In Luke 2:21 we read that the Lord was circumcised on the eighth day, but this didn't require them to go to the Temple . The point is not that Jesus could not have set foot on earth any other way, its that he chose to identify with us by actually being born a human in order to take on our life and redeem it with his. Towns has given theological lectures and taught intensive seminars at over 50 theological seminaries in America and abroad. Remember how he healed on a Sabbath? They lived in Egypt, in a town called Fostat, near Heliopolis and not far from Cairo. It is only extremist groups such as the Taliban or ISIS, which hardly deserve the name Muslim or Islamic, that wantonly destroy historical records and artifacts. What I say in that post about Joseph, Mary, and Jesus would also apply to Joseph many centuries earlier: In terms of skin color, really anyone who went to Egypt at this time would have fit in, because people had long been coming there from Sub-Saharan Africa, farther west in northern Africa, and the Middle East, and so it was a place where people of many different skin colors lived together and interacted. Learn how your comment data is processed. He was a consulting editor to the International Bible Society (now Biblica) for The Books of the Bible, an edition of the New International Version (NIV) that presents the biblical books according to their natural literary outlines, without chapters and verses. The reference to revelation 12:1-6 could be highly symbolic. Joseph is between 39 and 56 years old. That is, he paid a price to buy us out of slavery, because we were enslaved to things that by nature are not gods. In unreserved obedience, Joseph "rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod.This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, 'Out of Egypt I called my son'" (2:14-15). The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, gives a biblical summary of Christs early infancy and childhood. Heres an interesting and related issue. After that they stopped at Sakha, and is the site of a rock that has an impression of the baby Jesus . 19-23. an angelic messenger of Herod's . How long did Jesus family stay in Egypt? I dont know that the Revelation account in ch 12 is necessarily an account of Jesus time in Egypt-that would mean Revelation, or the Apocalypse, had already happened, but could be. When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi, he became furious. Of course you are free to hold the view if you wish, but it should be acknowledged that it is not the consensus view. Matt. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23). Manasseh, Ephraim are between 19 and 26. Why isnt the exact date recorded of Jesus birth? Matthew 2:13. If this were true and Jesus did not observe these festivals during his stay in Egypt. The Early Days of Jesus. The story of Jesus and his parents fleeing from Bethlehem to Egypt is one of the biblical passages that is often seen as supporting immigration policies that deregulate national borders. So depending on when Jesus was born, the journey to Egypt lasted no more than two years, and perhaps as little as a few weeks or months. Find & sort all our resources. Jess was in Egypt for 1,260 days rev.12:4-5-6. The final four verses of Luke 24 (vss. Thanks for sharing this. You can also read or download the study guides in my Understanding the Books of the Bible series by using the Free Study Guides link at the top of this page. There were a few TV programmes about it. Are we sure we have correctly interpreted His mission? Shepherds visit the baby and bow down in praise. Reading the Bible for its true meaning requires that we understand it was written to the Jews using their culture and terminology. The tree is still there after thousands of years in the middle off desert with nothing around it. When the Israelites fled Egypt, after over four hundred years of slavery, they spent forty years wandering in the wilderness before they entered the Promised Land. Your Retirement News Channels. . from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a M.A. I was made to believe that Jesus did go to Egypt again in his adult life. But as I say in my post, I think Jesus family were in Egypt for much less than a year. It would be just as hard to feed 30,000 people in the barren Sinai territory as it would 2 million ( Nehemiah 9:20-21 ). Jesus the Refugee - Matthew 2:1-15 . in accordance with the Law of Moses, Jesus was circumcised. It is also believed that Joseph, the carpenter, might have worked at the Babylon Fortress nearby. But I suppose there are many places with similar stories. Yet Luke simply recorded the various events in chapter 24 (vss. He didn't want another "King" to interfere with his kingdom. The allegation that Matthew and Lukes accounts are contradictory is actually based on an assumption: the skeptic assumes that Matthew and Luke each included all of the whereabouts of Jesus family during His early life. Some of them are quite white. Jesus changed the law! However, in Luke's Gospel, Joseph, Jesus and Mary did not go the Egypt. Three days later, realizing he is missing, they return and discover him in the Temple courtyard, where . In the Gospel according to Luke, chapter 2, verses 39 and 40, it is recorded that Jesus grew up in the area known as Galilee, in the city of Nazareth, and that Christ had a normal childhood growth, however, he waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him (Luke 2:40). Flee into Egypt. Did Adam lie before sin entered theworld? Dr. Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor, an author of popular and scholarly works (the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and dedicated worker in Sunday school, and has developed over 20 resource packets for leadership education.His personal education includes a B.S. A reader has asked this follow-up question: Which angel told the parents of Jesus to go to Egypt?. Go to REVELATIONS 12: 1 6. Sometimes people now use the terms BCE (before the common era) and CE (common era) to avoid precisely the confusion youre pointing out. You have obviously done some study on these issues. The following two tabs change content below. How was he born 6 years before he was born?? I thank the Lord for the joy that I always feel about your site. The fact is, however, such a conjecture cannot logically be upheld unless both of the inspired writers claimed to write exhaustive, chronological accounts of everything Jesus did. Although, I personally believe that the REAL reason for the use of BCE/CE is for progressives to be able to avoid reference to Christ, Christianity, and Christ as Lord. and 4 B.C, as if the census helps us date the birth of Christ. Jesus did not die at 33 because he never lived. The nativity stories are generally accepted as myths and the arguments for this assertion are excellently presented in this article: Do you know how long it would take to travel from Bethlehem to Egypt by foot? There is beauty in the ways of God. ii. 2:13 After they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to look for the child to kill him." 2:14 Then he got up, took the child and his mother during the night, and went to Egypt. Is it documented that the holy family blended in with the Egyptians? 2 + 3 = 5 before the death of Herod in Jericho at the end of March or beginning of April in 4 BC. Why arent his life events such as how long he was in Egypt, just to name one, more obvious? How does the supposed census help us date the birth to Christ, and what historical records do we have to support this? On the day of their return, Jesus lingered in the Temple, but Mary and Joseph thought that he was among their group. This same gospel shows how Jesus recapitulated the history of Israel in several other ways as well, for example, by spending 40 days in the wilderness, where Israel spent 40 years. Published There were about 1 million Jews living in Alexandria when Christ was born. It didnt seem to cause confusion for nearly 2,000 years, and now it does? In verse 22 it says that His parents took Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord at the time of Marys purification. It would be a shame for children to lose the magic of Christmas Nativity but sooner or later they have to learn the reality of Santa Claus. Answer: If we assume that Herod and the magi were accurate in their calculations of the Christmas star's first appearance, that would mean Jesus was no older than two years. There is no historical proof that Jesus was born of a woman, only historical evidence that he existed as an adult, because Josephus, the 1st century historian mentions him by name. He was being taught while he was in Egypt. Thanks, Chris. Download our eBooks to read on your computers, phone, tablet, or eReader. Some children see Him bronzed and brown, Jacob is between 130 and 147 years old. Did they stay in Bethlehem long or return back? John the Baptist was born in Judea. The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23) and in New Testament apocrypha.Soon after the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him. Did Jesus ever visit Egypt? The flight into Egypt probably took place two or three years before that the stay in Egypt must have lasted some years. We do know that following the death of King Herod the Great, the angel of the Lord appeared once again to Joseph instructing him to go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the young childs life (Matthew 2:20b). Why didn't God give Esau back the blessing that Jacob stole? It says simply that an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him that the family needed to flee to Egypt because Jesus life was in danger from King Herod. 4, some estimating up to bc. Your story demonstrates that there was a house somewhere in Egypt where Jesus lived with his parents. Ultimately through his death and resurrection, Jesus inaugurated a new Israel composed of those people from every nation who put their faith and trust in him. The Holy Family had to leave Bethlehem because of the wickedness and cruelty of the Jews, and had been warned to do so by the Angel Gabriel . I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, both man and God. It seems to me that the most likely scenario is that Jesus was born around 6 B.C., the wise men (by their own account) arrived in Jerusalem two years later in 4 B.C., and in that same year Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt, Herod died, and they returned . 16-18. by the wise men, gives orders that all the children in Bethlehem of two years and under be slain. The Hebrew is Yehoshua, which means Yahweh saves. Its usually translated Joshua in the Old Testament, and its sometimes said as Yeshua today. And if this was an important feature of his visit, why do we not have a complete record in the Bible of His birth and the rest of his life up to the time he presented himself to John for baptism, to support this allegation. Joseph with Mary and Jesus remains in Egypt till he hears through Matt. two years old or . Most scholarship places the date of Herod's death around 4 BCE. This was after he heard of the brutal slaying of John the Baptist. 2:15 He stayed there . Any likely candidates? The term refers to how, as Gods redemptive plan unfolds and reaches its climax in the person and work of Christ, it can be discerned that the end looks like the beginning, although what happens in the end makes right whatever went wrong in the beginning. In this blog, the author of the Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series, the Rev. y su fama de Hablar a la gente llega hasta Egypt y ahi le hacen So therefor Jesus was black. I would be afraid to lie on Jesus and his family. And researchers found a tree where the Virgin Mary came to relax,and the branches are bent in strange way. . If you dont believe me Google Israeli people and study the images. He adds that God wasnt counting peoples sins against them. That is, God extended forgiveness. There were two main roads to Egypt. Therefore, Moses was at least 80 years old at the red Sea and at Sinai when he received the 10 Commandments from the LORD. 6 around September and the year is 2017 so he would be between 2021 and 2023 years old . His Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series is keyed to this format. Change). There is a spring near the city that reportedly sprung up after they arrived. The stories came down by oral tradition, which is why they dont always coincide. Herod the King was known as Herod the Great, and was made King by the Romans in the year 43 BC Historians tell us that his death occurred approximately 4 BC According to Matthew Henrys commentary on the book of Matthew, page 10, Christ was born in the 35th year of Herod the Greats reign. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. As the apostle John proclaimed, Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book, but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name (20:30-31, emp. Deuteronomy 8:3, which Jesus later quotes when tempted by Satan, mentions these provisions from God - although it . For the 430 years that Israel was in Egypt! Where they lived after Jesus born. I very nearly did not approve this comment because of its tone, but since it was made in reply to someone elses question, I will permit the dialogue to continue in this space. Because there is good reason to suppose that Jesus saw them as a child. Jesus was a refugee in Egypt and this is the cave where he stayed with Mary and Joseph. Matthew doesnt say that the Magi went to Bethlehem and found Jesus in the manger. how old was jesus when they fled to egypt. Matthew records God directing Joseph to take his family to Egypt to flee from Herod (Matthew 2:13-15) and their journey back to Nazareth after Herod died (Matthew 2:19-23). 2021 Calvary Chapel Augusta - WordPress Theme : by, How old was jesus when he returned from egypt, Jesus came to seek and save those who were lost, What happened after jesus rose on the third day, What was jesus wrapped in when he was born, Why did jesus go to the desert for 40 days, Why is jesus called the lion of the tribe of judah. Beyond this, no one knew while Jesus was growing up that his life would turn out to be the most important thing that ever happened on earth. See Revelations 12:6. Heres what I say in response to your questionWhat exactly was Jesus death all about?in my guide to Pauls Journey Letters. So depending on when Jesus was born, the journey to Egypt lasted no more than two years, and perhaps as little as a few weeks or months. And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast. This passage identifies the place of Christs birth as being Bethlehem of Judea and the time of His birth was in the days of Herod the King. There are traditions in Egypt that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Elephantine for safety and to be in a Jewish community. An interesting question that also arises is, since Jesus did find shelter as a refugee in Egypt for some length of time, whether He still feels a debt of gratitude to his briefly adopted homeland, and whether this provides an even further incentive for God to want to see justice done for all sides in current Middle Eastern disputes. At the age of about 30 , he d returned to the Middle East and the life that is familiar to us from the New Testament. ESV Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.". Herod died 4 BC, five days after he had put his son, Antipeter, to death and a little before the Passover. (LogOut/ The only possible reason for requiring the birth to be of a virgin, it said so in the Old Testament but the prophecies of the Messiah in the OT got so many details of his comingl wrong, that a large proportion of Jews to this day, do not accept him as The Messiah We need to rely on the kind of research I report in this post. Nicolas Poussin, The Holy Family in Egypt. Jesus could just as easily, and far more logically, have arrived as a fully-grown adult on the day he presented himself to John for Baptism. He took his family and fled to Egypt to fulfill the prophecy found in Hosea 11:1 that God's beloved Son would be called out of Egypt. Matthew 2:13-21 13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him." 14 And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to . But I do suspect that B.C.E may have been created to leave Christ out. "Wake up and take Mary and the baby to Egypt and stay there until I tell you further," the angel said. Why must all questions, regardless to its relevance, lead to race? The calendar has remained fixed even though our understanding has changed of when Jesus was born. All he had to do was to explain to us that we needed to repent and apologise for our sins, otherwise we would be killed. The biblical text does not tell us. They could easily have gone to Egypt . He is whiter than me and I am of English/Irish/European descent. About 4.5 years. (Clicking on a category will display all of the posts it, in a continuous scroll with the most recent at the top.). Egypt has a very intimate connection with Bible history. It was Herod's attempt to destroy this new king by killing all of the boys in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger that led . from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, a Th.M. Mt 2:13 And when they were departed. The Bible truly has answers to so many pending questions Glory be to God Almighty. Listen to our Bible studies now from your browser. Even a literal read has the child being caught up to God then the the women flees . I think this article will help answer your question: Remember, Herod had all babies killed up through the age of two, therefore, Jesus and family would not have come back. I believe Jesus went to Egypt as a fulfillment t of prophecy. Herod died and was replaced by his son Archelaus in 4 BC. CHRIST IS RISEN.TRULY RISEN. john aylward notre dame; randy newberg health problems One consequence of that is that his life is not as well documented as wed like it to be, but Im sure wed agree the trade-off is worth it. Thus began the first of the persecutions that Christ Jesus would undergo on earth all throughout history, whether against Himself or against members of his Mystical Body. Rally I agreed Woman with 12 stars round her head Alan Peters opinion 12 Stars indicaes around Mother Marys Head is true as per the old testment Abraham grand Son JOCOB having 12 Sons, at time of critical stage they went to Egypt for morethan 400 years and 12 generations brought from egypt to Jerusalem 12 generations under leadership of Moses. In truth, there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (21:25, emp. This passage identifies the place of Christ's birth as being Bethlehem of Judea and the time of His birth was . Then they continued traveling to Mostorod, a city north of Cairo. He was the sacrificial lamb. It is documented my brother ,tus Revelation 12:4-5-6 , 1,260 days . Hi Christy. Taught by tradition as set forth by God. I dont understand how you can say Jesus was born in 6 B.C., when B.C. means Before Christ. So the Lord's birth, the visit by the Magi, the flight to Egypt and the return to Nazareth all had to take place between 6 and 4 BC. Heres a link that will tell you a bit more about this. added). Joseph immediately gathered his family together and left Bethlehem under cover of the darkness and stayed in Egypt until they . Jesus could just as easily, and far more logically, have arrived as a fully-grown adult on the day he presented himself to John for Baptism. The story of Gods faithfulness to my late wife and me during the 4 1/2 years when she battled ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) with unfailing faith, joy, and courage. Otherwise, the family probably would have gone back to Nazareth. He holds visiting professorship rank in five seminaries. How can believers in Jesus do even greater things than hedid? After the Magi had left, an angel appeared to Joseph and said to him, "Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Luke 2:39; Matthew 2: 15, 19-23 They remained in Egypt, probably for several years . The Holy Spirit certainly could have inspired Matthew to write his truthful account of some of the life of Christ without mentioning a brief return to Galilee. can u explain why joseph was not recognized by his brothers when they came here in egypt? Matthew 11:14. Joseph, acting with complete docility, rose up, took the Child and his Mother by night, and fled into Egypt (Mt 2:14). Herod, so soon as he finds himself mocked Matt. nubians are black real egyptians are black then why jews did not recognize their white brother in a group of blacks lol, they called joseph egyptian, Please see my comments in this post: Did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Egypt because they could blend in there? According to local traditions, the first stop for the Holy Family was Farma, east of the Nile river. I say in this post that Jesus parents took him to Egypt no more than two years after Jesus was born. So he was no more than two years old, and as I suggest in the post, the family was there no more than two years, and perhaps as little as a few weeks or months, so they would have returned by the time he was four. They escape by night, just before Herod orders the murder of all baby boys born in and around Bethlehem during the last two years. Jacob's other children are between 56 and 63. from Harvard in English and American Literature and Language, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell, and a Ph.D. in the History of Christian Life and Thought, with a minor concentration in Bible, from Boston College, in the joint program with Andover Newton Theological School. REPRODUCTION & DISCLAIMERS: We are happy to grant permission for this article to be reproduced in part or in its entirety, as long as our stipulations are observed. They make three points in support of their view: 1) Jesus was born when the star appeared; 2) Jesus is called a young child (KJV) in the wise men account (Matthew 2:8,9,11,13,14,20,21) and not a baby; and 3) the wise men found Jesus in a house (Matthew 2:11), not a stable or an inn. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2022 Post category: sergei fedorov anna kournikova married Post comments: four characteristics of operations management four characteristics of operations management In chapter 9, Luke mentions that Paul went to Jerusalem after becoming a Christian (Acts 9:26). Matt. These commands make it compulsory for all Jewish males to journey to Jerusalem. revealed to him after He was resurrected and gone to Heaven. Was He dedicated at the Bethlehem temple? Jesus was born, and that is that! Why didnt God reveal the highest morality from thestart? There is no known age of Jesus after His Return from Egypt, but there are supporting facts that give hints. like theirs, but bright with heavenly grace, He ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and . Why is it that people west of the Atlantic pay no heed to the Egyptian Christians account of our Lords sojourn of THREE YEARS AND A HALF in Egypt to which He was taken when two years of age, and thereby see that contrary to all Western Christians theories He had to have been born in 9 B.C? Then they continued traveling to Mostorod, a city north of Cairo. Do you think 430 days could work? Why did God reject Saul as king for making one small mistake? Herod orders the execution of all infant boys born in and near Bethlehem during the previous two years, so they flee by night right before the execution. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.He is co-founder of Liberty University, with Jerry Falwell, in 1971, and was the only full-time teacher in the first year of Libertys existence. how old was jesus when they fled to egypt. But a part of me does hope he was black. Jesus circumcision in Bethlehem: Luke 2: 21: 2 nd of February 4 BC: Purification of Mary in Jerusalem: Luke 2: 22: February and/ or March 4 BC: Fled to and dwelt in Egypt: Matthew 2:13-15: April 4 BC: Herod death, Mary family left Egypt and went to Palestine when Jesus was 4 months old.
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