Guys can be, girls are Worse. Bernadette, as described would have known that Kirsten would have thought it weird to be driving around with a butcher knife. Also people dont want to be around someone who makes a butt out of themselves and acts like an idiot, its to embarrassing. Changing your name does not change your being, by the way. Bernadette was nice to, but she had hidden obsessions. I hear one girl partied a lot that hung with them. Executive Director @ Non-Profit Agency. Sweet Melancholy my tail. As I are, I think of all Kirsten has missed and how life changing it was to have your daughter murdered this way and then dragged through the media as a tori spelling played psycho who deserved what she got. Also a DJ chick who was Singled out.Using McDonalds name sure she will appreciate it. She dont go hardly anywhere anymore. Youre either Bernadette or her Sister, or a Close friend like Berns BFF. She could be mean, in fact, I could see her getting mean before I could see Kirsten. I believe that the real number was held by the cops. Is it respectful to perpetuate lies about a murdered teenage girl due to a fictional depiction? I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. You got kids in all school people try to duck away from and avoid. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. She didnt bully Bernadette either. I believe she kept crying and begging for her friendship and it weirded Kirsten out. Karen, its true, Bernadette was obsessed with Kirsten . Kristen was a bitch (sorry, fact), who would roll her eyes at randoms and point and laugh at people. All are welcome. Bernadette was better looking then Kirsten. An example that shows that Bernadette didnt have respect for Kirstens family and shows how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she appeared to have no inhibitions about attending Kirstens funeral. Im not sure shes really sick, I just hear she is, and doesnt leave her home hardly. Dont let this Corona Virus stop you? Probaly the one who gave details on all those bullied girls at Miramonte. You knew Kirsten. In another one of your comments your wrote Well said Sarah. Bernadette was to in a (round about way) She wasnt as popular as Kirsten, she desired to have the things Kirsten had. Not saying she was an Angel, Im sure she said something to hurt Someones feelings, who hasnt! Rubbish, it was jealousy and pure rage. Bernadette was far out of line I agree. God would want you to forgive, Kirsten would as well. Bernadette would have seen the pain and anguish on Kirstens face, the fear and shock in Kirstens eyes, listened to Kirsten scream in agony (she was reported to have screamed) as she felt the knife rip through Kirsten skin. I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. Kirsten from what I heard was arrogant and self absorbed, but no bully, just a typical teen girl who didnt deserve to die even if she was a bully. I hear Bernadette is depressed a lot these days. Bernadette was in with them to so was Jill. I never saw her actually bully and some said they cant picture Kirsten ever being unkind Kirsten was loved by many very many. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. Its in a teen girls blood to be Caddy and mean its just normal, but that dont give anyone the right to take someone elses life. Where are you these days? Whats worse is how the media played into all of this and have portrayed Kirsten as a girl who deserved this kind of horrific attack, nobody deserves to be tricked, stalked and stabbed in cold blood at 15 out any age. After she married, her name changed again to Jeanette Tomanka and she and her husband, as well as their child, moved to Oregon. I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette she would of told Alex Arnold all about her. For murder! Rest In Peace Kirsten. So sad her life was shortened. What are you talking about?? Living in orinda back in the 80s&90s was no easy task if you indidnt wear the right clothes or drive the nice brand new car you wernt shit . But we didnt care because our parents raised us not to be needy of anyones friend ship. 5.0 Provides follow-up as needed. Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. Maybe they were all misunderstood. Bernadette is a Pig. So you are offbeat to, for defending a Killer. Just saw the new Lifetime movie Death of a Cheerleader. We are simple people. Well 1st off Kirstens home on Orchard Rd was nice, but no Mansion like the Movie portrays a nice Ranchstyle home. I didnt know Kirsten very well. She probaly wanted Bernadette to leave her alone thats all. If they want it known they will come forth themselves and tell it or contact you. You said your Sister was a friend of both girls? she threatened to tell everyone at school the next day, she didnt tell Alex Arnold ( the Man who drove her home) again it was to insane he probaly would of freaked and she didnt want to scare him with the details. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. I was in 8 the grade with Kirstens brother Peter and Bernadette had babysat me years prior and was very sweet. How? Killing is going to far. . So start the story there. Some say she was Stuck up, but not a Bully. They have also lived in Hanford, CA. Did you know the 2 Accussed? You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. She called Kirsten names. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. She would of grown out of that. I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. With all this Corona Virus going around, none of that matters, it was 36 years ago, maybe LP or whoever moved on with her life. She threw up sour cream and onion chips. When they opened the door, they saw Kirsten and, behind her, another girl, who looked about fifteen, lurking out the path.. And How!!! Never wished Kirstens unfortunate death, she may of been misunderstood, but she never talked to me, neither did Bernadette. Bernadette was sweet, cant imagine her even capable of something like Murder, but she was. Kirstens favorite game was Nancy Drew, and she loved her cheers to. I liked Nancy Kane, she got tired of having to be something she wasnt, they looked down on her well. NEXT: Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now, 10 Awesome Facts You Need To Know About The Lifetime Film, A Friend To Die For, 90210's Tori Spelling Can't Be on Real Housewives Because She's 'Too Nice', 10 Best High School Movies Of All Time (Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes), Heroes: How Saving The Cheerleader Saved The World (It's Not What You Think, Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now. Kirsten was more popular she was up there high She had it all, and some were jealous of her popularity. I seen a few of them out and about. People even went as far as to say that it was a murder that was triggered by PCP or was motivated by Satanism. She and her BFF were both Odd. By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit. ~ Mahatma Gandhi. That Saturday evening, Kirstens parents and brother left to attend a potluck dinner for Peters Little League team. [1][2], The daughter of affluent parents Arthur and Berit Costas, Kirsten Costas and her brother Peter grew up in the small suburban town of Orinda, California. Put God first. It'snot too hard to believe that the "it" actors in young Hollywood - especially those who worked the TV movie-of-the-week circuit - were friendly or had been co-workers previously. Angela Delvecchio now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and kid. So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses, Obviously we didnt know B was the killer. Over, if Kirsten bullied B why didnt B use it to Strenghten her Case. Kirsten had a good family, good life, and then this horrendous event took her life. She called Bernadette on her bizarre behavior that night, and if Bernadette would of left Kirsten alone, it would of never reached that Point, and Kirsten would still be alive maybe even today. Tori Spelling, who garnered $100 thousand for her leading role as Stacy Lockwood was already working with Kellie Martin in 1989 on the film Troop Beverly Hills, starring Shelley Long, who played Diane Chambers on the hit showCheers. Others didnt want any part of them cause Orinda kids want to be liked and accepted, and if you hang out with kids who arent you make yourself and outcast to. Telephone: (734)763-0002. That dont Justify Murder. I think Bernadettes Youtube is fake now. She just acted Odd a lot. We dont see the others, dont mix with their lives, not care for them, stay away or just say Its better that something happens to others, not me, but we dont get the message to be just more polite. I feel very sad for both sides. Bernadette protti longed to be popular and she decided to kill an innocent person just because she couldnt have things get way.thats sad. There were a lot of girls at Miramonte they didnt like or fit in, they ran them all out, not just Nancy, she wasnt alone, neither was Joanna, but they act like they were the only victims there. That Movie had Tori Spelling kind of a Bully. Not when she robbed a girl in the Spring of her life, and robbed her of a Family, graduating from High School, and Marrying a nice man, and whatever she planned to become in the future, Bernadette took it all from her. Its about time on other sites told all about Kirsten and how much fun loving she was. They seemed like perfect teenage girls living in the perfect town until a chilling act of jealousy ended a life and tore a community apart. The dinner took place at the schools cafeteria. Completely agree with you Midwest Jimmy. She is rumored to have "two left feet". Kirsten wasnt obligated to helping those people, sometimes it has to be done on your own! No one owes anyone a thing. No excuse for what she did, BTW she was not the poor White trash the Movie deployed her to be, she had a nice home, and was just as well off as Kirstens family, lived on the better side of town. So dont feel Sorry for her. No one is killed without a reason. She didnt have enemies,(that were known), just a fallout with Nancy. Bernadette/Jeanette has paid her dues. She is In her 50 s now, thats if shes alive. Im incandescent with rage. [citation needed], The Costas family left Orinda and moved to Hawaii in 1986.[8]. Rupaul Movie portrayed Kirsten as a Snotty girl, when really she was just down to Earth and Vivacious and fun Loving. Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. Everyone has an Opinion guess we will never know unless we truly knew them, and not Berns friends or Sisters who Comment bad stuff about Kirsten, of course they wont tell the true facts. But Miramonte was what you made of it, I wasnt Popular, but I got along esp, with Kirsten and her group. It was a tragedy that affected so many lives at that time. View the profiles of people named Angela Delvecchio. its very frustrating when the characters are not truly depicted in an accurate manner. Your argument is Sort of pointless, and hypocritical considering that Bernadette did not value TRUE FEELINFS, FREINDSHIPS!!! She was nice to her friends though. To the point that she knew she could . This is Berns BFF or her Sister or Bern herself, no one else would go to such extend to call a dead girl names. Kirsten was nice, yeah, she and a few she didnt like, but they were the kids no one liked. Those bullied girls like I said were loose or cussed and smoked and (dressed roughly).. Kirsten had a good heart though. She didnt bully, but she told people how she felt. 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Bernadette was a Snob also, she only wanted to hang with the incrowd, if you were nothing she didnt talk to you anymore than she had to.
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