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This red flag law, or the Extreme Risk Protection Order law, lets individualsincluding police officerspetition a court to allow the seizure of firearms from a person they believe poses a threat to themselves or others. Heritage Foundation: "Unlike other commonly proposed gun control measures, red-flag laws could have been used to prevent many high-profile mass public shootings without broadly infringing on the rights of all lawful gun owners." The first part of this statement that "red flags" could have been preventative is simply unprovable. Consider whether there's anything you can and should do to prevent someone else from learning that you're doing research or seeking help, especially if that person could gain access to your device. Dec 30, 2022. The Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous 9-0 decision in CANIGLIA v. STROM that "red flag" style seizure of a citizen's guns were unconstitutional and that community caretaking laws do not apply to someone's private home.. I do view ERPO as a promising solution that has the potential to make a big difference again, if its implemented.. If it were clear who would or would not be a mass shooter, this would be less of a problem. A New York State Supreme Court Justice ruled last week that New York's Extreme Risk Protection Order laws, often called Red Flag laws are unconstitutional and declined to issue an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO). GOA Applauds DeSantis Support for Open Carry in Florida, TN: Real Constitutional Carry Inches Toward Finish Line. During cross-examination, Swanson took aim at the list of red flags or warning signs that suggest opioid abuse or diversion that Catizone said pharmacists are required to be on the lookout for. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) var reqURL="";function loadVideo(iframe){fetch(reqURL+iframe.getAttribute('cid')).then(response=>{return response.json()}).then(data=>{var videoNumber=(iframe.getAttribute('vnum')?Number(iframe.getAttribute('vnum')):0);console.log(videoNumber);var link=data.items[videoNumber].link;id=link.substr(link.indexOf("=")+1);iframe.setAttribute("src",""+id+"?controls=0")}).catch(err=>{console.log(`ERROR: ${ err }`)})}var iframes=document.getElementsByClassName('latestVideoEmbed');for(var i=0,len=iframes.length;i