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Is there a deeper meaning to it? Guess well have to wait a year to find out, I completely agree there has to be a reason for doing it like that Maybe we should straight up ask Mark Ruffalo since hes pretty good at dropping spoilers haha. The Black Widow is a little more active her next outing, Tales of Suspense #53, and she gets her own costume in Tales of Suspense #64, although it's a fishnet-heavy mask-and-cape ensemble, not the . Meanwhile, Antonia can use her Taskmaster programming to train the Widows to be even more dangerous than they already are. As to why she was able to hold out even that long: aside from being a "peak human" she is an Avenger. So, the blonde has two meanings: (1) to indicate that time has passed in the Marvel universe, and (2) as a tribute to the other Black Widow characters of Marvel, who have not (and evidently,. Thus, the Infinity War fight may allude to the fact that in the Earth-19999 universe, she has also had the equivalent of the Super-Soldier serum. WhileBlack Widowdoesn't offer a definitive reason for her change of look, it can be assumed she was looking to ditch her iconic look to make herself less recognizable and evade the capture of the U.S. Government. RELATED: Loki Fell Into Marvel's Lost Universe With the Infinity Gems In 2004, though, Richard K. Morgan took over writing Black Widow in a series of two miniseries. This content is imported from YouTube. Family is a significant plot point withinBlack Widow despite this not being aFast and the Furiousmovieand this visual choice only further emphasizes the effect that the prequel's events had on Natasha. Marvel really woke up and chose chaos with this one. This suggested, between the events of Black Widow and Avengers: Endgame, Yelena has worked for Countess Valentina Allegra de Fontaine as a contract killer. Perhaps he used a lifetime of knowing Howard Stark to work out a way to use the Quantum Realm to cross timelines. And then there areother characters who were shockingly killed off earlier in the film, including fan favorites Gamora, Loki, and Heimdell. Melina and Alexei, though seeming not to want to help, ended up aiding the women in their quest to get to Dreykov, leading to a major confrontation between Natasha and her nemesis. But, you know, #platonic. His eyes were heart-shaped. Cinema is back! It was more Hawkeye with Nat?. Some storyline may be a bit off track as I have only seen the movie 1 time as of writing this. As a result, a newly blonde Black Widow went off to bring her family back together by breaking some of them out of jail to start the fight against Thanos. There's a notion that the reason why Nat was significantly impacted by the disappearance of her fellow heroes in Infinity War was that the Avengers were her only family. Tony manages to trick Thanos and remove all of the stones. 2" tease here. Graveside, she is visited by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), who sets Yelena on her next mission: to assassinate the man responsible for Natashas death, Clint Barton. Marvel is back! Black Widow's Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) is nowhere to be seen in Avengers: Infinity War, but that doesn't mean she was a victim of Thanos' snap. The scene jumped forward into the present day, where Yelena was visiting the grave of her sister, Natasha. If you recall, Natasha had spent the entirety of Avengers: Age of Ultron, attempting at a romantic involvement with Bruce. The end. In the comics she was a morally dubious counterpart to Nick Fury, so the fact that shes clearly recruited Yelena could mean interesting things for both of them going forward. It hammers home what an utter monster Dreykov is he is a man who hates women so much that even his own daughter is nothing more than a commodity to him. The stone gives him the power to steal others' souls and imprison them inside the stone. The entire film was filled with magical moments. Adam is an artificial human created by scientists in the hopes to create a supreme race of human beings to rule over mankind. As with any film that utilizes it, the prequel setting causes some issues forBlack Widowas it alleviates much of the tension when it comes to the central character. That's the magic of making this the cliffhanger on which the movie ends. The awkward scene, and leading up to Romanogers future romance with all the scenes that give us clues. Obviously, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige probably didn't envision this origin story for a standard costume at the time, but he does often like to offer explanations to small details years down the line. She has handed the mantle, and the future of Black Widow in the MCU, to Yelena. Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! After her grand takedown of the Red Roomand evading the capture of Thunderbolt Ross once again, Natasha reunited with Mason and was finally shown to be sporting the new look. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The henchwoman is Proxima Midnight who is very definitely superpowered well above the level of Peak Human that Black Widow is. She is not considered a normal human but yet has abilities such as super agility and dexterity in combat skills. , Glad someone pointed out the framing of the This is awkward scene. Since Black Widow's ending sets up Avengers: Infinity War, then it'd be an easy way to explain why there's no mention of or appearance from Natasha Romanoff's (Scarlett Johansson) Russian family. Black Widow and Hawkeye find out from Red Skull the unfortunate way that Thanos got his hands on the Soul Stone. What does the name "Black Widow" mean in the MCU? In a video review by Collider, Robert Meyer Burnett says about the reunion between Nat and Bruce: The way its cut you are absolutely supposed to think [that Captain America and Black Widow are an item] and I dont think hes far wrong about that. If they adopt a child, yes. So what does that mean for her solo movie? why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity warrivercrest tunkhannock, pa. why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity war. aptos middle school principal; how long is life without parole in missouri; arre st wv srj mugshots; small hall hire london . This means Natasha is still alive after The Snap and is raising Banner's child who would be 6 at the end of End Game. Thats all I got but if they decide to go with Nat and Steve Im going to lose it. Thank you for this!! Is it possible to create a concave light? The survival and presumed rehabilitation of Antonia/Taskmaster leaves the door open for the character to return to the MCU. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Beyond that, she has "heart" -- an absolute unwillingness to give up or admit defeat. Thanos is madly in love with the embodiment of Death, and he thinks a mass slaughter will be the key to igniting their relationship. rev2023.3.3.43278. She carries extreme guilt over what she believed to be the murder of Antonia as a child. Because do not forget Bucky disappeared/died in Infinity War. News of PM INDIA. Now this may benefit your reality, but my new one, not so much," she explains. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Black Widow and Hawkeye travel to 2014 Vormir to get the Soul Stone. Instead, they paired Nat with Bruce, in Age of Ultron. And the whole this is awkward comment? In their second fight Black Widow is assisted by Okoye, probably a warrior as strong (in Marvel terms: peak human) as she is. If all of the characters come back after vanishing into the abyss, then Marvel will have undone something drastically unexpected. 3" for 2020. Black Widow fans are heartbroken realizing how the movie sets up Natasha Romanoff's Avengers: Infinity War look. Which brings up what I think is something of the true question here--"How does Black Widow, a bog-standard human, fight against giant alien badass chick Proxima Midnight?" Nat told Bruce she was STERILIZED as part of a graduation ceremony from her assassin school and there was a whole scene where Wanda messed with her mind and she went back there. Then I read both Scarlett and Chris denying the romance and was bewildered why would you shoot the scene that way? Lets hope we have our Romanogers come truewith little James. Before Yelena leaves with the Widow she and Natasha share a poignant goodbye. Yelena boards the plane with the Widows and her fake parents, finally part of an actual familyalbeit a family of trained assassins. Fans love this character. It's something multiple characters warned about multiple times throughout the movie. While it's known that Yelena will return in Hawkeye, it's not so clear what happened to her, Red Guardian (David Harbour), or Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) after Black Widow but prior to Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Natasha then jumped into a jet fans would recognize from the beginning of Infinity War to go and save her friends, and that part of The Avengers' story continued. (Probably not.). "Remove one of the stones and that flow splits. After all, at almost throughout the entire film, theyre attached to the hip, with a seamless communication between them, and almost completely ignores Bruce. Nah. Nat says shes going to break her friends out of prison (another nod to the end of Civil War) and help patch things up, leading us nicely towards Infinity War. The grave reads Daughter, Sister, Avenger. We need for her to have tied up her loose ends before making a final sacrifice that ultimately saves the world, but also likely saves her sister too. After what she went through with Bruce, it is only natural that she has moved on and into the arms of another; I believe that that line foreshadowed Nat and Steves potentially imminent union in Infinity War. why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity war. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Natasha Romanoff is back! They have been incognito for the latter two of the three years, traveling from country to country and hotel to hotel, hiding and fighting in the shadows. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I totally agree with everything. Sure. Every time Black Widow shows up in an Avengers movie, like the "She's not alone" moment in Infinity War, when she saves Scarlet Witch from Proxima Midnight, it brings the house down.. A few others are in a gray area. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. She says she needs to hold off Ross and his men, who are still pursuing her after the events of Captain America: Civil War. In it, Natasha Romanoff (played by Scarlett Johansson) rekindled relationships and found the strength to return to The Avengers and battle Thanos. Bruce and Nat both are really hard to open up characters because you never really know their feelings, thats why theyre good together, they understand each other like no one else, except Clint. Nebula and War Machine go to 2014 Morag to get the Power Stone. Once Scott Lang has been freed from the Quantum Realm by a rat, the Avengers come up with their second plan to bring everyone back. A neat solution could be to reveal that they were victims of Thanos' snap. The movie showed Natasha and Yelena trying to take down the Red Room, the place where they were created by Dreykov (Ray Winstone). 8. Natasha's reaction in Infinity War after Thanos snapped [Will contain Infinity War AND Black Widow spoilers] Theory. why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity waruindy football roster. san diego high school basketball rankings 2022; hole in the wall trail; warlocks motorcycle club; . Since the Avengers disassembled in Captain America: Civil War, Nat had been on the run not with Bruce, but with Steve Rogers for betraying the government and not handing Steve over as agreed. Cap, Thor and Iron Man take on Thanos themselves, while Hawkeye retrieves the Gauntlet and is almost killed by 2014 Nebula, only for current Nebula to kill her past self. She can now attack Dreykov but before she can do him any really damage he sets the Widows on her and tell them to torture and kill her. S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a worldwide phenomenon. As with most time-travel movies, you could give yourself a headache working out the various permutations, but that doesn't stop you enjoying the ride. June 29, 2022 . Which MCU characters are shown to be worthy of Mjolnir in the comics? The plan is semi-successful, though Melina ends up having to blow up the Red Rooms main engine rather than simply landing it, adding some extra peril and of course, the MCU signature things fall out of the sky ending. Black Widow in Infinity War. Press J to jump to the feed. But, the decision to fill in the gap in Natasha's story betweenCaptain America: Civil WarandAvengers: Infinity Warallows the studio to provide some answers. Marvels Black Widow: MCU Easter Eggs and References Guide, Why Black Widow's Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover Works, Florence Pughs Best Roles: What to Watch After Black Widow, Shazam! But Ive always thaught of them as a couple, because they faught well and still fight well together. After over a decade of calls for Black Widow to lead her own solo film, who would've thought it would take her character's death to finally see the light of day. Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) doesn't appear in the MCU Phase 3 events set after Black Widow, but that doesn't mean she died in Thanos' Avengers: Infinity War snap. The dogs name is Fannypresumably in reference to Fanny Longbottomone of the alter-egos given to Nat at the start of the film by Mason. As a Staff Writer for FanBolt, she pens articles about pop culture films and television programs. But as we picked up with her in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War, Natasha wasn't living in hiding. What did the Scarlet Witch show the Hulk/Bruce Banner? They have a stand off in which they lock staves and are pushing against each other, and neither seems to have a real advantage. We know that theres a good chance that when Yelena says goodbye to Nat, its forever. I totally agree with this 100%. They want to take them back to reverse the Snap, only to find out Thanos has destroyed them. If Yelena wasnt snapped, wed be very surprised that she didnt offer to help out with the events of Endgame, and that she wouldnt (in theory) have been more involved with the Avengers. I'd say an even pushing contest against someone of superhuman strength is pretty good evidence of superhuman strength. The studio won't even hold a giant panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Is there an objective answer to who "the strongest Avenger" is? . . The Avengers: Infinity Saga Box set continues to make waves across the MCU . This is somewhat dependent on whether Yelena was one of the casualties of the snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. While it's crazy it makes sense and everything in Marvel . Yelena revealed Dreykov had started using bioengineering to control his women, brainwashing them with a particular substance so they would follow his commands. During the Black Widow Movie we will see Natasha and her sister trade places with each other so Natasha can hide in plain sight and raise Banner's . We know Tom Holland is going to be back in a "Spider-Man: Homecoming" sequel July 2019, so there's no way his character can stay dead. So, basically, Thanos jumping to 2023 (and dying) doesn't erase the fact that he did the Snap. Earlier we see how thrilled Yelena is having brought the very first item of clothing for herself ever. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, How to handle a hobby that makes income in US, AC Op-amp integrator with DC Gain Control in LTspice, Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. Why are heroes turning into sprinklings of dust? Digital Spy participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. It sounds scary, but Warlock's a good dude, in the comics anyway. After some big explosions, epic fight scenes and a lot of action, Natasha gained information on where all the Black Widows in the world were hiding and was able to neutralize those training in the Red Room. And lastly, when Steve looks to the New Avengers Facility and says, Im home, the scene cuts to Natasha. Val also appeared in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which was six months after Endgame; her cameo in Black Widow was supposed to come first, so it's reasonable to assume it's even earlier. As Goliath, did Clint Barton ever take advantage of his Hawkeye skills? He uses his suit as a new Gauntlet, snapping his fingers and reducing Thanos (and his army) to dust. Fan Theory: Are Black Widow and Captain America Romantically Involved in Avengers: Infinity War? In "Infinity Gauntlet," Warlock works with Strange to lead the remaining heroes in a fight against Thanos and restore peace among the universe. Close. And if you've seen it,you're going to want to talk about the ending. After numerous coronavirus-linked delays, Marvel fans finally have the chance to watch Black Widow. In Civil War, Nat and Steve share two of the film's "most endearing scenes" - not to mention, she switched sides in the war to remain close to Steve.But, you know, #platonic. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Yelena revealed to Natasha that after regaining full control of her mind back from the Red Room, that jacket became the first item of clothing sheever bought herself. The key evidence in the theory that Yelena didn't die in Avengers: Infinity War is her relationship with Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), which is revealed in Black Widow's post-credits scenes, set after Natasha's death in Endgame. And what about Sams comment? This article contains Black Widow spoilers. Well have a go at unpicking it. If she were dusted by Thanos, then it'd mean she was brought back, almost immediatelyfound and recruited by Val, and then carried out a few missions for her being taking a break to visit Nat's memorial. Christine holds a degree in Communication, and has had prior educational experience in filmmaking and screenwriting. First off, why, of all people, would Steve give his blessing to her and Bruce? As a result, the human cost of the two Black Widows freeing the heavily tattooed Red Guardian from prison may have been enormously high. Rosie Fletcher is the UK Editor of Den Of Geek. You might recognize Valentina from her appearances in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. In order to do this, she must face her past and some other familiar faces, while also confronting the most shameful act she has ever been part of. She will be on a mission to find Clint Barton and kill him for his supposed hand in Natasha's death, though fans will hope he can convince Yelena of the truth enough to recruit her to his new team. That's a no-brainer. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Is Black Widow genetically engineered or enhanced in Avengers? Heres a thought, Bruce called Steve, obviously Steve knew Bruce was back and didnt tell Nat, or at least she looked surprised and I think he did that for a reason, as of Avengers 2 Steve supported them all the way and said Yall both deserve a win. Combine these traits and you have one of the best defenders humankind could ask for -- and someone who could beat someone significantly more powerful, if they lack the level of commitment and training she has. Yelena, only a small child at the time, had no idea her family was not real, and once the mission was over she was inducted into the Red Room like many other girls before her. This was an important reunion, as Alexei and Melina had once posed as parents of Yelena and Natasha during a mission for the Red Room in Ohio. Yes and again Yes for Romanogers ! Natasha was clearly contemplating a style change early on in Black Widow as she was shown to be holding a box of blonde hair dye after Rick Mason set her up in a Norway-based caravan. We already know that Yelena will appear in the Hawkeye TV series, which is arriving later this year. Disney doesn't own the rights to all of the Marvel characters on screen. Thor and Rocket travel to 2013 Asgard to get the Reality Stone. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? Black Widow, which is the first film of Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will hit theaters in May.Rather than taking place in the present, it serves as a retrospect on Natasha's life after her part in Captain America: Civil War and before she makes her final sacrifice in this year's Avengers: Endgame.. And according to Marvel's Chief Creative Officer, Kevin Feige, it will offer . Black Cat, Dagger, Daredevil, Firestar, Hercules, Human Torch, Mr. At least, its what she said to Bruce in Age of Ultron. Over the course of only one year, she has already written for an array of Internet publications, most notably for FanSided. bird dog peach whiskey mixed drinks; northern arapaho settlement 2019. oven pride burn treatment; pasta con tomate cherry y queso crema. It gets a bit twisty! If that's what happens next summer, we'll hear of how the Mouse House is afraid to take risksand make movies without any real consequences for its core characters. Id totally be down for this even though me personally I love Agent 13. In the comics, Adam wields one of the Infinity stones in his head (the soul stone), similar to Vision in the Marvel movies. Formerly the TV editor at WhatCulture, he has a particular love of Star Wars (The Last Jedi was great), Game of Thrones (season 8 was good), and Harry Potter (J.K. Rowlingnever mind) - y'know, all that really niche, nerdy stuff. Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? The simplest explanation, then, is that Yelena was notkilled in Avengers: Infinity War, andsometime after the Snap was recruited by Val, giving more time for their relationship to develop. This scene takes place in the present day of the MCU (which youll remember is still our near future, thanks to the five year time jump from Avengers: Endgame), where we see Yelena has a dog! Seriously don't read on past the trailer below unless you've seen the movie, as major spoilers await. He just disappeared from the scene completely, to allow the camera to focus on them! Black Panther; Avengers: Infinity War . After the family are all safe on the ground and Nat has freed Antonia the Widows come back to pick them up. Honestly, For the longest time Ive always thaught, In my head that Cap and Widow where together. Once you've done that, we're here to delve deep into the movie. Natasha Romanoff has been through a lot in her decade in the MCU, having finally found herself a family in the Avengersonly to see it pulled apart inCaptain America:Civil War. Black Widowis in theaters now and is available to stream on Disney+ via Premier Access. Disney and Marvel also just rebooted the character for the second time. Theres so much excitement going on all at once that it can be overwhelming. As Bucky Barnes goes to join his buddy Captain America, he starts to disintegrate before his very eyes. Nebula's already been on a mission to destroy her father, this just gives her added incentive to in "Avengers 4.". How did Black Widow hold her own in Infinity War? Additionally . While they're still on the run for their unsanctioned heroic activities two years later, Black . Morgan told CBR's own Dave Richards (one of the very best comic book interviewers around!) Seriously. Black Widow's timeline,set during Captain America: Civil War's ending, raises some big questions about where its characters are afterward. In Civil War, Nat and Steve share two of the films most endearing scenes not to mention, she switched sides in the war to remain close to Steve. But the Avengers don't have long to celebrate, as 2014 Nebula brings Thanos through the Quantum Realm and he destroys Avengers HQ, setting up one final, epic battle. Song pairing recommendation: "Swimming In The Flood" by Passion Pit . And on the other hand, Chris Evans had said, that his character and Natasha really depend on each other in a VERY SPECIFIC way. Now THAT, I can believe. Found the internet! She can fight identically to whichever opponent she faces making her incredibly difficult to defeat. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and Nick Fury watch as people disappear before their eyes right before the two of them become dust in the wind. Tony Stark is reluctant to help, as he's settled into family life with Pepper Potts and their daughter Morgan, while Hawkeye, AKA Ronin, is off killing all the bad guys after losing his family in the Snap. Nope. For us, though, it packs a bigger emotional punch. In the film's end-credits , we see this isn't just limited to the heroes squaring off with Thanos. This is Nats battle alone, its her wrong to right, and its a really important part of her journey. So, how will we know for sure if Natasha and Steve are romantically involved? Her father has weaponized her and taken away her free will. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity warguilford county jail mugshots. : The Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-19999) has not given us a complete backstory on the Black Widow for their universe, but in the Marvel canon universe (Earth-616) she has had the equivalent of the Super-Soldier serum (a Russian variant) given to her making her the female equivalent to Captain America. Think about it, if you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future," he explains. Like Doctor Strange, he can cast some spells. However, if many of them wind up coming back in next summer's "Avengers" sequel, was it all for naught? Not knowing that her and Bruce where like yeah. The key line to understand the MCU's take on it comes early on when the team are talking. In that brief window of . When Thanos' attack on Earth kicked off inAvengers: Infinity War, Romanoff was traveling the world with Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. While not the SuperSoldier Serum invented by Erskine, she underwent a drug regimen gave her superior strength and agility for a woman her size who engages in intensive regular exercise. However, the Russian spy didn't commit to the switch until the final moments of the blockbuster. (She says earlier in the movie that she wants a dog). We wont, at least until one year from now, when the still-untitled sequel to Infinity War hits theaters in 2019. Comparing his reaction to being reunited with Rhodey, he didnt look all too pleased that Bruce had returned. Additionally, theres a line in the film, said by Natasha to Steve: We have what we have when we have it and while it may not have meant anything at the time, its a pretty big deal now. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Melina appears to double cross the rest of the family by notifying Dreykov they are at her house. Being set between the two blockbusters,Black Widowdoes a lot to set up the opening of the 2018 epic, including explaining Natasha's change of style in the film. Yelena Bulova is a major character in the film, and her vest is a bit of a running . S.H.I.E.L.D. Wanda intervenes. As shown at the beginning of the movie, Natasha, Melina and Alexei were put on a special mission to find this mind-control formula and steal it from Hydra. The MCUs equivalent of the Thunderbolts or the Dark Avengers is inevitable, and Taskmaster has history with those teams in the comics. Are they really dead because they weren't killed during the mass exodus or would they possibly get a pass as well? Sign up for notifications from Insider! If Marvel revealed its full slate of upcoming sequels beyond May 2019, it could spoil the resurgence of any character that is currently dead at the end of "Infinity War.". funny tradie interview. Third argument: do you recall the scene where she asks Steve, Where else am I gonna get a view like this? Well, Steve had this look on his face as he laid eyes on her, that made my own heart beat quicker in my chest. I mean they make a pretty great couple together! One of the most poignant and painful moments in the film giving just the tiniest glimpse of the torture she has endured for the entirety of her adult life. Val appeared in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, recruiting John Walker to her team after he was stripped of her Captain America mantle. This reveal is important for a number of reasons. (Nat does soundly beat Corvus Glaive, which is another whole debate.). This is the movies true ending, and wed challenge you not to have a little cry. Raw strength alone does nothing. If we look past the fact that Nat was originally supposed to end up with Clint, Id say a romantic future between Nat and Steve was imminent. Meanwhile, heres a deep dive into that post credits scene. Once Dreykov has revealed his Widow network to her and has shown her how he accesses the files (via a ring), Nat smashes her face into his desk, severing it herself since he wasnt strong enough to do it. Steven Yeun Joins the MCU for Thunderbolts, The Marvels Releases a New Poster & a New Release Date, Will There Be More Ant-Man Movies? Captain Marvel is off doing her own missions, Black Widow is trying to hold things together and Bruce Banner has become a celebrity, as he's learned to mix "brains and . But, unfortunately, Marvel Studios didnt want to roll with it at first. Following her breaches of the Sokovia Accords, the superhero face-off left Black Widow on the run from the U.S. Government.