the Loom. When the criminals come out of their ship, they do so with jetpacks on their backs and all manner of offensive weaponry. What had been written was beyond his power to change. The two gods arm-wrestle with everything they have until the plateau they are on crumbles under the force of the pressure theyre applying. Which obviously was not the case. Eventually, Thor comes across the villains and knocks them out of the sky. It isn't even a universe. Although the Surfer was not strong enough to overpower Durok, he used his cosmic abilities and cunning wit to defeat the monster nonetheless. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. Especially one endowed with cosmic abilities. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Many Thor variants diverge only slightly from the Earth-616 version, while others are radically different like Throg. Worlds that possessed special energies that made them different from all the other worlds in the universe. The weird things is that the Mind Valkyrie is actually the manifestation of Thors subconscious given form, which makes things peculiar as Thor kisses the Mind Valkyrie later on. After the battle, he felt a presence calling him in the now-abandoned City of Asgard. However, the thunder god can see that unless drastic steps are taken, Galactus and his father will be locked in a stalemate. Golmen discovers he is the most recent reincarnation of Thor Odinson and begins his journey as the new God of Thunder. At one point, after a series of crime sprees had proved unsuccessful, Mongoose answered to a hit that had been taken out on Thor. It isn't like Ewing fails to outright imply that either. Wait..but isn't Necro Multiversal as well. Because their first words are about Thor's strength as well as his wisdom - they know what he's capable of, and if they could have stopped him, he wouldn't be capable of such, and they would have never acknowledged that so freely. THANK YOU!.. send you an email once approved. For whatever reason, Thor is the only one to oppose both of them. The condition is being brought on by the Mind Valkyrie, who urges the God of Thunder to tear apart not only Asgard, but the entire universe. Thor agrees, but the one thing he didnt count on was being attacked by the planets inhabitants and their advanced technology. Thor Odinson, as far as Marvel Comics is concerned, is the original. Thor's strength is matched by few like Hulk and the Sentry. One of those such beings is none other than Silver Surfer's former master, Galactus. And you're not even hiding it. A Multiverse is a hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes that together can comprise anything from a comparatively simple collection of parallel 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums, to the 11-dimensional multiversal structure our reality is assumed to be in some theories, or sometimes even higher levels of reality. And for a time there was only Chaos and Gaia. Grabbing Durok, Silver Surfer used his cosmic abilities to travel far into the future. They are simply ten worlds. However, the mechanism ended up breaking and started tapping into Yggdrasils power, directing it to actual fulfill Ragnarok. However, when it was worshipped by a magician named Feron, it took the form of the Phoenix from his daydreams. Feeling proud of yourself, yet? During one of his many cosmic adventures, Silver Surfer was forced to release massive amounts of cosmic energy. While fans constantly debate about whether the Hulk or Thor is stronger, theres another group of readers who pontificate on whether Hercules, the Prince of Power, is mightier than Thor, the God of Thunder. Hes immortal, imperious to the majority of earthly weapons, and hes one of the greatest fighters of any age. But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. The idea is that if, for example, Captain America is constantly defeating the Red Skull, then Doctor Doom will fight Captain America or enlist another heavy hitter to fight the Avenger. Thor didn't break down any dimension. RELATED:Thor And Jane Romance In Thor Love And Thunder. Justiceleague1 . However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. He has used his raw power to dispatch some of the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. To aid his father, Thor travels to the Dark Dimension to sever Dormammus connection to Asgard. The biggest superhero rivalry in all of Marvel Comics is unequivocally Thor versus the Hulk. Marvel and DC teamed up to create a comic mixing the two universes with a limited series. Using the power cosmic, not only can Silver Surfer overpower the Hulk, but he can also send him into unconsciousness or simply drain all of his gamma radiation, turning the green giant back into Bruce Banner. In fighting against the wheel of the Worldengine, Thor would be fighting against the combined power of the Tree and the Engine itself, but Thor does not care and fights against the impossible. Long story short, Loki tricks the two heroes into doing battle and as two of the strongest heroes in Marvel, there battle is as epic as youd imagine. Carrying over from the previous issue, Avengers #100 featured an amnesiac Hercules getting captured by the god Ares. Yggdrasil is infinite in its complexities and Heimdall sees all of space and time in it. They refuse and Silver Surfer relays the message to his master. While there, Mephisto's power grows exponentially stronger. Jane Foster was a nurse who worked with Dr. Donald Blake, Thors first human vessel. That planet went through a billion years of evolutionary cycles within mere moments just because Silver Surfer letreleased alittle too much power. And he isn't multiversal because Yggdrasil unlike what some claims have been made. And dont worry, Thor got better. This would be neither the first nor the last time Thor would accomplish send Galactus tumbling. The Silver Surfer was able to succeed on both of these fronts, outsmarting, then defeating Galactus. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Dr. Eric Solvang also explains to Tony Stark what . Kevd4wg. Old King Thor often refers to 616 Thor as his past self and has insinuated that if 616 Thor dies, so does he. Yeah the Ydrassil is odd, there's conflicting evidence as to what it actually isbut what we do know is that when Strange absorbed it's powers, he was supposed to be the most powerful he's ever been, including classic Strange, no? Thor has many universal feats. I always thought it was just Galan being reborn from the big bang. Lool they instnatly shut the f*cker up and don't reply, I mean people on Discord claim that Thor, Odin, and all other Asgardians are high outerversal in their true form but they use weak avatars. In an effort to assist Odin, Thor evades the Silver Surfer and flies directly into Galactuss head. Since the Destroyer is such an awesome weapon, many have sought to take control of it. Thor Thor's most powerful 'Strike Feat' to date : Multiversal lvl #1 lazarus4tempest In Immortal She-hulk's oneshot, Al Ewing confirms that the blow delt by Thor to Galactus is. Character Nothing happened to them. For example, some guy said that Superman would beat Multi-Eternity, and that base hulk is thousands of times stronger than strange visitor superman. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Just a question, it can be from any point in time in any arc. The 9 realms being merely a part of land of Asgard separated by water and mountains rather than being complete planets or universes is a nice debunk, I haven't noticed that part before. Every universe in the Multiverse manifests itself as an anthropomorphic being called Eternity. To those unfamiliar with the Silver Surfer, he is the herald of Galactus and imbued with the Power Cosmic. Seda Tripkolic Yazklar Olsun Sz Mzik Ne Ay Geceden mran Var feat. Odin banished the creature to the bottom of the ocean, but of course the Midgard Serpent came back, hungry for some sweet revenge. He schemes to destroy the Avengers and all of Earths heroes, once and for all, but realizes he needs help. vs. mobius chair wally west vs cosmic king thor. Knowing the history of the Phoenix and how it tends to destroy planets, Captain America wants to keep Hope as far away from it as possible. During one of his stints as a god-like mutant, Cable found himself at odds with the Surfer. On the other hand, Cyclops wants Hope to be possessed by the Phoenix, as he sees it as a chance for mutants to prosper. The Black Winter devoured the sixth iteration of the cosmos, leaving only a single survivor - Galan of Taa, who it chose as its Herald. He doesn't have any multiversal outliers, no. Don't think its multiversal but it was a very powerful strike. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, High And Mjighty: 20 Of Thor's Most Ridiculous OP Feats Of Strength, RESISTED THE GRAVITATIONAL PULL OF A NEUTRON STAR, THREW A PLANET OUT OF ORBIT BY ARM-WRESLTING, DESTROYED THE SILVER SURFER'S FORCE FIELD, PUSHED OVER THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA WITH ONE FINGER. Born in Sparta, Kratos was a respected soldier and General, up until he lost his wife and daughter when he killed them, albeit by accident, under Ares' command, earning him the nickname The Ghost of Sparta, after which he renounced his service to the war god, eventually killing him and later on ascending to Godhood before exacting revenge . He pushes the Worldengine and the World Tree back into place, which is the equivalent of pushing all the realms back into their intended alignments. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Times Silver Surfer Proved He Was The Most Powerful Character In The Marvel Universe, 5. Pure adamantium is so powerful that beings like the Hulk can barely even dent it, much less break it. If you're actually saying this then you clearly haven't seen the Celestials in action, either. If you are a Christian or Catholic, then God created from his own light the Kingdom of Heaven. And God saw that the light was good. As this was their first encounter, Silver Surfer only had Lokis word that Thor was evil and Thor only knew that the chrome surfer was attacking him. Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. He searched the Earth for anyone to help him speak to his late wife. Also referred by as the World Tree, it maintains the appearance of an actual gigantic tree, but is in fact the cosmic pillar that guides time, destiny, and nature for not only Asgard, but all the Nine Realms. It was intended for him to be the protector of not only Asgard, but also all the Nine Realms and true to form, Thor Odinson proved mightier than anyone anticipated. Regardless From what we know that seed links to ten specific worlds in the universe. Born from Odin and Gaea, the Goddess of he Earth, Thor was actually conceived to be the strongest Asgardian of all time. Towards the end of the battle, it appeared as though Cable was going to win. These many adventureshave helped establish Silver Surferas one of the most popular cosmic characters in comics today. And so he does. In "Blood and Thunder," Thor comes down with a bad case of Warriors Madness. Wrapping around the Earth twice, the creature is nearly 900 miles wide. And wow, did someone really say that? They are simply ten worlds. In spite of it, Exitar is undeterred. When it landed on Earth, the entity was just a formless mass of energy. Even though Thor and Hercules are friends, the two are also staunch rivals. And Deadpool could be put into basically a pulp and still be somewhat conscious. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. Odin made that claim for all the ten realms in a 2015 comic, that was written by the current head of marvel cosmic stuff, Al Ewing Rkt he destroyed all of the Marvel omniverse. Which is like multiversal+++++++ I'd hand it to thor over Jobbercter WorldsStrongest Man of Miracles Jan 12, 2021 #7 Never pays to bet against Chad Jordan Im told Mickey Mouse Disney Overlord He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. And then we already know the story. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Poem/methaphorical speech is cool, but it needs direct explanations in comic. Later in their respective superhero careers, Thor and Silver Surfer would meet many more times. Goes triple for you straight up lying about the Galactus Seed. Though Thor gets top billing when it comes to godly superheroes in the Marvel Universe, hes hardly the only divine champion on the planet. Even before the two first met back in Avengers #3, fans wanted to know who was stronger. Throughout this multiverse, there have been many versions of the mighty Thor, some more powerful than others. Though usually Bills strength is on par with Thors, the horse-headed cyborg is no match for Thor and his fury. Answer (1 of 2): Cosmic King Thor is absolutely a multiversal level threat both by viewing the feats and using scaling. Now Destroying the Loom is not the same as actually directly defeating Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. Sal Buscema and Steve Englehart attempted to provide a satisfactory answer in even Defenders#10. Then as He looked into the great void he said Let there be light and there was light. Many heroes are caught off guard and only survive by the skin of their teeth. Lol Nice downplay, Yggdrasil has been confirmed multiple times to be an all encompassing, extra-dimensional Cosmic structure thats connected to all planes of reality.
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