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Libra risings read as supremely reasonable and understanding people. This parent or authority figure taught you to fight and do your best. While, Mars in the 4th house creates Ruchak Namak Raj Yoga, which grants the native immense wealth, prosperity, success and fortune to the native, the 4th house is the house of mother and Mars in the 4th house is generally not considered good. Planets here become powerful. The native will be very hardworking, however, he will lack patience and will have short temper. At the same time, Mars in 10th house gives an immense will-power to rise in career at any cost. The native with Mars in 7th House for Libra Ascendant is physically strong and haughty. The tenth house represents one of your parents and authority figures in the natal chart. (This is true for every Mars in the tenth house, its actual sign in your chart doesnt matter). When Mars enters the 10th house of government and Leo, the symbol of authority, this will make an individual highly driven and strong-willed, allowing them to join the police or defense forces and represent the government. Mars governs 9th and 4th houses and resides in 10th house in Taurus if the ascendant is Leo. The native will be very successful in his life, will have financial gains, and will prove valorous in the battlefield (In todays day and age, Battlefield means business and work profession). Venus: as the lord of 3rd and 10th Houses, Venus gives bad results. From this place, we can see anyone in the fields of academia and law. Such native earns huge wealth. If you have this placement of Mars in your natal chart, this article is for you. Theyre people who often feel like theyre reluctantly pushed along in life by outside circumstances. The tenth house is an angular house. However, one should always do Birth Chart Matching before getting married. In this way, we should take both consistently. The native is courageous and energetic. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases., Copyright 2023 Ancient Astrology Talks. Simultaneously, he may have a strained relationship with his mother. Having Pisces in the sixth means that Libra risings achieve a lot of honor through their labor. Venus moolatrikona in 1st house, the 8th house can give both good and bad effects. The native feels happy and gets dignity and honour in the society. Saturn In First House Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) For Libra ascendant Saturn being 4th and 5th lord, it is a powerful yoga karaka. Since Libra risings have Aries in the seventh house, they might look for partners who have issues that they can resolve. While he can face problems in his early education. However! 2. The native can face conflicts with his mother. Welcome to the world of Vedic Astrology & Spirituality : Mars gets directional strength in 10th house. The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant gets happiness of partner and pleasure of children. The native with Mercury in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is healthy, handsome, intelligent and knowledgeable. They may be a government spokesperson or an advocate for the government. You thrive in careers in which you can pioneer, take the lead, or enjoy a certain amount of freedom or independence. Mars in tenth house | Effect of Mars in tenth house | Significance of Mars in tenth house | Mars in tenth house - horoscope, astrology property predictions property property. This isnt so much of a breakdown, actually, and more of a synthesis. It goes without saying that you are ambitious. It operates well here and becomes stronger. It always reminds Libra rising of the ways they could be improving. He will own lands, properties and vehicles in huge amounts. In Vedic Astrology, the 2nd House is known as the House of Wealth. In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. Her leadership qualities are emphasized when she is around other people because Mars in the 10th House attracts . In this case, its your career. Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 6th house in Pisces. Otherwise, he may function as a physician or a soldier. This house shows how you can use your talents and skills to benefit society. Libra ascendant. The area around the Midheaven is very important in the birth chart. This is not the house of quick results. Especially, businesses that involve the use of speech and voice. Later on native eams enough wealth and feels happy. It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you accept or reject authority in your life. Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology. . Whereas the 1st house is about "you" - your personality, physical appearance, health, and your life's direction. He will face conflicts and challenges in his married life and his marriage will be quarrelsome. The tenth house is the house of career. Although, Mars in the 6th house will make the native very courageous, valorous and brave. The native enjoys mothers love. Mars is the planet of action in astrology, and its no surprise that Mars in the tenth house people are active and dynamic. The native with Mars in 4th House for Libra Ascendant leads a happy and peaceful domestic family life. After marriage, the natives financial condition and wealth will drastically improve and he will be much more financially stable. A common trait of a person who has Virgo in the twelfth house and Pisces in the sixth is never starting on the projects that they want to do because they feel like the idea itself is never perfect enough to begin on. You put a tremendous amount of energy into your career, and you are a self-starter who doesnt need a boss to motivate them, either. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. Fifth house deals with pleasure and having Aquarius, the sign in which the Sun finds its detriment, in the fifth house makes Libra rising a little cold when it comes to pleasure. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is intelligent and influential but weak in wealth. It is linked with your professional success, status, and achievements in society. The 6th House in Vedic Astrology is commonly known as the house of enemies. Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. The native lives in a sort of bondage. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. In general, it is benefic here, in most cases. Capricorn is the sign where Mars exalts. The native can face bad relationship with his children and may have lots of conflicts and misunderstandings with them. Mars is considered to be a malefic planet, but it can also bestow great strength and power. Though gets excess sexual pleasures yet is not happy with his partner. This reveals a lot about the nature of this planet: Mars can be violent, aggressive, an energy that seeks strife and quarrels. The native with Mars in 12th House for Libra Ascendant spends much and feels restless. However, as the 2nd house lord for Libra ascendants, it is a Maraka Planet (the planet that can cause untimely death). Instead, theyre always in a state of questioning. The natives spouse will have an irritable and short-tempered personality. However, it will break the relationship with his siblings. The native with Mars in 5th House for Libra Ascendant gets an intelligent partner but faces some opposition from partner and children. Cancer and Capricorn are really about control. The native born will be wealthy, happy, valorous and will be cultured. Harmony and Mars are two contrary expressions. It's moolatrikona in Libra of 3rd house. Aquarius fifth house means that pleasure will always seem like a rebellion to Libra risings. The native is very intelligent and an expert in earning huge wealth through business. To conclude, if you have Mars in the tenth it is nothing to get afraid but mind your steps. The native will be very hardworking, and will have short-temper, but will be lazy. They might need small routines, inside jokes, or pet names to stay the same so that, even when life changes people, theres something that they come back to. Libra ascendants are known for their ability to balance and control emotions and anger. Mars in the 10th house is in its debilitation sign Cancer and here even though Mars is weak, Mars here is in its Karak house where Mars can still become fruitful. What Libra risings have to learn is that not everyone wants their issues fixed and that trying to do so often brings out issues surrounding control. Saturn as the Lord of 3rd and 4th houses for Scorpio Ascendants. Its usually the more dominant parent, and with Mars here, they were dominant for sure! They do extensive analysis into every topic and then use considerable force to expose the facts to the world. The native spends too much and has no control over expenditure. The native suffers from some blood disease. Due to the weakness of wealth, he bears insults in the family, especially from his father. Also, they will be very successful in terms of materialistic life Venus And Mars Conjunction in the eleventh house The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant works hard for more gains but finds it weak to maintain his glory. Mars in tenth house people want to excel at what they do. Mars in the tenth house is an exciting placement in astrology. Since Scorpio is a house of Mars, the Libra ascendant borns are spendthrifts, will not hesitate to tell lies for financial gains, dishonest in financial matters, like to wear coral ornaments and possess valuable metals. Here the natives spouse will be very supportive and will always help the native in every move of his life. Libra risings will often go against what the dominant position in the room is, just to cause a little havoc. The 6th house also signifies the relationships that we have with our rivals and opponents. The native increases family wealth. The 9th House is also associated with faith, morality, and wisdom. Mars in the 4th house is in the sign of Capricorn and here Mars becomes exalted and creates a Raj Yoga called Ruchak Raj Yoga. While the 9th house depicts which are the possibilities and where destiny fails and limitations restrict, the 10th house is the seat of our dream that we try to fulfill in order to achieve our status in life. Capricorn (its exalted sign) and Saturn was in the 11th in Scorpio aspect over ascendant i.e. They speak their mind! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The 11th house signifies gains, profits, income. The native with Mars in 7th House for Libra Ascendant improves his professional status through wisdom and gains enough wealth. The 7th house is ruled by Libra signs and governs weddings, long-term relationships and partnerships, contracts, counselors, and lawyers. These signs have to do with withholding, with needing, and with receiving. When the 10th house lord is sitting in the 10th house.