Why do you tolerate this? And guess what? Think about that before you waste your time wondering if he cares for you and what is going on. Many said no because the mancomes as a packaged deal with childandpossible drama with the childs mother. We were happy for over a year and a half, but broke up in March because he hung out with her to smoke late at night while I was out of town and didn't tell me. We had ALOT of attraction and chemistry, but absolutely no compatability. If he called you mama while you were both alone together then it would be more likely that he was showing attraction to you and you should consider the body language that he was showing. She's been beating him for something like 8 years now. He wants to stay in her life . I go forward not backwards! patito. As I moved on with the next guy for about four mouths , I end up dropping him and going back to my original guy from the start , the one I have history with. Her and my son never want for anything! Does he drink socially or in the evening? He admits to getting me pregnant on purpose, thinking we were going to be together. I cant, so for that being said. I love my son with all my heart, when I told him I was pregnant he showed his true colors and told me go look for the real father and that he was with someone!now my son soon will be 10 months hes there financially but he never takes the baby to his home or comes help me, he said his gf knows but when he spent time with her he never answers if I call him for an emergency. It may have been a silly pet name to call you after a couple beers. Not all men will have a "bond" or be attracted to their baby mama. They probably do still have soemthing going on. In short, she took away my ability to come home every day and see my daughter. What say you? I used to be like, "Told these dumb bitches not to mess with him." The Mother and the child are coming from Honduras and so they have to stay with him in his house because they have no where to go. Lots of mixed emotions. This is one of the biggest signs he's using you to get over his ex. He's Making It Clear He Wants Children with You. My situation is different, I left my daughter's father when I was pregnant. I love my daughter with all my heart. But he says the love he has for me has been gone but I still want to be together. I haven't met my ex's significant other and it's been almost if not 5 years. Is this for real?" Community Experts online right now. So I dont' know, for my child's sake, I just want us to do better as parents. Your email address will not be published. I never get into it or say how I feel because I honestly don't think it's my business or concern .. it's between the two of them. He compares me to her sometimes. But still, he tries to ask me to hook up during exchanges with our kids. I never really stayed on the topic because I felt as if it was real he would say more than what he is saying now. She bareycan keep a job so Im wondering if he takes care of her in addition to paying child support. It is really not the most common term of endearment, but calling someone "baby mama" or "baby daddy" is a pet name of sorts. Man its like your the othe man in my situation except I don't talk bad about my sons mother, I disagree with mossgard. Distance is the biggest enemy when in a fight, and has been translated as the widening of a wedge. 15 His Communication With Her Is Different From Other Friends. Divorce is a money making scam for lawyers! Musiq is an American singer and songwriter whose music incorporates R&B, funk, blues, jazz, gospel, and hip hop influences. I and my boyfriend rekindled and we are back together. You have to say this to him if you can't have me in your life 100% then we're done! Am I wrong to feel that way? I'm not attracted to him in anyway, anymore. No, a man does not increase feelings because you have saddled him with an obligation he didnt plan on. I didn't make the world that way; it's just the way it is. If she's an ex really, why would he care how she reacts? My boyfriend left me for his baby mama, now he wants me back. But it's so hard , apart of me feels as if I should stay , and ever since he moved out I've seen changes , I see us , but idk bout three children. I said dont forget you blocked me of all access to you. But I'm getting to a point where I've started to feel disrespected. The problem is i messed up the relationship and now shes afraid ima do it again. I know t's an old post but I guess you definitely did not feel secure in your relationship. As we're in Miami , a friend hits me up and ask if I was still dealing with the guy and if I'm pregnant . By calling this, I mean that I care about you, I find you . Wanting to have a baby with some girl simply refers to being ready to take the . He was incarcerated and he married for sex his BFF told me why didnt I make that happen for our kids at Least. It may also mean he likes you in a special way. My kids father and I have the craziest relationship many of whom know are past say he love me still but wont admit it. My boyfriend has 2 baby mommas! I ignored her text and sent him an email with the screenshot of her text and asked if he could kindly ask her not to text me. Is it petty to be upset about your partners co-parent contacting them at unsuitable times? I literally still worship the ground she walks on! He told me he wanted his family back and began to show me that he meant it and did all the things he should but told me 3 months later she was 5 months pregnant and I should have ran, but I didn't and I decided if he really didn't want to be with her and did what he should to put me at ease, it would be okay. I felt bad because in that moment she realized that I'm not the monster he painted me out to be. Been loyal to him since day one and the attraction for me is still there . Understand and keep this in the forefront of your mindit's not about you or your relationship with your man. pecas. Always try to have some patience and compassion as it's not an easy situation for the man to be in. - yup! It's about the kids. I just have on question can my spouse has kids from a previous relationship( has to Baby mama's ) and they call him he hold conversations with them I don't know if it's about the kids because he will say things like yea she called me earlier today talking about this and that but if it was my daughter father calling me it's a problem but you can hold full blown conversations with both you bm's not to mention his 11 yrs older then me at times I don't know what to do or say to him without sounding childish or ridiculous but I hate the feeling that he's doing things behind myou back. Put a stop to it now or you will regret ityou are NOT obliged to deal with this nonsense. our son is a month now but we.broke up Aug 17 and.didnt stop having sex until October while he was with his ex girlfriend/new fiancee..he left me for his ex..now after.we had our son we.doing so parenting he wants.to have sex. Body language plays a key role in our daily lives. Because even if shecant be No. I can never trust this biych ever again and I wish she would leave me alone . But you cant just put up with it in silence, its always better that you speak up and let him know if anything is bothering you. I have seen this many times when I was dating. For you to be co.peting says more about you than to be worrying about him. Didn't hear nothing from her nor did I hear anything about my 1 month old son at the time! It isnt love. Why is he spending all of his free time with his ex and ignoring you? I dont bother him I do everything for my son .. and she never contacted me about what happened almost like she dislikes the baby because he cheated with me thats his story and she chose to believe that, he always tried to sleep with me, when his out of town for work hes constantly calling me on FaceTime I chose not to answer and entertained him, I want you to do more for my son not flirting with me! He should set bounders and let her know that your are first in his life. I call my boyfriend baby, babe, handsome, sunshine, and my universe. Im talking to a guy that he has 2 kids with his high school sweetheart, he said he is divorced and when I asked him you still love her? cuz sweet heart you are no better than they are. Having more dilated pupils when he is around you. In fact, he just called me at 3 a.m. (with a female in the back) asking me to save the time and date. Fast forward 2 weeks later, he was calling my phone to get some. Poor women having baby after baby in fatherless households tends to perpetuate poverty for the women AND her kids. A lot of men find that Mama is a better alternative to nicknames like Baby, Babe, or Sweetie. I wouldn't piss on my ex if he were on fire. She starts asking for more time with you. If they aren't married, it's possible he brought her and the child here with the intention to marry her. If the ex is the mother or father of their child, they will need to be in contact. Long story short I end up coming home Monday , and something tells me to go on Facebook and her page. Shortly after dropping him home she the girlfriend called my phone asking me to come back to get him. You hit it on the nail. Take the initiative and tune out your mind or heart telling you that youd drop everything on a dime if she wanted you. That must've been hard! I was on and off with my sons mother for years after he was born. I could tell you countless stories about this. But i am just being used once again. I don't make him pay child support or anything. There's plenty of men out there who are looking for a good woman. So fast fwd again this has been going on a year. Reply. He called too and they were clearly fighting in the background. Question for the men. I had to get him on talking parents because he was sending me those messages about wanting to get back together to my cell and email when I made it clear I was not interested and he was harassing me about child support. And yes your still with him you should work on self respect. When we finally saw each other I took my kids to school and he told me to give him 5 min to talk so I did he said what he needed to say and then he kissed me and hug me so fast I was chocked with my mouth open like what just happened. Just because that's the kind of person he is. Doesn't mean they are not over their ex. 1. It hard to let him go I'm just trying to let him be, he says I'm to blame for why nobody wants to be with him , they get tired of me trying to be with him or whatever but he does things to make me think let's do this . It's different. I don't even have child support on the guy. She asked me to leave when things got rough in hopes of fixing us. Always asking me when Ima be home cause he's tired . If you see him often and youre trying to understand the way that he feels about you then it would be helpful to compare the way that he interacts with you with the way that he interacts with others. Sadly .. a friends brother did something similar. We do so good together and everything seems happy and healthy but everytime he comes back he's mad and tryna act like ive done something wrong. Does she check her kids when they disrespect you or anyone else? I tried for six years to be with my sons father. I tell him, "Either call me my name, M's momma, or just don't say shit at all. February 12, 2021 at 9:06 am Cadbury. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. All of a sudden, we did. He left for another girl And barely had anything to do with our daughter. 2. WOW, Once a guy is married with kids he's not available anymore what is it girls don't get there's no such thing as a divorce! Are you sure they are not married? For some, its as simple as getting ALONG for the kids ONLY. As a woman who didn't want a child, yet you are sleeping with random men-you had the choice of birth control OR not to sleep with a man you werent in a committed relationship with. Never ever mate a ex is a ex and that's where they belong I look forward to meeting my new fresh man and new future. If it was about the kids I can understand, but no it's either about how her hair dresser messed up her hair, or about some stupid stuff. Most of the time when a guy calls you Mama it is coming from a romantic place. My thing is, if I wanted my daughters father I could VERY WELL have him! I realized that any anger a guy shows towards his child's mother is lost love a feeling of betrayal because he once loved her, it's best to foster love and respect for each other though regardless. Or else they would be with them! 3 years later later I still think about what I coulda done better. Women can be evil when it comes to the heart. If he is tripping a lot, he's probably still screwing her. If he is your friend and he calls you mama then it would be a sign that he wants to be more than just friends with you. I don't know how my baby daddy feels about me. It doesnt matter if you Have 20 kids together if hes with someone and youre still having sex with him youre the side chick. They would call and put the baby on the phone then the baby dont want to talk so they jumps on the phone 1 min after he answers its a game of them wanting to talk to him and uses the child to get to him. Should I keep believing him when he says it won't happen again or should I just get out of there? So, do I have "drama" - yup! Wasn't even going to go back to my ex before him but I guess that was his way to keep me tied down. If not dump him now. So guys me and my daughter's dad split twice and it's been a year since our second split we have both moved on and he is now purchasing a home with the new girlfriend. My x and I have been divorced 20 years he married the girl he left me for. Your the secret woman that no one knows about. If he did call you mama because he naturally calls women mama then it would be likely that he would have said it to other women as well and that he would show the same body language and behavior around them as he shows around you. He picked me. Because the sex is amazing and its something we both want. Sad, but true. She put him in the bathtub To see if he could swim. Having baby after baby in a fatherless household will keep a poor woman poor. My Boyfriend, cheated on me with the Mother of his 2 kids, while I was pregnant with my frist but his 3rd, multiple times. Doesn't make any sense that he did that because he left me and our daughter for some new girl he met up at his work. My son and his father broke up about two montha ago but about a month ago we started hanging out.I think he started to miss us. anyways I'm 100% wanting to get back together with him and I ask him well are we gonna be together now because your the only person is want to be with and he responds "we'll see" like what does that even mean. and I'm the one the broke up with him in the first place. True. The mother and child could not come here without a sponsor. If youre not sure what your guy means by it, you should ask him! 1. Your IP: I had a miscarriage shortly after that. I wasn't a great boyfriend for 6 yrs and then we had a child. The goal is always to de-triangle. I'm not no saint but I've never cheated! We only contact through a talking portal online, where everything is recorded for the judge. Ex is main concern for him and he allows it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My Boyfriend Calls Me His Baby Mama Is This Normal? Um - each situation is different I guess. Our break-up was heated and intense. He is actually saying you are "his girl". he knew this and thought that if he got me pregnant i would somehow magically want to be with him when in fact it made matters worse. She is 7 months and he is just not telling me and his family. We have talked about this issue but he just tells me to be patient because he will buy them an apartment to move in too and that everything would be back to normal. I couldn't think of anything worse than getting back with my ex, even the thought of sex with them again repulses me, but I love my kids and deeply care about their other parent who gave me my children.. No other feelings left there. girls that go with married guys are looking for trouble, and then shocked when they find it! The same situation I was in She believed every lie he told her. If I choose to deal with himnever his decision. If neither the child or mother of the child know you something is up! He cheated and got the girl knocked up. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. He may talk about difficult situations he's experienced, as well as his ultimate goals career-wise and romantically. He__acts more respectable and mature__ when you're around. The thing is I don't want his money and I know he needs to be held accountable but honestly if he doesn't want part of his daughter life he can go. The reason that he called you mama might be that he naturally says it to women when talking to them. As he wants to have a baby with you, obviously he is investing in your future together, wants you, wants to take care of you, your children, and obviously want to grow old with you. I got out to find out she was pregnant by 1 of my friends! He said he told her its over and the only time she must call him is about the baby, but she keeps calling and texting. They sent her a pic and all of all of us at the mall he couldnt deny it I mean we werent doing anything we were shopping for the kids and all hell broke loose. PERIOD!! I came across the guy with no intention of attractions what so ever. In order to . Trust issues with a guy with baby mama drama. Your raising a boy who will grow up to be a man and he needs to know and see how a REAL man handles his business. I can say for sure that I will always love my two kids mother. Performance & security by Cloudflare. He has his ex or is it his ex. etc. If she starts to degrade you and get out of hand tell her exactly how you feel sternly, because she will try to degrade you sooner or later due to jealousy. He is being romantic. Maybe he likes all the attention hes getting from his girlfriendand from his ex. telling the truth I am going through the same thing, but mine is multiple. Take this advice from a woman who is married to a man who has a evil baby mama; just remember everything will work out for the good if your man stand firm when dealing with her and don't give in to her stupid games. Yes I agree she shouldn't call late at night, but the bigger picture is this.what's really in between the calls? He never wants to communicate. I said you were gonna tell me when the baby is here ? Sometimes it's hard for men and because they were in love, some fall in love and have children some people were never in love or had a form of puppy love, but if a deep emotional bond was created this can harbor bitter feelings and sadness for the dumped party either guy or girl. After that i change dramatically and fell even more in love with her but she left me for another guy and lied about it. I found this post as I was looking to try and understand why my ex baby daddy was texting me that he wanted to get back together when he's in a relationship and to my knowledge has been in a relationship with the girl he cheatred on me with. Yes theyre are always memories and depending on how long ya have been together. He's using you and you are weak. Once a man has territory with a vagina he will always come back to his property. She would need a visitor visa to enter the country so how is she going to be able to stay in the country and him get them an apartment? 11 Things To Do When Your Boyfriend Talks to His Baby Mama Everyday. My bf has told me several times how he wish he never had children with her because she makes his life hard. You aren't doing anything other than wasting time. And he is present on and off in her life. Because your over your baby mama, that's why you don't talk about hercorrect? He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. He is the romance ninja and is hell-bent on bringing in Cupid as a stakeholder in your relationship. I'm confused and hurt and in love. I will say that men dont forget and as I dont have a baby mama will answer slightly differently. Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. OP, regardless of what might be going on, the bottom line is you deserve better treatment than this. I feel a baby mama should be treated like any ex. If he called you mama in front of people then it would either be the case that he naturally says it or that he was showing more overt attraction for you. Xper 5 Age: 27. Hes Making It Clear He Wants Children with You, Its His Way of Saying Hes Committed to You. If he says it often enough, maybe she'll start calling him her . Kim Kardashian Lands Olympic Partnership Deal, Shapewear Line To Be Worn By Team USA Athletes, She Tried It: Inahsi Naturals Aloe Hibiscus Leave-In Conditioner & Detangler, She Tried It: Ivy Park Drip 2 and 2.2 Black Pack, Prioritize Your Skincare With These Tips For Melanin-Rich Complexions, Burts Bees Skincare Works Harder, Not Harsher, 11 Black Celebrities Who Say They're Not African American, 'Bernie Mac Show' Stars Camille Winbush And Dee Dee Davis Get Chewed Out For Joining OnlyFans, 8 Famous Lesbian Women Who Were Married To Men. I hate my boyfriends baby and the baby mama drama. But for some reason after everything we've been through I still love her! My mom never did that with me nor did she talk to me about sex or relationships. LMAO. This could indicate an expired SSL certificate or a certificate that does not include the requested domain name. Excessive co-parenting. And hopefully, she can finally be back in my arms. It's like they always have this secret love and "appreciation" for the fact that she birthed his kid(s). Should i be worried? Its certainly a term of endearment then. (She was staying with her sister and her man) she tried to say he was one of their friends. But it's weird, when he calls me by my name, I think he's mad at me LOL. He does what he wants and when we actually suggest him to do something he goes why is everyone forcing to change me or make me do something. But why what did she do so bad for you to feel this way? She lives in a separate town with the kids and he goes to visit. Plus, the whole time he was with her, he would call and ask me for advice and talk with me about things he felt he couldn't express to her. I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. I was devastated and it all made since, but he took away my choice in this. I'm pretty sue that if it was you in that position you would not be saying such things. If your bf/gf left the baby daddy/momma then I would assume they don't want them! It would be just too complicated for me. So long story short they don't have to love the baby mama for you to hear them talking about her or for you to feel insecure. No. 11. Oh and women, feel free also to give your advice/opinion. He doesn't have a job at the moment. explicit permission. She was upset with him because if any of his bm's call, he'd talk to them in her presence, but every time he called me or I called him, he left. A Baby Mama who knows how to push your buttons will do it for entertainment purposes. I'm basically in the same situation. Now if yall became compatible then cool, shit do what you will, dont get wit someone just to have someone until/incase she gets her shit together. Miss Lucy had a Baby. Doesn't matter whether she's crazy or not. Perhaps he wants to mostly keep his kids separate from his romantic life, or he is taking slower to blend his relationship with his home life. So, I would therefore encourage him about the situation. For instance, I came across a woman sharing her concernsaboutthe mother of her boyfriends child calling, texting and even showing up at his home at all times of the night: I am currently in a relationship with a guy who has broken up with his babys mother.
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