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"We're going to be a family!" He hugged Carlos, "I'm going to take care both of you." He declared, Carlos' eyes widened then smiled as he hugged back Jay. I tried to listen into the conversation going on with Doug and Mal before I left. Fairy tales dont end with Happily Ever After and none of them will admit that things are darker than they portray. Evie's suprise to her friends/3 months along, 7. I woke up in my room sick. After that day, Evie never mistook Mal's icy glare for malice. I hugged my best friend tightly. Doug asks looking at me, "Yes." Mal started to rub my back slowly when she knew I had started crying. CJ crashes her and Freddie's dorm late at night, and she just wants to sleep and ideally cuddle.Freddie decides she should take off her make-up first, though. The Isle of the Lost had always been a place filled with crime and questionable actions, but recently people had been going missing and there are whispers of cannibalism. "Doug I don't know how to say this.." I trail off looking into his eyes. You felt his body shake from his laugher and hugged him even tighter. why are you looking at me like that? When Harry had snuck his way through the barrier and gotten roped into saving all of Auradon, he hadnt been sure what to expect. He felt a sense of resolution and bravery. Lesbian Evie (Disney) Bisexual Mal (Disney) Minor Jay/Carlos de Vil. Ben and Mal just got married (everyone is 19, save for Carlos who is 18), and theyre hoping to have a peaceful time as a newly and happily wed couple. "Evie? Malia kept me up half the night" I looked at her confused. 44 Stories. First trapped on the Isle, then within her mother's castle. Your face turned pale. Evie 4 months pregnant/ultrasound/announcement 8. With such a high title and her being an immigrant Latina woman, it felt daunting to be alone for the first few months. Another baby isn't bad." 9.6K 154 12. At least, that's what she expects. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). That is, until they're summoned to Auradon as a part of Prince Ben's initiative to save the Isle kids. They broke up. Work Search: We all know the story of the Descendants of the Villains and Heroes. She let out a huge sigh of relief. I know your crying." I asked frantically. But friendships are tested. Mal questioned. My eyes widen, crap I can't see him right now. I could here Doug through the door, "I know she was crying I just want to make sure she's okay." When he pulled away, you were both out of breath. But who could have guessed that the most compatible alpha would end up being a villain's son from the Isle of the Lost? (or, two days on a job is two too many.). I thought about it for a moment. "So, you don't care about your daughters?" Carlos shook his head, his own eyes stinging. They weren't Ben an What if, Evie had longed to marry Prince Ben even if Mal is Ben's Girlfriend and things turn out pretty too uneasy. To make things worse, when Mal couldn't handle the pressure of being perfect, she goes back to the Isle of the Lost. She was one of the best and a friend of your father from even before the island was turned into a prison for all the villains. Sixteen! Ben was over the moon happy. The most common will probably be Garry, Jaylos and Mevie, but I'm always open to take requests. That is, unless their parents have other plans for them that could bring all of Auradon down on it's knees. _____________It just couldn't be true. Whether someone is good or evil isn't determined by where they live. Mal and Ben start to drift away from each other, arguments and more (takes over after d3, all is canon except bal and devie) "He asked, his facial expression not changing at all. Jay randomly poked Carlos' stomach, which caused Carlos to blush. [Credits to my friend, @zealous_light from Wattpad, for letting me use her OCs for part of this story]. One night of fun, a present after nine months. He probably wasn't going to be really happy about it. Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants) (558) Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil (449) Jane/Carlos de Vil (350) Evie & Mal (Disney) (290) Gil/Harry Hook/Uma (259) I teased. Or: I watched Descendants 3 with a friend and we spent half the time talking about the gay energy between the five main guys (Ben, Carlos, Jay, Gil, and Harry) and I wrote fan fiction about it. You were so caught up in your worries how to tell him and a few different scenarios how he might react, you didn't realized the boys had finished the practice until Harry stood up in front of you, waving his hand in front of your face, trying to get your attention. Exhaustion hits hard and sometimes all Evie needs is to sleep, that is - if her thoughts will let her. But why should the fate of the world forever fall on the shoulders of children? Or, the Dark Christmas story where Mal and Jay try to win over Evie and Carlos in their own messed up way. Evie's Tough Journey By: Descendantsfan03 This is a prequel story to my story The Real Mal. They both want them to be their dates to the Christmas dance. He stepped forward, and engulfed his younger cousin in a hug. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). As you can imagine, the ouat versions of their parents aren't too pleased with their fear of adults. I took Lonnie to the doctor's office. You have been staring weirdly since you came here. "Mal was feeling sick, so we came to get her checked out." ***REQUESTS OPEN*** Title says most of it. Mal sighed. "I guess so. and like an actual character arc and stuff!! Nobody in Auradon knows about them. She knows everything about everyone. # bal # ben # carlos # evie # jay # king # mal # queen Pregnant Again 2.1K 17 by jadams152 [Jay's POV] What will be deeper if they are older? Please consider turning it on! A retelling of the Descendants film series where Evie is tasked to become Ben's girlfriend before coronation instead of Mal, Carlos and Jay are leading characters like in the books, Audrey and Chad are fully developed characters and help Ben learn Auradon's secrets. Or all his plans would crash and burn around him. Jal, Carvie, Bevie, Marlos, ect.) Nothing is ever easy. Evie is recovering from an eating disorder, luckily she has people to help show her she's loved. Doug was still snoring softly, not hearing the pregnant princess. I smile softly before getting up and walking over to my purse. Who needs a crown, when you can wear a helmet? "Well, Mal and Ben, it looks like you will have a boy in 7 months." It's too much and Auradon is worse, brighter, louder. "Harry said happily, not letting you go, and you both laughed. Its ghostly and holy and Evie isnt sure if its real. His face is shoved into the crook of his elbow and the moonlight casts a halo around his head. Politics in the United States of Auradon (Disney) Ben winced, sobering immediately, and Evie, bless her, dragged Carlos and Jay closer to Mal and Ben to salvage the conversation before their new boyfriend could get on that train of thought. No matter what scheme her mother has in mind, she is unwilling to return either to the Isle, or to the arms of another boy, if she can help it.However, not long after she arrives in Auradon, along with three teens from the island that are almost strangers to her, she realizes that staying is less than a sure thing. I nod slowly looking at the ground again tears threatening to fall, I know in a short few moments he'll be walking out that door and never coming back. (Set After Descendants 2) She is the daughter of Evil Queen and the founder of Evie's 4 Hearts. #thomasdoherty I said scared. (Has Ranked Bevie #1) Please consider turning it on! "In the name of the sea"He muttered. I started to cry. . Don't be dopey." Work Search: All seems well until Uma decides it's time for revenge. You were smiling wildly at each other, tears of joy running down on both your faces. This is that story. Evie's gender reveal party/5 months along/1st kicks, 9. The United States of Auradon, a country built upon a foundation of peace and goodness, is struck to the core when the young prince announces his first royal decree to offer refuge to villains' kids on the Isle of the Lost. "Ok, but I don't want to tell anyone yet" I said and he agreed. Its ghostly and holy and Evie isnt sure if its real. Years ago. diaper the girls from the movies, wicked world and the isle of the lost books Besides I think you're ready. "I'mpregnant" Mal said. You trusted him that he won't leave you because of something like this. It's been a year. Please consider turning it on! There they were. Or: five times Jay thought Carlos was dating Evie, and the one time they realized he was just trying to make them jealous. 1. intro/Evie's dream 2. wedding/finding out 3. but it's a bit strange for her to do, because she's now dating her ex best friend's ex boyfriend.note. "Besides it's not one of these concoctions, that Xantha sells to her customers. ""Well ,how did you know something's wrong than? Instead, she lied to me about everything!" I laughed lightly. This takes place 2 months after the cotillion. Just as she is finally starting to recover a little and starting to feel like herself again she starts experiencing something she never would have thought would happen which leads to the biggest most life changing news she could ever get. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Queen put a hand to her forehead and turned away in disgust. I never discuss our meetings with anyone, even with your father, you know that. (Villains dont get one), Just assume theyre all neurodivergent mk, I feel like Im forgetting something but idk what, Non-Explicit Scene of Sexual Assault (Not Between Ben/Harry), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Rapunzel, The Charmed Kitsune Prince of Fairy Tail (Multi X-Over 1 V2), Jonathan "Jon" Kent (Superman & Lois TV 2021), Phoenix Halliwell-Waldorf-Romanov is Harry Potter's Real Name, Kitsune Phoenix Halliwell-Waldorf-Romanov, Original Child(ren) of Ben and Mal (Disney: Descendants), Evie (Disney) & Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Emma Swan does not get paid enough for this, True Love's Kiss as a Final Lock On a Gilded Cage, Harry Hook & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Harry Hook & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Being an Asshole, Evil Queen | Regina Mills Being an Asshole. It made you sad, thinking of everything your child won't have and the place it has to grow up on. Evie's lush dark hair falls from her forehead in a striking widow's peak, and she never leaves home without her crown or her mother's approval of her appearance. "I can't believe he fell for that." Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. I am currently quarantined in my room and decided why the hell not?This is a rewrite of what I would have done differently, Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella and Hades, will venture into the world of love and magic that awaits him, along with his loyal friend Evie, daughter of Regina the Evil Queen.this story will contain:hot moments Gay maleLesbianomegaverseToo crazy. I also take requests for one-shots if you'd like a personal one. Evie can feel nothing, and she chooses to trust a witch to show her something interesting. Aww he cares so much about me, "Doug she doesn't want to see you at this moment." Well, they date each other, of course! "Ben, it's true" I cried. Not all content is mine, but I will always give credit to the writer if the story is not one of my own works, #captainhook "Doug." I pull the bag to front of me, showing Doug. Well, we don't know if she is or not, but we're here to find out." , . Evie learns that Ben has his own villains here in the land of Happily Ever After. I lean back into him a little, feeling very comforted by his arms around me. So how do they make that happen? "Babe, are you ok?" "Ben, I want to know if I'm pregnant or not again." Not then, not now. "Well?" For the last few years you've been dating Harry and even though you had your fights from time to time, you couldn't have been more happier. "Now, now. I answered her sarcastically. How would it affect his relationship with the other characters. evie wants closure from mal, because of the way she ruined her teenhood. And they certainly don't know how to feel when their kids inherit their powers. Today could be the start of something new; something that could change the whole Ascendancy. It wouldn't have worked. In addition, Evie is pregnant by her long term rapist, and is terrified of being trapped by him once again. "You sighed. "Hey, don't cry, baby. Then he put you down, placing both of his hands on your cheeks and crashing his lips into yours. Chapter 1: Prologue (Ben) It was today. What starts as a celebratory drink very quickly morphs into a retrieval mission, target: chicken nuggies. God I can't tell him, because if I do he's going to hate me, I can't have him hate me. "I was at Medeia's today. I whisper softly before looking at the ground. #harryhook With the addi *COMPLETED* I'm so glad you came to me because the stuff she is selling are just ridic""Wait a second. AU - Prince Ben's parents are worried about their son not having found a partner. "He asked, putting away his sword. #pirates there is no r*pe that takes place, but because it is mentioned i put the warning just in case. Auradon has made her soft. More aware of the world. It's about Evie finding out about her being pregnant and how she dealt with the pregnancy and having a baby on the Isle and all the things she had to go through. #audrey #auradon #ben #carlos #chad #descendants #disney #doug #evie #gil #harryhook #isleofthelost #jay #mal . 460 61 12. A supposedly safer place, but what's safe supposed to mean to four teens who lived their whole lives in fear? "Trust me you don't have to"She turned around to look at you, but you were gone, stormed out before she could finish her sentence.It couldn't be true. She whispers to me softly, I nod and head back to the bathroom making sure to grab my purse. She turned her face away. "You whispered. Evie has been trapped for a long time. 2 years after the events of "The Ghostwriter and the Lone Ranger". "Mal, you ok?" mal was so hurt. "With what? 36 weeks pregnant, Evie in labor and birth. But Mal and Harry are known for breaking the rules and making their own. "Hey, love. #queen. I unlock the door and come out of the bathroom looking directly at my prince. A lode of Harry hook x reader stuff. Mostly funny or fluffy stories focused on the Core Four. He hanged up his hook on the rail you were sitting on and wrapped his hands around your waist, leaning close to you which allowed you to wrap your legs around his torso, bringing him even closer. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jal have exactly one braincell and it's currently with Carlos. He swore to himself, that he'd always hate the daughter of Maleficent. "Doug I know that you said you could never hate me. "You look just like your father," another voice, a different man with a trident, said. Ben came up behind me and started rubbing my back. A few years later, Fairy Godmother accidentally summons them to Auradon because of Ben. With a new threat arising in Auradon against Mal, Ben must do everything in his power to protect his Queen before it's too late. The Villains' Children had always been close, but that was especially true for Mal and Evie. "I think the solution to your problem is just to date someone so everyone else will stop pestering you.. "Mal, are you ok? #jay This is a collection of all of the Descendants fanfiction- chapter stories and oneshots- I have posted so far, and it will be where I continue to post my Descendants fan Just some funny interactions between various Descendants characters. Who knew that this would lead her to finding her happy ending? She slept the entire night." On ne peut pas dire qu'ils constituent une menace, et tant mieux, car les quatre adolescents sont venus avec un sinistre plan en tte. Uma runs the most powerful criminal empire in Gotham: Trident. She said while holding her stomach happily. 3. His face is shoved into the crook of his elbow and the moonlight casts a halo around his head. This is another collection of my writings, but this time I am taking requests from YOU! Will their evil plan succeed or will good save the day once again? Princess Evie Queen is the deuteragonist in the Disney Channel films, Descendants and Descendants 2, she's also the tritagonist of Descendants 3, she is portrayed by Sofia Carson. Oh no what if he takes what Mal says the wrong way, I can't lose him. "You basically screamed, your voice higher than of a boy that has been hit in his manhood. Evie & Audrey are a time traveling duo that Auradon and King Adam have no clue about, United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), Politics in the United States of Auradon (Disney), this was supposed to be a one-shot but here we are, Bella Bleeker Baggins (BellaBleekerBaggins), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Kingdom of The Moors | The Moorlands (Disney), Flufftober 2022 'cause we deserve to be happy, anyone tagged is planned to have serious focus. The end of . Now, the Core Four and their friends must find a way to rescue Ben from Uma without being caught by the Islanders. "Mal I know Evie was just in here. #evie I walk out of my bathroom into my dorm room I share with Mal who at the moment was pacing back and forth in our room until she saw me. Definitely not the reaction you wanted to see. Mal and Ben's love is strong, but is it truly strong Enough? Please enjoy a little holiday fun and fluff :) Happy Holidays! Fanfiction. 1) I won't do canon ships cause well if you read the first line. evie wants closure from mal, because of the way she ruined her teenhood. He asks softly looking back up at me. This takes place during my little Mal Series and goes along with my YouTube texting story Evie's Struggles. You just nodded. In addition, Evie is pregnant by her long term rapist, and is terrified of being trapped by him once again. She eats more which is the important thing. "Rather well I would say. You do want that, right?" It leaves scars, and those scars dont disappear the second youre somewhere else. "Are you alright? I look desperately at Mal for help, "go to the bathroom lock the door and sneak into the hallway when I let him in." Well maybe you were wrong and he was gonna leave you after all. "Actually, Mal and Ben" I quickly cut her off. She said happily. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree right? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Work Search: This is a story written by me which is similar to my baby Mal and Carvie family series except that its a bit different. but it's a bit strange for her to do, because she's now dating her ex best friend's ex boyfriend.note. Evie's suprise to her friends/3 months along 7. Save Her (Descendants fanfiction) by jadams152 YOU ARE READING Save Her (Descendants fanfiction) Fanfiction With a new threat arising in Auradon against Mal, Ben must do everything in his power to protect his Queen before it's too late. "Is she with Happy's son again? Three boys, and possibly another kid? Please consider turning it on! I kiss his cheek before pulling away noticing him blushing. It was so obvious she was lying. #jay I would never leave you." I look down at the white stick in my hand, it had two little pink lines and those pink lines mean so much. Will she be able to keep it a secret or will the secret get out? Jay said cautiously. + Knock Knock + "Who is it?" I ask trying to hide the fact I was just crying, "Its Doug, Evie what's wrong? Mal says back to him. Evie pries her eyes open, slowly and one at a time, sitting before her is not a wolf but a boy. Hey everyone this is part 31 of my story Evie Gets Pregnant With Baby Mal, But In Auradon. Then pretend with someone.. Cruella really didn't want to let Carlos go to Auradon, she didn't care about the stupid wand, her furs needed to be fluffed and the house cleaned. Which allowed for the stolen children to be returned. At least not here. ), more to be added later (potentially). Anger surged in her once again, and Evie wanted to cry or scream. It made you sad, thinking of everything your child won't have and the place it has to grow up on. "Promise." "Is it totally sure? Mal said. She doesn't expect the kindness she receives, or to fall in love. He caressed my cheek. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. And you didn't wanted him to worry so you just decided to go for it. You were gonna have a child. "Not sure. She slid a small bottle on the table and placed it in front of you. But what happens when he falls in love with someone he shouldn't? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2279), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (679), Disney Theatrical Animated Universe (266), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney) (362), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (347), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney) (290), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Calista Jane "CJ" Hook & Harriet Hook & Harry Hook, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harry Hook, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harriet Hook, Calista Jane "C.J" Hook & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Liam Jonees, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Li Shang (Disney)/Phillip (Once Upon a Time), Beyond Nine Rivers and Nine Mountain Ranges, For All the Places I Have Been (Im No Place Without You), Very Light Reference To Suicidal Ideation, Wheres our happy ending? "I'll be a father. For years you've been best friends with Uma, Harry and Gil. Thanks guys. Harry gets sunburned but Ben makes it all better. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Just remember, I don't Basically Song-shots non-canon ships. Work Search: My moms enemy. But I've also wanted a son." This story takes place after Descendants 2. But with some suspicious V.K.s crossing over, Ben falling out of love for his wife, and Jane falling back into her depressive spiral well, just assume the best case scenario. The isle of the lost is not an okay place to live. I should have killed her so she couldn't have done this, so she couldn't have done anything to you. He took a shaky breath. It was no secret for anyone on the Isle that you and Harry were dating. * I smiled and looked at the nurse who gave me a confused look, then walked out. The vks, Chad Charming, and Audrey Rose are originally from the ouat (Once Upon a time) but were stolen by their descendants' parents. Evie 8 months pregnant/preparation plans, 12. He heads to Smallville where he meets Jonathan Kent and his family before he starts at a special boarding school. He said. For the last couple years, she has been trapped in a forced relationship with Harry Hook, who seems set on keeping her trapped forever. Me, Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen is pregnant with Doug, son of Dopey's child. Evies making the outfits and Carlos is buying an entire petstore in preparation. A few days after his fourth year, after he had gotten told about what the ministry and the Daily prophet are saying about him, he leaves the Wizarding World. This was what Mal wanted; to bring Uma down. Desperate, she decides to do what she must to keep herself and her child safe.She doesn't expect the kindness she receives, or to fall in love. Although you loved the Isle, you didn't wanted to spend your whole life there and you were more than happy to be friends with people who thought in the same way as you did. She just rolled her eyes at me. Movies but with descendants characters and a bunch of other one shots. As we waited patiently for the nurse to call us in, Lonnie touched my hand softly. 2) Oh and Bevie fan fiction. #bal Even the thought of raising a kid on the Isle made you sick. We stared into each other's eyes until we saw Jay look at us from the hallway. Diego stood before him, a pained look on the young man's face. "Love, what's going on? Whats a little treasure hunting without a couple of bruises.or a smidgen of iron poisioning?! "She smiled at you, coming back to sit at the table. If she was being honest, she could count on one hand the people she trusted to have her back: Jay, Evie, and Carlos. Evie had pulled her thickest winter cloak on and ran through the downpour and hail to arrive at the hideout she and her friends inhabited, completely soaked to the bone and freezing, but she didn't care, as long as she didn't have to spend the night trapped with her mother. cabarrus county mugshots 2021, difference between wesleyan and baptist,