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(PROSE: SLEEPY) The First Doctor once told an interrogator he "wouldn't be able to pronounce the first syllable of [his name]." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In 1999, the revival of the Justice Society in JSA allowed the Doctor Fate character to be re-worked once more and subsequently killed off the Jared Stevens character. (TV: The Lodger) He later referred to the title when the Daleks forgot him. Fate. [22] In 1991, later issues of the series saw Kent's wife Inza take over as the new Doctor Fate with a different benefactor unlike her husband, starting with the 25th issue of the series Inza's tenure as Doctor Fate differs from Nelson in her focus on social class issues and inequality, using her powers to improve one of the poorest districts in New York City while defending it from corruption and genuine malevolent evil forces. Selecting your Favorite Nicknames. Also a skilled practitioner in the magical arts, she assists him in his understanding of the Helmet of Fate despite being jealous of the Helmet choosing him, finding him to be an amateur sorcerer with little actual ability and understanding. Doctor Fate is a founding member of the JSA and possesses sorcery skills bestowed upon him by the Helmet of Fate. In the, The father of Khalid Nassour. Born to wealthy parents Rebecca and Henry Strauss, Eric Strauss was selected as a future agent of order, growing up aware of the existence of the Lords of Order and having a level of mystical awareness although it gave rise to an abnormal personality. When he arrived in the United States, he began a career fighting crime and supernatural evil as Doctor Fate. Nabu would pity the child and train him in the ways of magic before making him Doctor Fate, an agent of the Lords of Order. Hauhet also appears in the. [39] Connected to the Future State crossover event depicting an older Khalid Nassour having lived through the aftermath of the events of the "Great Wickedness" storyline, the entity is revealed to be the Egyptian goddess, Hauhhet. (TV: The Wedding of River Song), The Doctor was at a later time forced to go to Trenzalore to rescue his friends from the Great Intelligence, which sought to gain access to the Doctor's tomb. When the Doctor reminds her of "Captain Grumpy" (the War Doctor), she calls him "Number Twelve". [14], Doctor Fate's origin was retold in DC Special Series #10, and Doctor Fate again teamed up with Superman in DC Comics Presents #23 (July 1980), and featured in a series of back-up stories running in The Flash from #306 (February 1982) to #313 (September 1982) written by Martin Pasko (aided by Steve Gerber from #310 to #313) and drawn by Keith Giffen. Some time after the Helmet of Fate having been damaged during a battle with the entity referred to as the Upside-Down Man, the Helmet of Fate lost much of its power for a time but mysteriously gained newer abilities. (, The Great Destroyer: Another name given to the Doctor by the Dalek Emperor, whilst taunting the Doctor to use his Delta Wave. (PROSE: Illegal Alien) When asked about the Doctor's name, Peri Brown once said that the Doctor had told her she would find it unpronounceable. Chapter 113 February 27, 2023 . An elderly woman who was born over a century ago, acting as a host to the Egyptian entity known as T'giian, a Lord of Kemet. Overtime, he bonds with the two and begins accepting, Shat-Ru's patronage allowed a user to forge a connection to the Lords of Order in a similar method to witchcraft through the use of. Moon: A descriptive name the Doctor gave himself after first examining his new face. [62] Additionally, Kent V. Nelson was a skilled psychiatrist prior to losing his license to practice. She said it was "Doctor Who", and the Doctor had chosen it to be mysterious, but dropped the "Who" when he realised it was "too on-the-nose". (TV: The Moonbase, The Armageddon Factor, The Mysterious Planet) They sometimes described themselves as a "doctor of many things" (TV: Four to Doomsday) or of "everything", (TV: Spearhead from Space, Utopia) as well as "a scientist, an engineer, builder of things". ", the Fourth Doctor simply said "yes". (PROSE: The Rag & Bone Man's Story) The inspiration for the alias was John Smith of John Smith and the Common Men, with which he was familiar through Susan. The movie is based on the DC comics. Jericho studied voodoo, was bonded with his brother's spirit, and became Doctor Voodoo. In animated media, several incarnations of Doctor Fate have appeared in the Young Justice animated series; Nabu, Khalid Nassour and Kent Nelson's versions of Doctor Fate have appeared in the animated series alongside other original incarnations based on pre-existing characters such as Zatara, Zatanna, and Traci 13. Ace the Bat Hound Andrew Bennett Animal Man Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) Aquagirl (Tula) Aqualad (Garth) Aquaman Ares (DC) Artemis Atom Smasher Atrocitus Azrael Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm) Arsenal Ava Sharpe Axel Walker Atom Amazo Adam Strange Amazing-Man Amethyst Princess of Gemworld . Both Tilda and Tooly are supporters of Inza's Doctor Fate, believing her to be a force of good helping the disadvantaged in their particular neighborhood. Eventually, it came into Nabu's possession to be granted to his chosen agent. A fictional version of the Egyptian god of the same name, he is the deity that empowers one of his faithful followers, Khalis, placing him at odds with both Nabu and later the first of the sorcerous line of Doctor Fate, agents of the aforementioned Lord of Order. The character would eventually be reworked into the next incarnation of Doctor Fate in JSA #33 (October, 1999). Later, the two would merge when Mary was hospitalized as T'giian tricked her into being her host. The Cloak of Destiny . We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) However, the Doctor's true name did appear in secret files created by the High Court of the Time Lords, containing a transcript of the Doctor's trial, where it was spelled as "x". In 1985, DC collected the Doctor Fate back-up stories from The Flash, a retelling of Doctor Fate's origin by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Michael Nasser originally published in Secret Origins of Super-Heroes (January 1978) (DC Special Series #10 in the indicia), the Pasko/Simonson Doctor Fate story from 1st Issue Special #9, and a Doctor Fate tale from More Fun Comics #56 (June 1940), in a three-issue limited series titled The Immortal Doctor Fate. By BooksAboutStuff. The dig took them to Mesopotamia where the two stumbled upon . (PROSE: Continuity Errors) He had been awarded the name upon orchestrating the destruction of the Dalek home planet Skaro in his seventh incarnation, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) though the Daleks also used it prior to Skaro's destruction. Doctor Fate then appeared in the four-part special America vs. the Justice Society (1985) which finalized the story of the Justice Society, featuring an elaboration of the events of Adventure Comics #466 and a recap of the Justice Society's annual team-ups with the Justice League. In 1928 Kent Nelson was born to Celestine Babcock-Nelson, a spiritualist and Sven Nelson, an archaeologist. The character was created as the fifth incarnation of the Doctor Fate character. (, Skovox Artificer: Using a voice manipulator, the Doctor was able to convince a, Doctor John Disco: At some point, the Doctor began referring to himself as Doctor Disco on answering machines. Yes it is free and unrestricted. Popularity: very popular. Or your chat group so everyone can use the app as simple as possible. She is also an ally of Hector Hall. Chapter 63 . Doctor Fate is the name of several superheroes who housed the spirit Nabu in the DC Universe. During this period, Inza Cramer's name as such was amended. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Two nationwide elections will be held in Iran on 26 February 2016. (TV: Thin Ice) The Ninth Doctor could also diagnose patients in a hospital ward, quickly deducing they all shared the injuries of a scar on the back of their hands, collapsed chest cavities, crushed rib cages and gas masks fused into the flesh on their faces, (TV: The Empty Child) and displayed extensive knowledge on nanogenes, such as their ability to repair organic matter and restore life as a mere "quirk of matter". [26][27] The next incarnation of the Doctor Fate character would come in the form of Hector Hall, the son of the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Their niece is Debby Niles, a New York police officer who befriends Inza. Nickname(s): "The Imaginative Hobbyist", "Hobbyist Max", "Max Z." "Max Z. S." Max Zimmerman Slocum (born June 28, 1991) is a freelance filmmaker, photographer, editor and graphic designer pursuing . Two basic facts emerge: the common fate which makes these various communities a single unit, and their diversity of origin and tradition. In 1987, the Doctor Fate mini-series was released soon afterward, featuring the debut of Eric and Linda Strauss, who would replace the character Kent Nelson as Doctor Fate after being seemingly killed off by the antagonist of the book. Despite this, when the Doctor was facing death, Clara told the Time Lords through the Crack that the only name of his that mattered was "the Doctor" and everything he stood for under that name, prompting them to give the Doctor a new regeneration cycle at the cost of closing the crack. (TV: Doctor Who), The Doctor adopted the name on a semi-regular basis during their third incarnation while exiled on Earth, when he served as unpaid scientific advisor to UNIT. Anubis most notably has enmity with the Khalid Nassour incarnation of Doctor Fate, as the pharaoh's blood running through his veins allows him to invoke power over him as he seeks to gain power and influence beyond his cosmic station and influence in wake of the weakening of his fellow Egyptian gods. [61] Overtime, his skills became advanced enough to be hailed with the "Sorcerer Supreme" title. He has gone by the names Silver Scarab, Sandman, and Doctor Fate. [2][30] Due to Steve Gerber's death, the seventh issue was written by Adam Beechen using Gerber's notes. Despite that, he fell in love with the human, Dorothea. (TV: The War Machines) Both Ian Chesterton and Vicki occasionally called the Doctor "Doctor Who", (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Zarbi) as did Argon, (PROSE: Terror on Tiro) Mitzog, (PROSE: The Cloud Exiles) and Phlege. Only those with the right knowledge, talent, and willpower can truly claim . [2][30], A psychiatrist and the grand-nephew of Kent Nelson, Kent V. Nelson would lose his status following his infidelity leading to a divorce, leading to depression and losing his license following negligent practices in the workplace. It has no doors or windows, being only accessible by magic. Unlike prior depictions of the Doctor Fate character as a sorcerer, the character was instead cast as a demon hunter. A Lord of Order who attempted to punish Kent and Inza for their failure of completely eradicating the forces of chaos from Earth but later became their ally. Kent Nelson was a kind academic and one of the founding members of the Justice Society, with his magical abilities and the Helmet of Fate, he used to transform into the powerful mystical sorcerer known as Doctor Fate. Age: He's old af. Like other iterations of the helmet prior, Thoth's patron also granted a level of enhanced intellgience and spell-casting. The early '40s adventures of Doctor Fate, in the pages of More Fun Comics. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace), The Tenth Doctor later introduced himself as the "Oncoming Storm" to a Dalek aboard of the Wayfarer, (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks) and referred to the title when confronting a rabbit he thought was a Zygon. In the times of the Young Justice, he was kidnapped and Red sent them to rescue him and in the fight Kid Flash puts on the helmet and saves the day but Kent passes away and his conscious lives in the helmet for a few months. Throughout the history of the Islamic Republic, the latter elections have always been viewed with indifference by the people, as the hardline clerics and their supporters believe that . Magic Emperor . (TV: Journey's End). The fact that Doctor Fate is one of the most powerful . Several years after the New 52 reboot, DC Comics introduced its latest and second-longest-running incarnation, Khalid Nassour, the grandnephew of Kent Nelson chosen by ancient Egyptian deities and archangels. (TV: The Sound of Drums, The Beast Below, The Day of the Doctor), In other accounts, however, the Doctor's "true name" was the one which was hidden, a guarded secret the Doctor kept from almost everyone. Fate is a Lord of Order, is one of the most powerful magic users in DC and often works in abstracts. [61] In his early depiction in the Justice Society of America title, he was a novice sorcerer capable of casting general spells. Kent Nelson was the first superhero in modern times to take on the name of Doctor Fate. The character has appeared in various incarnations, with Doctor Fate being the name of several different individuals in the DC Universe as part of a sorcerous legacy with several attempts to revitalize the character.[1][2][3]. Originally, the character was created as a love interest for Kent Nelson, the original character to have starred as Doctor Fate. (TV: The Sound of Drums) River Song was aware of this contradiction in the Doctor's behaviour: she said that the Doctor was the first to have this title and that the rest of the universe later adopted it, usually to mean "healer" or "wise man". (TV: The Aztecs) However, their knowledge was limited to anything prior to the Rassilon Era. [37] Nelson's character would be later killed off in the "A Costly Trick of Magic" storyline, leaving Nassour as the sole Doctor Fate character in present times. (, Time Boy: Used by Mels, the second incarnation of, Bow Tie: The War Doctor's nickname for the Eleventh Doctor, due to his dress sense. I'm Doctor 925 I know Doctor 336. [43] He would act as Doctor Fate alongside Linda, the two often merging in order to become Doctor Fate. An African-American member of the Salem Coven and one of Bolling's students who shared a close relationship with Anita. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks), As early as their second incarnation, the Doctor knew that the Daleks had also given them the epithet "Ka Faraq Gatri", (COMIC: Bringer of Darkness) which translated as "Destroyer of Worlds". Doctor Fate assists the Legion of Super-Heroes in mystic matters and is the one who warns the Legion and the United Planets of the coming Great Darkness, the true source and embodiment of darkness in the DC Universe. The aged and depowered Nelsons then retire. The Helmet of Dr. Construction. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) River Song claimed and demonstrated on numerous occasions that she knew the Doctor's secret real name. The author attempts a cultural analysis of this diversity by presenting a brief but fascinating exposition of the Oriental, Spanish, mystical, and Arab~Berber elements of these communities, and an account of their reactions to modern trends and influences. He used it as identification when renting the junkyard from its owner, He used it to check in at Ingersoll's tavern in, Doctor I. M. Foreman: The Doctor's application for, Benjamin Jackson: Used when he returned to the, Doctor Caligari: The Doctor used it when he arrived in, Snail / Wormhole: Given to him by his cousins of the. (, The Warrior: The moniker the Doctor chose to take in the, The Predator of the Daleks: A descriptive term for the Doctor used by the Daleks, (, The Deathbringer: A title bestowed upon the Doctor by the Daleks during the Time War. (, Me with the eyebrows: The Tenth Doctor calls him this to address him directly. An Atlantean demigod and a fellow Lord of Order whose one of the few to possess a physical body. We use them to identify ourselves, connect with other users, and build relationships with each other. In this sense, the Doctor's name was not any more or less significant than any other Time Lord's. (, Merlin: The Doctor took up the alias to deliver King Arthur in another reality. A corrupted version of Arion would come into conflict with Nabu after he is turned insane due to exposure to the Tear of Extinction and exposure to Khaji-Da. More information on each race and on their naming conventions can be found in the descriptions of their respective name generators. Doctor Fate (also known as Fate) is the name of multiple superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. [3] Created with an emphasis on diversity and to take the character in a different direction, the biracial character's inspirations included Marvel characters like Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, the latter character having been influenced by Sonny Liew; Liew intended to depict a character entrusted with great responsibilities going through a journey of self-discovery in a world similar to the likes of Doctor Strange. October 27, 2022 by Nidhi. (TV: School Reunion, Smith and Jones) As "John Smith" was considered a generic name in some Earth cultures, the Doctor's use of the alias was occasionally treated with scepticism. Species: Helmet? A fictional depiction of the Egyptian goddess of the same name. He raised the boy into manhood and gave him a helmet, amulet, and cloak, which he hoped he would use to protect the good and vanquish evil. (, The Prophet: Called so by Father Heretika, a representative of the Church of the Evergreen Man, a race who believed the Doctor to be a messiah. 3) #30 (August 2009), featuring in the book until its cancellation with #54 in August 2011. He would later help Hector defeat the villain known as The Curse. They are a student at Teen Titans Academy and later founds Young Justice Dark, a younger counterpart of Justice League Dark. [31] The character would appear in the Reign in Hell miniseries[32] and in Justice Society of America (vol. (PROSE: The Mother Road), The Second Doctor briefly used the name "Doktor von Wer" (literally, "Doctor [of] Who") during his visit to Scotland on 16 April 1746, (TV: The Highlanders) and he once signed a message as "Dr W." (TV: The Underwater Menace) The Zaons called him "Doctor Who". The series ran for 18 issues from June 2015 to November 2016.[36]. (, The Great Exterminator: The name given to the Doctor by the Dalek Emperor whilst preparing a Delta Wave. "; (TV: The Gunfighters) similarly, when Jimmy Forbes asked "Doctor who? [67] Khalid is also a skilled physician, holding a medical degree. [59][60], Kent V. Nelson possess the typical powers of Doctor Fate, allowing him to cast spells and perform various magical abilities through the Helmet of Fate. The One:12 Collective welcomes Dr. Fate has a long running theme of using the Egyptian ankh. In The ArcHive Tapes, the narrator refers to the different incarnations of the Doctor as "Doctor (cardinal number)" rather than "the (ordinal number) Doctor". The Chaos Lord would relinquish the powers bestowed to Inza back to himself although she would replace her chaos magic with magics stemming from life and continued acting as Doctor Fate, with Nelson acting alongside her. The first character to debut as Doctor Fate was Kent Nelson, who appeared in his own self-titled six page strip in More Fun Comics #55 (May 1940) during the Golden Age of Comic Books. [28] The character was killed in the Day of Vengeance limited series in 2005 as part of the lead in to the 2005 company-wide event story, Infinite Crisis.[29].