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With Gods wrath hovering over Israel during the ministry of the prophet Elisha in 2 Kings 4, we meet a widow: Now the wife of one of thesons of the prophets cried to Elisha, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared theLord,but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.(2 Kings 4:1). Thenhe took his eldest son who would have reigned in his place, and offered himasa burnt offering upon the wall; and there was greatindignation against Israel. Does a barbarian benefit from the fast movement ability while wearing medium armor? Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, Will you not show me which of usisfor the king of Israel?, And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet whoisin Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.. For it wasborrowed. So the man of God said, Where did it fall? And he showed him the place. Here are ten of them: Their names have similar meanings. 14:13ff; 15:32ff). And behold, the mountainwasfull ofhorses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. Elisha performed his service for God over Manna fell from heaven; Jesus fed the 5,000. The similarities are so minor and questionable that I believe the only reasonable conclusion is that the events described for Elisha are neither coincidences nor intended to foreshadow the life of Jesus. He doesnt roll his eyes. It had to be saved for an eternal redemptionto pay off our corruptions, to purchase us for Christ himself, and to pay our way into heaven. That to me, is honestly the most amazing event of them all. Now Elisha said to them, Thisisnot the way, noristhis the city. With the door shut, this buys her time to save them. -Commands two female bears to eat 42 children (2 Kings 2:24). So he said, Then bring some flour. Andhe putitinto the pot, and said, Serveitto the people, that they may eat. And there was nothing harmful in the pot. When he came tothe citadel, he tookthemfrom their hand, and storedthemaway in the house; then he let the men go, and they departed. In answer to our prayers, God has not promised us a miracle, but he has assured us of the charity of the saints. The Father is just. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Do Humans Have Free Will? Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Would you kill those whom you have taken captive with your sword and your bow? When Elisha came into the house, behold the lad was dead and laid on his bed. Obviously, Jesus' power came from God. In the New Testament, there is a sudden and unprecedented increase in the miracles when Jesus begins his ministry (Luke 4:36-37, 40-41). The miracles of Jesus are miraculous deeds attributed to Jesus in Christian and Islamic texts. It also ignites Elishas duty. As noted earlier, the gospels and the book of Acts record many miracles. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical? And when he arrived, therewerethe captains of the army sitting; and he said, I have a message for you, Commander. Jehu said, For whichoneof us? And he said, For you, Commander.Then he arose and went into the house. Bruce Waltke, writing in Ligonier Magazine about the parallels between Elisha and Jesus: Both are designated by a prophet, whom the general populace recognized as a true prophet. And the creditor has the legal right to seize the children for repayment. And hisservants came near and spoke to him, and said, My father,ifthe prophet had told youto dosomething great, would you not have doneit? Elisha made an iron axe head float in 2 Kings 6:5-7. . These include: (1) freedom, (2) new life and sometimes fertility, (3) hope, (4) compassion and love, (5) eternal life, (6) restoration, and (7) provision. Please run now to meet her, and say to her, Is itwell with you? The usual mediator in those times was the king. They both feed large numbers with a small quantity of food. Get my Most Searched Lists of Prominent, Miracle-Working Bible Characters to save you time in your Bible Study. Both raise the dead (2 Kgs 4: . Not just physical life, but spiritual life. The three kings have journeyed through the wilderness of Edom to make their attack. He fulfilled it in his deatha miraculous source of wealth to pay off the widows debts and to satisfy the law. That these miracles were similar would have the effect of showing that Jesus was fully a prophet (in addition to being fully the lawgiver and fully God) in a way that would have made sense to those who already knew the works and role of the prophets from the Ketuv'im. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Ultimately it ended in death after a long period of life with the disease. They filled all the vessels until there was none left. Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Prayer? . Why didthis madman come to you? And he said to them, You know the man and his babble. And they said, A lie! And the creditor is comingto take my two sons to be his slaves. So Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? So the waters have been purified to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke. So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they spied a bandof raiders;and they put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet. Their ministries both start at the River Jordan, They both raise a womans adult son from the dead, They both feed large numbers with a small quantity of food, They both turn a small quantity of liquid into an abundance, They both make things that should sink, float. C. Only by the power of the God who gives life could Naaman be healed. Have we found a passage that is not Christ centered? The sea was split; Jesus calmed the sea. You may recall Jesus feeding the 5,000 or the 4,000 (Matt. She prayed for bread, but all she got was a rock. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. Elijah: Scripture Reference(s) Elisha: Scripture . Some people count them as. Just as a dead man came out of Elisha's grave alive, Jesus came out of the tomb alive. Thus, Luke's juxtaposition of the two miracles, under the heading of prophetic visitation, serves a larger narrative purpose. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? To John, Australia I personally have seen miracles and have heard many first or secondhand accounts of miracles performed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. There is no condemnation for us in Christ. 4:27). They . This site also participates in other affiliate programs like Christionbook.com and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Compare this to Matthew 9:23-25, to see that there is very little in common between the two miracles (and only the miracle by Elisha was preceded by prayer): When Jesus arrived at the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd who were making a commotion, he said, "Go away! The miracles of Elisha and those of Jesus are sufficiently dissimilar that they are not really genuine coincidences. Now when the sons of the prophets whowerefrom Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed to the ground before him. Primary Sidebar. D. God raised Lazarus. And most significantly, he doesnt blame her. Look, when the messenger comes, shut the door, and hold him fast at the door. His justice had to be satisfied; the terms of the law must be met. The Elijah and Elisha devotionals point to Jesus everyday and open readers' eyes to everyday miracles. Therefore please consider, and see how he seeks a quarrel with me. So it was, when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, that he sent to the king, saying, Why have you torn your clothes? Its fascinating to see all these parallels and how the ministry of Elijah points forward to the time when the will of God would be revealed uniquely and fully through the person of Jesus Christ. B. (A Helpful Guide). rev2023.3.3.43278. by Chris Moen. This could have taken days. If they keep us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall only die.And they rose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians; and when they had come to the outskirts of the Syrian camp, to their surprise no onewasthere. God of salvation or God shall save. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes on his eyes and his hands on his hands, and he stretched himself on him; and the flesh of the child became warm.read more.Then he returned and walked in the house once back and forth, and went up and stretched himself on him; and the lad sneezed seven times and the lad opened his eyes. His rights as the creditor had to be upheld. Next, we get to listen to this womans voice. All Rights Reserved. Elisha brings a dead man to life. Look, theymay either becomelike all the multitude of Israel that are left in it; or indeed,I say,theymay becomelike all the multitude of Israel left from those who are consumed; so let us send them and see.Therefore they took two chariots with horses; and the king sent them in the direction of the Syrian army, saying, Go and see.And they went after them to the Jordan; and indeed all the roadwasfull of garments and weapons which the Syrians had thrown away in their haste. February 1, 2021. Elisha turned poison stew into good stew to feed a hungry group in 2 Kings 4:38-41, and fed a hundred men with twenty barley loaves and a few ears of corn in 2 Kings 4:42 and 43. Miracle 6. With this slow dribble, the widow is filling buckets, canning jars, tubs, and gallon jugs. When the crowd was put out, he came and took her by the hand, and the little girl arose. It was poisonous, but Elisha put meal into the pot and there was then no harm in it. It is mysteriously supplied and beyond that it looks like blood to the Moabites and they think the 3 kings have turned on one another and now they will take the spoils. Jesus referred to him and his healing of Naaman the Gentile leper (Lk. Then he brought the letter to the king of Israel, which said, Now be advised, when this letter comes to you, that I have sent Naaman my servant to you, that you may heal him of his leprosy. 1. Is itwell with your husband? The word here for slave or servant means debt-slave. Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, Go up, you baldhead! 8:5-13). And the widow of course obeys. Surely, the output is not that fast. Remember, the creditor is on his way, and the pledge of this loan is the widows children. Yet, amid the loss and pain, Christ prays for us. A comparison of the miracles of Elijah and Elisha recorded in 1&2 Kings. Here, though, the widows family feared the Lord. 3. This is a miracle that Jesus didn't really imitate. Islam's account of Jesus begins with a prologue narrated several times in the Quran which first describes the birth of his mother, Mary, and her service in the Jerusalem temple while under the care of the prophet Zechariah, who would become the father of Yahya (John the Baptist).The Quran's birth narrative of Jesus begins at Quran 19:16-34 and Q3:45-53. Elijah made a miraculous appearance on Mount Transfiguration with Moses and Jesus while Elisha commanded an axe head to float on the Jordan River. Jesus had once made a comparison between his miracles and those of Elisha: > There were a. And he didnt use oil, but his own blood. See 2 Kings 4:32-37. b. Jesus raises the son of the 'widow of Nain' from the dead. Do any independent sources exist mentioning Jesus' miracles performed and the people He performed them on? They were still saved bones. This is not your usual miracle, but it is one that surely shows the Lords compassion on his peoplein this case, a nameless and poor widow. Nevertheless, with the last container up to the brim, the oil stops flowing. And Paul says he will ultimately transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself (Phil. . Her husband had no eyes for idols, but his heart was wholly devoted in reverence to the Lord alone. (29) Elisha said to Gehazi, "Tuck your cloak into your belt, take my staff in your hand and run. So also, for us, by faith in Christ, we have the privilege of Christs intercession for us. Jesus means 'Yahweh will save.'. John the Baptist came in the "power and spirit of Elijah" yet performed no miracle. And the man of God was angry with him, and said, You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyedit! Picture Credit: Dake's Annotated Reference Bible Copyright 2013 Two salient facts should inform the reasoning: At the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus was shown to be in league with the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah). 7. This means both he and she are loyal to Elisha; they are part of the same group with Elisha as the head or leader. And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm. Because he was miraculously healed from cancer he now shares about healing, deliverance, discipleship, evangelism, and spiritual warfare on this website, on Youtube, on his podcast, and in his newsletter. By using my links, you help support this website. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Elisha, watched. You may recall Jesus feeding the 5,000 or the 4,000 (Matt. the band of that year - and they . You know, Elisha, how he feared the Lord. His first miraculous act was to dry up the river. All of what you say is correct, however, please remember that all Jews were familiar with the Pentateuch and the Prophets. Thus says theLord:Tomorrow about this time aseah of fine flourshall be soldfor a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. , So an officer on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God and said, Look,iftheLordwould make windows in heaven, could this thing be? And he said, In fact, you shall seeitwith your eyes, but you shall not eat of it.. And this financial arrangement was fully legal under Mosaic Law, and it was common. Both utilize the skills of another - Elisha tells his attendant to distribute the bread, and Jesus asked His disciples to organize the crowds and have them sit down (2 Kings 4:42; John 6:10). Then he went out to the source of the water, andcast in the salt there, and said, Thus says theLord: I havehealed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness. So the water remainshealed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke. And when she came in to him, he said, Pick up your son.So she went in, fell at his feet, and bowed to the ground; then shepicked up her son and went out. ordained minister, husband, and father who equips Christians to become fruit-bearing disciples. a. Elisha raises the son of the 'Shunaammite woman' from the dead. In Baptism we are like the axe head. 3:11 ); but while Elijah was a child of the desert, Elisha lived in cities. Their ministries both start at the River Jordan. He touched the dead to make them alive. 1. Elisha told Jehoram, What have I to do with you? Rather, he saved this miracle for the last. Also you shall attack every fortified city and every choice city, and shall cut down every good tree, and stop up every spring of water, and ruin every good piece of land with stones. Now it happened in the morning, whenthe grain offering was offered, that suddenly water came by way of Edom, and the land was filled with water. The king asked, Am I God, to kill and make alive?. Their piety was pristine, but all they have known is difficulty. For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; andI will cut off from Ahab allthe males in Israel, bothbond and free. Most of the miracles in the Old Testament were repeated by Jesus in some way or another. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, There is not one vessel more. And the oil stopped. Nevertheless, +1 for pointing out that events in the Scriptures need not serve as analogies with a slavishly wooden and literal interpretation which searches for one-to-one analogs where they do not necessarily exist. The stories of Elijah and Elisha are legendary, popular accounts, probably having arisen among the common people. +1 for pointing out that this question don't even make sense. 2. See Luke 7:11-17. Then Joash the king of Israel came down to him, and wept over his face, and said, O my father, my father,the chariots of Israel and their horsemen! And Elisha said to him, Take a bow and some arrows. So he took himself a bow and some arrows. So he entered and shut the door behind them both and prayed to the. 3. Then she said to her mistress, If only my masterwerewith the prophet whoisin Samaria! 5. This step is an allusion to a law in Deuteronomy 24:10-11. The popular traditions about Elisha (2 Kings 2-13) sketch a charismatic, quasi . Attendant and disciple of Elijah, and afterwards his successor ( 1 Kgs. Some of their miracles are not technically miracles. Then he said, Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few. No, it is not water that gives the life any more than it was the water of the Jordan that gave Naaman life. Jesus called him the "Elijah who was to come" (Mt. B. Changing water into wine at Cana in John 2:1-11 - "the first of the signs" Healing the royal official's son in Capernaum in John 4:46-54. Nevertheless, Elisha takes the object of her destitution and turns it into the source of her relief. Powered by Congregate, Fort Logan Church of Christ So Naaman said, Then, if not, please let your servant be given two mule-loads of earth; for your servant will no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to other gods, but to theLord. 2. Now when you arrive at that place, look there for Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, and go in and make him rise up from amonghis associates, and take him to an inner room. Evidently this was for him and his household only. It is God who picks us up out of the water and saves us. Also, I made another two lists of all 42 recorded miracles of Jesus and of all 22 miracles of Moses both in chronological order, that could be relevant to you!