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Zeno has been training hard, and has become even stronger than before. Chi-Chi is the wife of Goku and is one of the most powerful characters in the series, having trained Gohan to his highest possible level. He is the ruler of all universes and is But Zeno is on a Beyond Multiverse Level of Power, I believe it but theres nothing to confirm it. Grand Priest is most probably stronger than Zeno. In addition to pioneering a style of philosophical debate, Zeno also helped to foster significant dialogues between ancient Greeks and the expansive world around them. 2. Whis explained this stuff, Zeno isn't strong, he doesn't follow the rules of strength that everyone else does. These characters possess enough power to challenge and possibly even surpass that of Zeno. Zeno is presented as a very short, childlike being with a large lemon-shaped head, round eyes, small rounded grey ears and a friendly demeanor which gives him an innocent and harmless appearance. Scaling Heroes to Super is almost impossible since there are too many forms of it. Whis states several times he can not compare to either Zeno or the Grand priest, also the Grand Priest is the creator of the angels, and like shenr It is also strongly implied that he is the strongest angel, as Whis himself, the most powerful being in Universe 7, openly admits that even his power is nothing compared to the Grand Priest. So hey, that counts for something, right? The Anti-Spiral, the main antagonist of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann anime series, is a godlike being with the power to manipulate time and space. He usually wears a blank expression on his face and has no nose present. Speed is a non-factor for him. The grand priest may beat Zeno in a forms competition but he is not punching him out. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In terms of fighting capabilities, the Grand Priest is probably the strongest by far, whilst Beerus would be stronger than Champa. He founded the Stoic school of philosophy which was heavily based on the Cynic teachings, though he also developed and expanded upon their ideas. It wouldn't surprise me, but I'd have question, like why Trunk's GP let Trunk's Zeno kill him (or what happened to him instead), There is a chance that Zeno did not erase his palace. He possesses the power of erasure, which makes him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. A post shared by Dragon Ball Wallpapers (@dbzgod98). He is also the father of Martinu, Vados, Whis, Marcarita and Kusu. It has been argued that the Grand Priest is stronger, he is definitely the most powerful fighter in DBZ. He has the power to erase anything from existence with a mere wave of his hand. He gets erased. Lets get down to Character Versus! Kale is a female Saiyan who hails from Universe 6 and also a Legendary Super Saiyan. He has no claim to the titles of Fighter, Martial Artist and likely doesn't have or even need a very high battle power. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Future Zen-oh is shown to have the same level of power and authority as the current Zen-oh, making him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. However, with a lifetime of rigorous training and nigh unflappable combat discipline, Jiren has a definitive edge against the more raw, uncontrollable Broly. Xeno zeno has his game feat of erasing the entire DB multiverse reaching all the way to the crack of time with zamasu. Or DBS Zeno just erases him out of existence (i need proof that demigra is resistant to erasure) if only zeno can erase people more quicker then id likely give the win zeno but he always takes his time to do so. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You cant surprise attack him because hed be aware of it. If I were to speculate on the connection between Zeno and the Grand Priest, I would conclude that: I wouldn't be too surprised as the way Zeno's personality is unfitting to be one with absolute power. That's not even a question. Whis has said that the grand priest was stronger than him So that's whis gone. Now we have Zeno. Zeno is said to be str Debatable as zalama seems like the only being who might actually surpass zeno in power as he created a dragon who can grant any wish even zeno says it can do anything. Grand Priest is most probably stronger than Zeno. The Grand Priest is said to be one of the top 5 strongest beings in the entire multiverse. While the series depicted both Zeno and Future Zen-oh as having the same level of power, there are some significant differences in their personalities. Some of the characters include; Saitama from One Punch Man, who possesses infinite strength and can take down opponents with just one punch. If it's series Daishinkan and Zeno and composite Demgira from both Heroes and Xenoverse then I am leading towards Demigra for better feats. WebIs Grand priest stronger than Zeno? Grand Priest stops each of their final punches with his finger. How do you fight someone with that kind of reach and control? He still can't kill him. Legend has it that when Zeno was a young man, Demeas sent him to Athens to study with the leading philosopher of the time, Crates of Thebes. The Grand Priest is said to be one of the top 5 strongest beings in the entire multiverse. In this world money is considered power which it is. You're right, I misremembered. Whis stated that Grand priest is among top 5 strongest fighters in the multiverse as other 4 fighters never shown in franchise so we can simply say till now he is strongest. In fact, before you even think about it, he could just use his Erase ability, and the opponent would cease to exist. Advertisement cookies can be personalized based on a profile and are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He is able to destroy entire universes with a single thought, as well as merging multiple universes together. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. If you really want proof it will take a while to get, However, based off scaling Zeno should stomp. How is he powerful enough to one-shot a multiversal character? While Zenos history and age remain unknown, the Grand Priest gave a hint about the longevity of Zeno at the commencement of the Tournament of Power when he revealed that the tournament begins on the 3,135,500,603rd day of the Era of Our King. Or Zeno being truly all powerful or immortal. For all the technique and abilities the highest angel can potentially dish out, they're useless against an entity who has no conceptual link to things like "damage" or "pain". In the ancient literature, Demeas is described as an marketplace merchant from Citium, which is a Phoenician port city located in modern day Cyprus. Zeno is considered to be in a very powerful tier within the Dragon Ball series. Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. There is absolutely no question that Beerus could destroy a universe should he ever want to. All his children are known to be powerful enough to beat the Gods of Destruction, and the fact that he is even stronger than them means that Jiren is no more than a bug to him. Despite their power, they are bound by laws that prevent them from directly fighting threats such as Moro. I believe the zenos are simply the gods of destruction for the multiverse. Fans have speculated that Zenos true form might be more powerful and intimidating than his childlike appearance. Somethign that can't have a relationship with anyone, until Goku showed up and was willing to recklessly endanger the multiverse for a few playdates. Zeno may have a lot of raw power but he isnt a fighter, which is why he is seen with two guards and the grand Priest by his side at all times. Zeno is stated quite clearly, in both the anime and manga, to be the single most powerful being in existence; and there are two of him. Each of the universes is looked after by a Supreme Kai, with creation and destruction in balance thanks to a God of Destruction as well. Zenos primary weaknesses are his lack of versatility and his inability to effectively multitask. How Do You Get Rid Of Hiccups In 5 Seconds? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. In the Tournament of Power arc, the Grand Priest is shown to possess the ability to eradicate beings from existence. Yes It is true that the Grand Priest surpasses Zeno. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". So, while Zeno is a very powerful character, he is not the most powerful character in existence. Future Zeno did erase every being on his timeline, which would presumably include that timeline's GP too. He erased all of reality when he stopped Zamasu in the future timeline. Maybe it has to do with the hax being absolute instead of zeno being the stronger being. Also if you look at a basic level, Whis is stronger then Beerus. Zeno the Omni-King is said to be the strongest character in all of Dragon Ball because of his INSANE destruction powers, being So hands down to grand priest. During the Future Trunks Saga, Zeno erased an entire universe without a second thought because it has become corrupted by the evil Zamasu. In the Dragon Ball anime series, Zeno is undoubtedly the strongest, and he remains one of the strongest anime characters in the history of animation. He is a deity and ruler of the Dragon World. This is seen during the Universe Survival Saga in the Dragon Ball Super anime, when a group of assassins known as the Pride Troopers from Universe 11 is shown planning to assassinate Zeno in order to prevent the destruction of their universe by Zeno. However, Saitamas strength is often undermined by fans when compared to Goku. Insights about audiences who saw the ads and content can be derived. GTO Review: What Happened to Eikichi Onizuka? WebNo one is stronger than the Omni King. Winner: Zeno, The King Of All! I also ask YOU for prove. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This is a difficult question to answer definitively since strength is highly subjective and depends upon a variety of factors. by ToshioWrites Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:11 pm, Post As the two replies above me already state, Zeno doesnt need power and can simple ERASE the Grand Priest. In fact, Beerus himself clearly stated that Whis is far more powerful than him. As the series progresses, he becomes more involved in the events of the Dragon Ball Universe, and his power and knowledge are shown to be far beyond that of any other character in the animation series. Zeno wins. So far we only know that Zeno can destroy universes, similar to how Beerus and other Gods of Destructions can destroy things in their own universe, but we have not seen any other feats or proof that Zeno has any other strong capabilities. He is primarily focused on one task at a time and becoming overwhelmed by multiple tasks can sometimes cause him to lose focus. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Zeno embraced and internalized this philosophy, becoming a highly successful and influential teacher of the Cynic school. But thats how you know that, technically, the Grand priest doesnt stand a chance against Zeno. Forum Rules. However, Zeno rarely uses this power as it is capable of causing significant destruction. And the anime thats all over the place. In the Dragon Ball Super Manga, Zeno used his power of erasure to erase an entire timeline after he witnessed Future Zamasu and Goku Blacks destruction of the Future Trunks timeline. Grand priest. Yes, Zeno is the god of all, but he isnt a fighter. The grand priest is the father of whis and all angels, making him the strongest o Who does the voice of Vanessa on Phineas and Ferb? Its likely stalemate Or demigra easily wins this, Anyways Demigra deletes the entire history of zeno and lol stomps the poor child.