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So is the new twist to Brahmanism as opposed to Brahmins. But statistically they were not very significant. And this is definitely what the BJP in Tamil Nadu wants. So contemporary rationalism is more an after thought to defend actions that covered ones frustrations and hide personal ambitions. Credit to EVR that he succeeded largely in what he set out to achieve though he will be debated for a few more decades. Does someone have any link proving it or stating that it is a folklore. Soon, roads were renamed, portraits unveiled, housing colonies were to be named after politicians in Tamilnadu. His later joining the Congress party was because of his belief that political connections will further his fun life. However, this seems confused in hindsight. As long as the ones who follow Manu dharma exist, the nation will never have discipline, integrity, honesty and justice. EVRs rationalism was limited by his experiences but refused to accept that marriage in a civilisation has been conceived not as some individual enterprise but as a social effort to ensure a lifelong commitment by couple. So ignored. Periyar was clear that he was against Brahmins, not Brahminism. Some thoughts are kept alive by artificial resuscitation following propaganda theories and methods. It is almost axiomatic in Tamil Nadu, and constantly parroted by non-Tamils too, that it was thanks only to Periyar that reservations in jobs and education came into being in the state. She later stopped her temple visits. Their piousness and personal discipline irritated problem child EVR and he revolted. Happens when UN agencies are filled with evangelists and fundamentalists / Long story short, Rajinikanth mixed up the gods who got beaten with chappals and the gods who were paraded naked. Thus, less than 1% of 1% of the population were graduating from these colleges. Another claim was that EVR stood for womens emancipation. Even if it had chosen every non-Brahmin applicant who possessed the barest qualification, it could not have met the stated quota.). Tamil Nadu What he said in cooler moments rare though they were are also available. It is because one is a thief, one indulges in thievery. Great post, thank you so much for sharing this here. They were arrogant, casteist and possessed a general contempt for the unwashed millions, and even the washed others. 1. Devotees are struck in awe when incredible stories of His miracles are shared by Queens and Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers as well by celebrities of many hue and colour. BJP Posts Controversial Tweet on Periyar, Gets Slammed. And that an image of Lord Rama cutout in wood was set afire at the end of the parade. Politicising of tamil language began with the unveiling of statues on the Marina beach. (, Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle Class. And this brings us to the next question. water release from the Mullaperiyar dam did not alter the level in the much larger Idukki reservoir, at over 94% of its storage capacity, located 35 km downstream. Skip to content Bringing science & development together through news & analysis Brahmins had successfully resisted foreign rule for a thousand years and were considered custodians of Hindu culture. Stalin, urging him to draw maximum quantum of water from the dam through the tunnel so that a large volume release would be avoided altogether. When 44 Dalits were massacred by non brahmin upper castes in Keezhavenmeni, he chose to be tactfully remain quiet. Many of his black-shirted followers were fine individuals personally. This then gives us two options. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. Though he was personally liked by almost all political leaders, almost all of them considered him to be maverick, unrestrained and irresponsible. I must mention here that our family which was a great devotee of EVR has been following his self respect marriages (though as a rebel, I opted for a total Vedic wedding). EVR was like a heavy road roller that crushed anything that came between his deep desires but was smart and cunning enough to mask them as social issues. A meeting between the Chief Ministers to discuss the issue is being planned in December. Case in point, superstar Chief Minister MG Ramachandran. For the first time ever, Rajinikanth spoke against EV Ramaswamy at a public function. Gowthaman). India has gone into the hands of scoundrels after the departure of the British., There is no doubt that Periyar genuinely wanted the Dalits to break out of the shackles of caste oppression but his approach was more paternalistic than what Gandhi was being accused of. Distory Buster. Little surprise, therefore, that this dialogue seems to have jumped out of the screen and taken to the streets. No. Fraud fellows. They have nerve to do a forgery and include that in children text books. Height of hypocrisy. Irony is, they call themselves as Note: This article was corrected on September 22, 2017, to state that reservations were first introduced in Tamil Nadu in 1927 with the support of the Swarajya Party, not the Justice Party as was stated earlier. I am not able to remember where I read or heard that. His weapon was hate and like Adolf Hitler didnt think twice that he could hurt innocent people. Because the truth is worth it.). The dam became a reality nine years later. Deputy CM O Panneerselvam can never be seen without the holy ash and vermilion on his forehead. Also, by the 1930s, the majority of students in both arts and professional colleges were not Brahmins. He spent his long life tirelessly working in support of what he believed in and against what he detested. Let's begin with the obvious question. A civilisation famous for love,openness and embrace of races was maimed openly under the name of revolution, by fast spinners of hate. He batted for the DMK in 1996, and won them an election. All the stories are real life incidents and are verifiable. The reason? Ramaswamy was a great social reformer. At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. dam were opened on October 30 to release water . Despite EVR losing to Sathyamurthy within the Congress, EVRs followers many decades later had their last hateful laugh when surreptiously they removed his name from Sathyamurthy reservoir in Poondi which was conceived by Satyamurthy to supply water to Chennai city. EVR hated communists to the core. His pious wife objected. Which brings us to the real question. Follow me on @sttalkindia In a leaderless state that is currently seeing a drought in political news, this one statement has opened floodgates, and fanned fires. With a totally upper class bourgeois arrogance EVR had no compassion for the Dalits. Joe Joseph, a doctor who was the candidate of the corporate-backed Twenty20 in the recent Kerala Assembly election from Kothamangalam, downstream of the Mullaperiyar and Idukki dams, moved the court, along with two others, last year contending that the Supervisory Committee had abdicated its responsibilities to a sub-committee constituted at the direction of the court for water management in the dam. Gowthaman, vol. Though EVR desired simple marriages which carried enormous good sense, what pompous Dravidian followers did in practice will make him hang his head in shame. As he played gross games with his wife and succeeded, so he preserved with them in public life too. Chintanaikal, Anaimuthu, 1974, p. 1,860). A clear example of sour grapes. Tamil film actor Rajinikanth has courted controversy with his remark that at a rally in Salem district in 1971, attended by Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) founder Periyar E.V. Recently it has come to light that UNESCORTED did not give him any award but it was given by UNESCO MANRAM which was formed by ANBAZAGAN DMK brother .Please remove the relevant para. This is compilation of a series of first hand reports. Yet, he tweeted against Rajinikanth's statements, saying, "Periyar should be kept at the highest pedestal and respected.". UNESCO In 1927, the Justice Party had been in the opposition. But he tried repeatedly to cure her of her religious life and repeatedly told her not to visit temples as he understood that visiting temples as the cause for her rigid moral culture, which was an impediment to his minor life. What made him what he was. Supreme Court last week considered a public interest litigation petition filed by a Kerala physician and two former local body representatives on the Accordingly, the water level in the dam would be limited to 138 feet till October 31 and 139.5 feet till November 10. This marriage caused outrage and was said to have caused a split in the organisation and Sathyamurthy led Congress to victory in the Provincial elections in 1937 & became Mayor of Madras in 1939. Overall, there were about 15,000 Brahmins out of about 80,000 government employees (Political Career of E.V. EVR called Idols as lifeless stones and called out those beliefs of honouring and worshipping them as crass and superstitious. He did not think about others. (Periyar E.V.R. / He was forcibly married to a very pious girl with that fond typical South Indian belief that marriage cures all kinds of vagabounds and eccentric young men. Nowhere did EVR or EVRs protges condemned the upper castes of Chettiars, Nayakars, Reddiars, Mudaliars, Gounders, etc and their domination in social sphere. Unlike B.R. (Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle Class, Fuller and Narasimhan, 2014, appendix). The African Union would accept an application to consider taking on the controversial life sciences award, but a clear plan has yet to emerge. French Revolution was a singular example. The total number of students in both the arts and professional colleges was around 3,000 in 1890 (The Politics of South India, C.J. Between 1949 and 1967, the former being the year his disciple Annadurai broke away from him and formed his own party and the latter being the year he formed the first non-Congress government, Periyars harshest abuses were reserved for his former disciples. Periyar was at the forefront of the protests against Hindi imposition. He accepted the Constitution written by the Brahmins and signed on the dotted lines. WebOn 9 July, 1949, a 70-year-old Periyar, E V Ramasamy, married the 32-year-old Maniammai. Honestly can't remember. India has gone into the hands of scoundrels after the departure of the British., There is no doubt that Periyar genuinely wanted the Dalits to break out of the shackles of caste oppression but his approach was more paternalistic than what Gandhi was being accused of. Even the most advanced digital propagandist tools can never harm ideas that are rounded and complete. If you do not have an account please register and login to post comments. EVR the Congressman left after a short period as he also faced strong leadership in the party in Sathyamurthy and opportunities for office missing and despite the Assembly honouring him as Vaikom Veerar in an effort to please him. P.A. Here are 10 facts which every Indian should know about EVR. So as namesake statues come up in every street corner of Tamilnadu and across India, apart from they being crude works of art its a fact that they have no value, culturally or politically. This number increased to around 14,000 in 1936. A culture of a civilisation is judged by its contributions to sustaining a society. Periyar, : So long as democracy exists, the honest will have no other option except to fade away, giving the dishonest room to dance around. WebPeriyar E.V. At times, Periyar issued blood-curdling threats to Brahmins, but in action he did not believe in violence. Users can access their older comments by logging into their accounts on Vuukle. The story so far: Coinciding with an episode of erratic, cataclysmic rain in Keralas high-ranges, the 21 Engel Injection Molding Machines (28 to 300 Ton Capacity), 9 new Rotary Engel Presses (85 Ton Capacity), Rotary and Horizontal Molding, Precision Insert Molding, Full Part Automation, Electric Testing, Hipot Testing, Welding. Massive landslides had devastated the hilly regions in central Kerala and weather prediction was ominous when the courts attention was drawn to a report prepared by the United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which cited significant structural flaws in the dam and said it may be at risk of failure. His so-called research on the. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. It is almost axiomatic in Tamil Nadu, and constantly parroted by non-Tamils too, that it was thanks only to Periyar that reservations in jobs and education came into being in the state. Webperiyar unesco award controversywhat happened to jv from the jv show 2021. He felt he was deprived of his opportunities for stardom with Brahmin Sathyamurthy being proactive with integration of castes. With the threat of floods looming large and the reservoirs filling up, the court asked both States to abide by the rule curve for the period set by the Supervisory Committee constituted at its instance. His parents were pious, morally upright and hereditarily wealthy. They cannot be abusive or personal. As was usual with Dravidian politics, this focus and obsession of statues ironically began as an anti idol movement to reason out faith and beliefs of Hinduism to pamper to Islamic and Christian fundamentalists and as admiration of anything western. Keralas Irrigation Design and Research Board is in the final stages . dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. In short, while Tamil Brahmins used the opportunities that the British Government provided, it was not that they arm-twisted anybody to get where they did. Tamilnadu challenged Keralas dam height law in Supreme court. Viswanathan, 1983, p. 126). By the mid-1990s, Tamil Nadu started demanding restoration of the level. He did so because he considered all the upper caste non-brahmins, many of whom were landlords, money lenders, traders and merchants, to be victims when the reality was that they, too, were part of the machinery of oppression. History of 126-year-old Mullaperiyar dam: The Mullaperiyar Dam is on the River Periyar and its tributary, the Mullayar in the state of Kerala, hence the amalgamation Mulla-Periyar.It is located 881 m (2,890 ft) above mean sea level, on the Cardamom Hills of the Western Ghats in Thekkady, Idukki district of Kerala, India. Supreme Court last week considered a public interest litigation, dam were opened on October 30 to release water, Keralas Irrigation Design and Research Board is in the final stages, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, Supreme Court forms expert panel to probe any regulatory failure on Adani issue, India makes renewed push for consensus at G20 Foreign Ministers meeting, Hindenburg Research report on Adani Group | Supreme Court verdict on expert committee on March 2, High debt on Vedanta books puts investors on tenterhooks, Employees Provident Fund: How to activate UAN online, 1947: Madras Devadasis (Prevention of Dedication) Act passed, RMA 0-1 FCB, El Clasico highlights: Barcelona leads on aggregate after beating Real Madrid courtesy of a Militao own goal. construction of the Mullaperiyar dam across the Periyar in the present Idukki district. Ramasamy writing in his magazine. This would mean that around 4,500 students would have had to be passing out every year in the 1930s. EVR was against higher education as he felt cheap labour would become unavailable then. Whenever rat sized opinions and ideas existed, huge euphoria erupts and few months or years later, the bubble bursts. Had contempt for love marriages which he looked down as a mere attraction of sexes. Gautham Leaks and leaching are also concerning, as the methods and materials used during construction are considered outdated, compared to the current building standards, it said. He once sent sent his close friends to ogle and tease his wife while she was on a visit to a temple and succeeded in impressing her later that going to temples was unsafe for her as temples are filled with rogues and mischief makers. Water woes: The 2018 floods in Kerala and the erratic monsoons have put the 126-year-old dam in the spotlight. Play boys were called minors in Tamilnadu those days probably because they continue to stay adolescent despite growing in age. The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Wednesday directed the State government to consider a representation sent by a petitioner to remove a portion of Since then, many pocket size influences had come and goneby. Their land holdings dwindled to almost nothing as they had to sell them off to get higher quality education. They knew that even if they gave him 25%, not even three or four percent of qualified people would be available [among the Dalits]. In 1938 at Tamil Nadu Women's Conference appreciatin the noble service rendered by E.V.R. EVR petitioned to the Raj to consider a separate South Indian Dravidian state if India was to be divided as a Hindu India and a Muslim nation. He accused Ambedkar for selling himself to the Brahmins: The Brahmins had paid him a price. This anticulture craze in Tamilnadu soon spread and tempted politicians across India, who also went over drive to erect statues for their leaders in different corners of India. Such spiteful caste politics filled with hate and revenge continues till today. Though his love for science was childlike, he did not have the intellectual rigour to understand what the scientific enterprise was all about. This is driving me low-key mad, not remembering where I read it. Given all this, why is he being heralded as a great thinker by the Dravidian intellectuals? (Naan Sonnal Unakku Yen Kopam Vara Vendum, vol. Twentieth century India had a handful of many short influences but most of them derived a narrow, sectional idea for political purposes catering and serving some sections of society. The decision to marry a girl fifty years younger to him exposed the hypocrisy of Dravida Kazhagam and his supporters realised that a storm of fury was blowing within. EV Ramaswamy's hatred towards the Hindu religion and his open slander of gods in his magazines Kudiarasu and Dravidan are well-known. All rights reserved. The people of India are barbarians. The longer the period of impact, the more conceptual the idea conceived is deemed to be of the impacting mind. , UNESCO ie) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization did not credit EV Ramasamy with any award titled The Socrates of South But statistically they were not very significant. His propagation for widow remarriage was not adhered to by his second wife Maniammai nor by any of the widows of any Dravidian leader. The award to Hugo Chvez is an affront to the founding vision of UNESCO and the latest blow to the UN's rapidly declining reputation on human rights and democracy. But without understanding the mind of EVR, its impossible to understand the Dravidian parties hypocritical contempt for idols and love for statues. The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. Kerala Hope you will be inspired by this narration. Ramaswamy Naicker, Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. He has, with a single quote, isolated himself from the ruling party and all of the Opposition, and united them. Krishnan is an author in both English and Tamil. WebSometime before, I have read this about Periyar's funeral: Government of India / Chief secretary was against giving Periyar a state Funeral because What he believed in were self-respect, rationalism, gender equality and his own version of social justice. Furnel, Inc. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services in a timely manner at a competitive price. EVR advocated Nazi-style anti-Brahminism. When Brahmin Sathyamurthy led Congress entered the famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple with Dalits, EVR objected. Double speak, double games, hypocrisy marked all of EVRs actions but he continue to bank on the time tested weapon of #hate. Clever twists that marked propagation that he loved the depraved castes are meant for optics. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert. The incident he mentions, implicating Periyar of Hindu-hatred, is common knowledge, and not something he would have chanced upon recently. In all his agitations and he had many the lowest common denominator was the Brahmin. UttarPradesh of Chief Minister Mayawati entered the fray and sure she did give competition. The aftermath of hate based rebellions had left always conditions worse than it were. * Ram is very good at studies but his dad is poor. Somehow he managed to get his son into an IIT coaching. Ram gets admission in the IIT Coaching. There is a scene in the movie Periyar depicting what you are saying. Copyright 2023, THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD. or its affiliated companies. The dharma of India is the dharma of criminal tribes. As I had defined and amplified in an earlier article, a great mind is one that influences a period of time. When Darbar can rake in 200 crores in 11 days despite having no story to save its skin, the superstar's long-awaited entry to politics doesn't seem to be that much of a pipe dream. The dravidian parties like DMK, DK, ADMK follow the idealogies of Periyar and that is why a lot of problems occur in TN for a long time. He called out EVR (aka Periyar) for organising a rally decades ago in Salem in which naked cutouts of Lord Rama and Sita were paraded with garlands made of sandals. What is Brahminism? for questions such as these, my reply is Brahminism came from Brahmins and hence it is the Brahmins who should be annihilated. Karma hit back with mediocrity as excellence was mocked at. You can also see statues marketed in open without fear of theft in Mamallapuram while State owned Poompuhar which trades in idols has high security. The price is this: he asked for 10% reservation and they gave him 15%. Government money was misused by DMK party to carry imaginary claims as movies came to be considered real in the stunted brains of Tamils. He quoted a report that appeared on Outlook in 2017, which had done the same thing. Design of a new dam by A series of tremors felt in the area in 2011 caused alarm. EVR Naicker born very rich, ran a family temple of Lord Ganesha in Erode. In November that year, a tripartite meeting chaired by the then chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC), K.C. He admired the British. 1. Subscribe To Our Daily Newsletter And Get News Delivered Straight To Your Inbox. Fact remains that EVR married a teenager who was fifty years younger than him and threw to the dustbin his disdain for child marriages. If you were ever revolted by the plethora of roadside statues in India, then credit for this ever rising craze should go to that one man tsunami that brought about that infamous Statue Culture to EV Ramasamy Naicker known as Periyar to his followers. I have watched the movie. Tamil Nadu today) in 1931 was, of the population were graduating from these colleges. The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. Minor EVR was found on river banks with his friends having games of Kama. Tamilnadu is limited by the filmi world and is not in a state to work out the mind beyond Kollywood factory. And in the end, it may not be his ideology, but his name on the ballot sheet that could swing votes. Thank God none of them ever blessed the newly married couple that they should ever live life as they did. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design SolidWorks and Mastercam. The British had no love lost for them because most of the intellectual leaders of the Brahmin community were with the Congress. The Curse of Congress & Why it is AntiIndian! He was miffed that the Constitution did not provide reservations for non-Brahmins. The Dutch loot - Part Two of European colonialism, EVR Periyar: A checkup on facts & propaganda. Ramaswamy Naicker, E. Sa. They expose the vacuum within our contemporary society like the books we buy for display. They attributed exactly like Hitler did with the German Jews grand conspiracies and clever manipulations by Brahmins for the plight of the non-Brahmins. Period. This politics has now amplified into construction of memorials across the state with tax payers money running into 100s of crores. In his last ever speech, on December 19, 1973, he spoke that he had been striving for long to annihilate god, religion, the Congress, Gandhi and the Brahmin. But no propaganda can ever overshadow the influence of great minds and their conceptual ideas. But they weren't just garlanded with chappals, they were also beaten with them. He mocked blouse wearing Dalit women as responsible for increase in the cost of clothes. As a result, most of coveted government jobs went to the Brahmins. Most of them were caused by feelings and thoughts of admiration for the white skin along with extreme desires of greed, Kama, jealousy, envy and ambition. But despite aging, EVRs habits and philistine life continued. His rationalism was hollow and lacked any useful content. Poet Bharathi demanded similar rights and conceived the concept of a brave woman who will look straight into the eyes of others and hold head high with clarity of thought, decades before EVR mouthed words like women emancipation but this poor poet who died in penury was cursed and born as a Brahmin. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. More importantly, as a rationalist one can be argumentative thereby giving the impression of an intelligent person. Having been limited by Congress stalwarts who were Brahmins he remembered the tricks of the Anti brahmin Justice Party and decided to adopt their modus operandi. Rajinikanth at the 50th anniversary function of Thuglak magazine. EVR can go to any extent to tarnish the name and credibility of anyone who came on his way and his wife too became a victim to his machinations. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The pinnacle of this hypocrisy was when a statue of EVR was unveiled by his disciples in the presence of EVR himself in Chennai. Some have repeatedly accused me of purposefully hiding the great achievements of the great Congress party of India to India. Why Do Dravidian Intellectuals Admire a Man as Prickly as Periyar? They lost ability to discern under the rule of rationalists. I see Adi Sankara as the last great mind India saw as he could influence with his Advaitha concept and limit Buddhism in India. Dark Mode. Our dharmic civilisation is important than any individual or any group. Am aware that girl students in hostels run by the Dravidar Kazhagam trust in Tamilnadu provide nutritionless tastless food to girl students despite collecting huge fees. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. EVR admired the Christian evangelist G U Pope for conceiving the Aryan theory of invasion. The only time Rajinikanth openly admitted to having political ambitions was in a Doordarshan interview in 1995. This hypocrisy is followed by his followers till today. Overall, there were about 15,000 Brahmins out of about 80,000 government employees (, Political Career of E.V. He despised Indian languages whether it was Tamil or Sanskrit. Menu. He supported the Jallikattu protests, but was against the Sterlite protests. In the event of a dam failure, it would result in unfathomable human tragedy and submitted a case for decommissioning the dam, in whose place a new dam could be built to cater to Tamil Nadu's water needs. There is a good chance that it is true. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice.