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Half of these are completely untrue. 2023 | That Oregon Life LLC | All rights reserved. Are you still living there and still feel that way? Will enjoy being here. Oregonians are the laziest people I have ever met.. Bathrooms here are like the south, disgusting and hardly ever cleaned.. Didnt have it here before they brought it in. Not me. Being from NorCal, we have a lot in common. The pressure to adapt and succeed is immense. And you were not even harsh enough. My dad lives in Washington State. I mean all of them! 4. level 2. Oregon was not alone in having this law, most states had similar rules in the 1950's. Things have changed drastically since that time and pumping gas is no longer considered unsafe but Oregon (and New Jersey) have remained stubborn and still refuse to allow residents to pump gas. For instance, it is #162 in 2022 National Universities by US News. Most the best places are swarming with people. If an Oregonian or, for that matter, anyone from anywhere, gets an attitude with me because of where Im from, theyre going to get it right back with interest and a bit more for good measure. Like Zeke said, satire is lost here. Dont forget the choking smug from the Kalifornians who think everyone else is destroying the planet. Probably because youre not in shape. But, Portland has become another democratically controlled liberal city that youll want to stay away from if you work. You sound so ungrateful, there is so much to do all over this beautiful state. Ok. Oregon girls arent like the girls you know back home. But really, we are less accepting of you if youre not an Oregonian. But everything afterjust bizarre. White water rafting is the best. 88% of Oregon State University employees would recommend working there to a friend based on Glassdoor reviews. Im still researching where to live. They have different values than we do and call us woodchucks, but we have a name for them too-citidiots.. The Bay Area is where its at (except for the expensiveness). My family and I are considering moving to Oregon, so youd better be polite when we come up to visit in October. They all have that look about them and are just as intelligent. Top 5. Being a displaced Oregon Native I must admit I loved this Parody and found 99-100% of this to be actually quite factual, good Job. I lived in Seaside and Astoria OR for 10 years and its so miserable that God even left the area! Omg haha haha!!! that falls between 21 and ", "Oregon State University certainly changed my life in so many ways. what was funny is my daughter begged told they guy we are poor like you and he gave them their money back. The entire place is a shithole. California.). I live in Washington. People just do their own thing along I-5 and are angry in a general sense. I felt very welcomed here. I was thinking if Oregon is so terrible and the author hates it , why does he still live there? they tryed to stop anything tht was different, and when the logging died out, there was even less work to be had. So, it's important to know about safety issues before moving to Oregon. There arent hippies here; those that consider themselves hippie, yet are politically active, are by definition, yippie, Second, the thugs here, arent as tough as you might think. The chart below shows what percentage of Oregon State on-campus crime and safety incidents are in each category. Lol. I really, really, really feel for the native Californians. And nothing to do? The environment you . Im guessing you dontwant to be wet all the time, and youve probably never fished in your life. Will learn a lot. These are from small-town farmers who know and have seen nothing better that could be offered from a University. Massachusetts has an average rainfall of 44 inches. Public University Cost. I said tent because people here live in tents wherever they please. Please enter a valid email Sure it rains plenty here, but as I recall we have had quite a few long hot summers and nice springs with little rain at all, seems Rain is normal for fall, winter, and spring time. There is always something and someone that people can connect to, which makes the experience that much greater. You will more than likely make friends and get a support system. Oregon has gotten more and more crunchy granola over the years. Sign up for monthly emails full of local travel inspiration and fun trip ideas. Weve already established how much camping sucks in the woods, but imagine camping next to homeless heroin junkies. ", "Obtaining a Bachelor's degree from OSU's EECS department is not easy. It only hails occasionally; maybe moreso in Eugene, but in Salem, not so much But, as for the rest of your rain statement, youre almost spot on. Aug 25. They bring down the values which in turn brings down the taxes. Its full of redneck inbred hillbillies and brainless Trump supporters. Living back in MI now but want to move back to OR. Oregon: 37 but these states have far more rain then Oregon. Wow, youre painfully ignorant about Oregon. I cant stand the stupidity of Oregon traffic. Oregon State University (OSU) is moderately difficult to get into. My father came to CA in 1930 and worked as a cowboy in the Sierras. The result is that some people are not paid enough to care, the actually helpful people had better just retire or get an industry job and many very annoying people are rewarded for their failure. I would like to go here as a pharmacy major, because I hear their school is very good for the medical field. Definitely not a really safe place to live anymore. But Kuo said later university leadership turned against her after pushback from alumni, and Kuo herself was removed as a dean and demoted to a tenured teaching position. It is why I do my grocery shopping once a month. I am currently a freshman at Oregon State and I love it here a lot. Well Oregon would be a better place if we could move Washington between us and Californiana. My body was super confused, like I was full but my belly didnt ache. Bit of stereotyping and exaggeration but some truth here, kevin heart not a good choice for the we hate segment u could say we hate our blacks which is kinda why I left. Oregon State University (OSU) meets 54.9% of the demonstrated financial need for undergraduates. ", "I started OSU as a freshman studying Mechanical Engineering and just never really connected with the material, just just seemed a bit flat and dull to me. There are approximately If you're already going to OSU for undergrad and want to become a teacher, I would recommend looking into master's programs at other schools such as Western Oregon University or Portland State University. This was after attending a veteran sustainable agriculture training put on by San Luis Obispo. Washingtons the best place if you dont mind a jackass governor who wants a state income tax on top of our high sales tax. Ive done it before. It's rare you meet someone with a swimming pool. Unless you are driven, confident, mentally healthy (or at least receiving treatment), and can make friends in class, it can and will break you. Huuuum cant think of the last time I spent 2 hours at a gas station waiting., This is for all the replies to Dawn Panda. Excited for Greek life? Dont know I dont use it I know medical is. Another way to tell one on the streets is if or when they use an umbrella I swear most real Oregonians that I know that have lived here all their lives dont even own one. So if youre considering moving here, Id reconsider. Apparently other universities don't arrange their exams like this. Oregon girls like men who get dirty and stuff, and Im betting your hands are softer than a babys butt. That describes Portland pretty well but Ive lived here all my life and experienced less that a third of these things, most of Oregon is a really cool place to live, The deviks lettuce!? Do you know how rare it is to come across a true native Californian? Maybe the problem is that youve lived here your whole life and you have nothing to compare it to! Seattle haters and poorly dressed lesbian vegans with home-brew ran rampant. It is against the law to pump your own gas and I never had to wait for someone too fill my tank. We literally have camps all over towns like Eugene. Yup, 9% sales tax for a custom built home! Connect with the world's largest college forum for candid, authentic discussion. Oregon State University (OSU) offers housing for students. I was awaiting an appointment with the advisor from my major, so I decided to research textbooks and how they are purchased. I cant make this stuff up. There are very diverse opportunities at Oregon State such as research and job opportunities, clubs, academic support and more. We are well known, some for good, some for bad. To learn more about Oregon State University (OSU), choose from the options below: Oregon State University (OSU) Community Forums. Got a problem with it? Whatever the weather is doing, it can change in no time. Lets castrate them. Its funny how people get so protective of the state they live in. Theres a reason Oregon is one of the most depressing states to live in, our skies are always grey and the rain never lets up here. People moving north to Oregon are doing what any Oregonian with half a brain is doing: MOVING THE FUCK NORTH. It is easy to get into study groups so that you won't struggle or be left behind in the classes you take. For me, anything not near I-5 sucks. Don't be afraid to ask questions or go to office hours to get to know your professors. Someone from Boring will smell you a mile away if youre escaping Portland. LOL you think the author was writing a SERIOUS article! The baseball stadium was top notch.just like its team. The legacy of of govenor Tom Mcall lives on, just a longer rendetion of his please come visit but do not move here speech, Oregon girls are cunts. Mr. The median ACT score of an admitted student to Oregon State University (OSU) is Love it here but the tourists, my god I hate them. 16 reviews. On a funny note, one lady I met refers to me as that Southern Gentleman From Virginia. forgot the best part our Governor and mayors love to instigate riots and protest. And series of bridges drivers must negotiate. Eugene (OR) Annual Tuition: $36,615. The east is desert and it has beautiful days pretty much always. Hey, its a joke! Coddle me, Im special! Uhhhh yeahthink she missed the point, folks? of getting into Oregon State University (OSU). Mark your calendar! Land of the uptight white people. Im a native Californian and once got turned around in downtown San Francisco and all the people I asked directions from (about 12), NO ONE SPOKE ENGLISH. All this hippity dippity healthy nonsense. Portland General Electric. This is based on an average price (with and without aid) of $39,812 and a typical 4.58 years to graduate. I also went to Corvallis and most of my relatives. Foods such as coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices might change your vaginal odor slightly. Thats quite a chunk of $$ for a 500K house, ~$45,000 sale tax. Whats with the junk yard on 18 spilling into the highway right of way. The struggle is definitely real. Keep reading for 10 things that totally suck at Oregon State University! My family has lived in the same house for over 40 years and my mom grew up about a block away before that it used to be in a nice neighborhood now other than 1 neighbor that has been here pretty much as long as my parents we are scared of most of the people in the neighborhood so dont even talk to anyone else since the other people who were good and trustworthy have moved away. Who eats their meal in a smoothie? ! sucks being popular, skyrocketing housing costs, crowding, if only Portland were more like Topaz Lake. OSU requires applicants Honors College applicants submit six supplemental essays in addition to their application. 10. So Im a little confused as to why you think Oregon is so lame and boring. I fucking hate Oregon. As an Oregonian I have always appreciated living in the PNW, so naturally OSU was a top choice for me when considering schools. Website. So when you move here, prepare to figure out where you can pitch a tent because your ass is most likely going to end up on the streets. They were all gonna be movie stars or something. you missed another one. It was green like slime, all earthy and shit. It doesnt exist anymore. Alot more to Oregon then Springfield. Youll probably think twice after reading my 14 reasons as to why the beaver state really isnt all its cracked up to be. If you love your life, you might as well forget about moving to Oregon, because youre probably going to die. I love it here because of all the things you can do outdoors. I am majoring in Zoology (similar to your choice) and the school does amazing work. See a full list of colleges in Oregon and save your favorites to your college list. I took a 5th year of undergrad to complete OSU's education program, but in hindsight I could have finished my primary major in 4 years and then taken 1 year to complete a master's with student teaching at WOU or somewhere else. well thats true, but if you want to fix that problem, dont take more money for your property when its offered. Eh, wed probably actually trade you for ten of them, theyre all from NY and CA, and they all suck ass to be around, so meh. He had the right idea, but not enough imagination as to what it would really be like. It really highlights the downfalls of being a online marketing company in the area. Not even the Vice Provost would offer any assistance. Deans serve at the pleasure of the provost and are judged on their leadership performance and contributions to the university and their college.. What happens when you get to Europe and theres a VAT (tax)? The other 4/5th of the state gets large hail. On a larger scale, the University itself was a terrific experience and I'm glad I chose it. Consider it. Oh please, I was born and raised in New Jersey. Actually, us Native Californians tend to mind our own business; it was the influx of libtard transplants, that ruined our state the same libtards that are coming here, and ruining Oregon! ", "The Public Health and Human Services department at Oregon State University was wonderful. It appears thats just too hard. I did have one professor whose teaching experience was only in elementary school, but for some reason was teaching future secondary teachers. U of DOh blows why do you support a 5th rate, regional 5 yr Jr College? Ill bet youre a Trump or Cruz supporter: mean, less then truthful and not wicked smaht. I live in the Adirondacks in NY State (almost at the Canadian border-in a small town) and I see that here too. Phil Knight?!?! Obviously, I hit a nerve since you dont deny anything I wrote, and Im glad I dont live there anymore either. To put it simply, Oregon girls are just too badass for you. If Oregon State University seems like a school you want to apply to, click the heart button to save it to your college list. full-time, ", "This school will not properly articulate transcripts leading to never ending registration issues. Applicants can apply via the Common Application or an OSU-specific portal. The campus is beautiful. Its almost like they do it intentionally, they know you have somewhere to go in a hurry, but they are laughing while they make sure you cant pass them. The people were great and extremely friendly. I usually respond to their ignorance in French or German; it usually throws them for a loop! But then our main scorce of transpertation is hearse. People here arent crazy; theyre just stupid, from an intellectual standpoint. The Oregon State acceptance rate is 82%. Restaurants near Oregon State University: (0.02 mi) Togo's Sandwiches (0.07 mi) Javastop (0.11 mi) Carl's Jr. (0.15 mi . Be on the lookout for our next newsletter. Hell, we even play at Oregon State Hospital, where Keasys tome was filmed; we live down the street from there! In fact, its highly offensive and you will be reported. was hit or miss. This just cracks me up and its not far from the truth! The charts below show how Oregon State compares to other colleges and universities in the nation when it comes to each category of crime and safety-related incidents. I got a collegedegree from Southern Oregon University that affords me no high paying job. They can get pricy, but pretty sure oregon is not Paris, or NYC. He shared many of your views and values. Yeah lots of homeless scarce jobs and mild weather. Same with the optometrist-bad scent and rode her bike. The classes are good, the website/online resources are easy to use, and the dorms are nice. There are significantly less hippies on the east side and we probably have the same amount of cannibals as any other state, definitely never met one. The deadline for Fall transfer applications to Oregon State University (OSU) is 4) Syracuse University. Hopefully, your children wont decide to have you euthanized when you grow old. Truth. Here you can determine your purpose, shape your identity and values and become who you want to be. Sign up to get important news and culture from around the Northwest, delivered to your inbox six days a week. Remember, the best school for one person may not be the right school for another! The people are nicer here on average, albiet a lot dumber. Why would anybody go climb a rock? Below we'll take a look at crime statistics for the college campus and surrounding areas. of getting admitted, and students with an ACT score of Sounds awful but nothing is worse than Houston Texas where I live its so hot youll have a heat stroke walking to the car and the heat last for 5 to 7 months a year! What you'll find in our crime and safety report on Oregon State: Our crime statistics come from the U.S. Department of Education's Campus Safety and Security data. And, my wife and I live near Lancaster Mall. Marijuana isnt changing anything cause people did it anyway. There isnt any such thing as fornication anymore, especially in Oregon. Oregonians are the worlds worse tippers. I grew up in the desert of Oregon and now live near San Francisco. There is a lot more to Oregon than just Portland. And my family still live there to this day. We have had 10 days of sunshine since Thanksgiving. Were you blind folded when you bought that house, really! Fun Facts about Oregon State's Geography. Hope you can swim, I hear the Pacific Ocean gets pretty cold too. Have you ever considered the fact that you should go fuck yourself? Estacada is the best place to live in all of Oregon! stop whining and except change because there is no way things stay the same. Below, you can see the number of incidents by category as well as the maximum number of incidents reported by any school for comparison's purposes. This is while I am dealing with severe PTSD and physical injuries sustained while in Afghanistan. Although its hundreds of miles away from Home my transition into this beautiful campus has been nothing but full of fun and adventure. In nevada I founded and have never been more happy since! 541-737-0561. Feels like Im back in Germany but more freedom and near to the ocean. Oct. 15, 2022 Ive been at a bar (outside Oregon) that closed at 11 and everything that wasnt a bar closed at 5! Left for 20 years. Are you going to stand there and whinebut Im from Oregon! Waaaa! Nice try to dissuade, but, everyone who so much as weekends here wantsno.. thats the problem with trying to have unlimited growth on a finite planet it doesnt work well, as per capita net resources decline. 2 University of Portland. Academics Tuition & Aid Student Body Campus Life Careers Overview Applicants: 24,474 Acceptance Rate: 83% Average HS GPA: 3.59 SAT & ACT Test Scores SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 25th-75th percentile (enrolled students) 550 - 650 SAT Math 25th-75th percentile (enrolled students) 530 - 640 ACT Composite Scores They assumed that I was an illiterate, non English speaking, illegal guess again, pendejo! In most cases, you don't know what you're going to get until it's too late to get a refund. Where women are women and so are half the men. Tyler is a native to Oregon and is currently living on the Oregon Coast. Went to Portland for a training class for a new job. I will never ever ever go back to that God Forsaken HELL HOLE! Ive lived here my whole life, and let me the first to tell you, this place is miserable and itSUCKS BIG TIME. I get really offended when pseudo intellectuals try to dazzle me with their intellectual prowess; mind you, these are alumni of U of DOh that do this (time to put the bong down, guys; youve smoked yourselves stupid!). The university was first struck with allegations of sex crimes in 2011. As a native Californian I can never go home again. Oregon State University (OSU) is moderately difficult to get into. Hello. Native Oregonians dont like you if you plan to move in. Im still amazed at how many women in the NW look like menon purpose. The University of Oregon, like any school, has both good and bad aspects that need to be considered during the college decision making process. I spoke to my College of Liberal Arts advisor and things went well. The communication that came from the professors/program coordinator (in terms of program requirements, deadlines, etc.) And please, please, dont embarrass the country by traveling outside the USA either. They have a lot of quality programs. The University has been the focal point of my life for the past five years. There is no way I could pay these costs. Reed takes high-achieving loner types and turns them into exttemely well-educated weirdos. Stay the fuck home. Basically making fun?! I live in oregon ???? The Californians make out like bandits (we had money, because were overtaxed at home; high paying jobs compensate for that), reinforcing that myth! Just think about it for a minute. The 2023-2024 FAFSA Opened on October 1st, 2022. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I grew up in a place known as Springfield, which locals like to refer to as Spunfield. There was very little instruction on how to teach special education students. Still gotta love them DUCKS! And by the way, the majority of our junky ass tweakers originate from California or Washington. Nailed it! I was born in Sacred Heart Hospital Eugene when my parents were in married student housing (the Amazon Project), known as Fertility Flats. The Gas thing is correct as far as the girl thing that is incorrect. A team at Oregon State University is researching antibody treatment for dogs with cancer. I couldnt wait to move back to the Bay Area (Yup-California) where the people are friendly (they actually say hello if you are hiking on a trail), diverse (NOT ALL WHITE), progressive (NOT ALL CHRISTIAN) and most have their teeth. . Hood. I always feel welcome and heard. Why is Oregon the number one place to move to? This college is especially good for STEM majors. I know because I am a disabled quadriplegic who did this same and got instant Medicaid. Spent my childhood here, family moved back to Kaiifornia, but after being widowed I came back home and will never leave. Im a native and hate it here! Very pretty campus. Image by Joan Greenman from Pixabay. From Hacky Sacks to Tillamook cheese, here are 10 things that originated in Oregon. This article has got to be a joke, Im not entirely sure. Source: Flickr user edsuom. What a beautiful place to move to, it looks so peaceful and OMG the mountains! Newsflash bitch, its not so pretty and everybody here already hates you. Im convinced the zombie apocalypse has already started right here in Oregon. They miss their state, just like I miss Oregon. Most of the people here are very hateful of outsiders and super sensitive if they perceive you to be one. Love Oregon, warts and all. It got developed up the wazoo, traffic, crowds, etc.. They classified me as a resident, processed my application, student aid, transferred my credits, and completed class registration within 10 days of my application being filed. Before moving here, I lived in Sacramento, and drove a cab. There are so many opportunities to get involved in nature, and the location makes it easy to travel to the beach, go hiking, swimming, etc. They tell us they love it so much here and then they want to change everything when they move here. Oregon State University (OSU)'s endowment was valued at $683.7 million in 2022, compared to a national average of $905 million. These states have far more rain then Oregon: Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Connecticut and N. Carolina tie for the top states for rain. The one statement thats incorrect, is the hippie statement. RIGHT,RIGHT,AWESOME,AWESOME,RIGHT,RIGHT,AWESOME. Im from OR originally but not Portland area, now in WA but not Seattle area. Come to Wayne County, OH if you wanna see lame! Here are 25 fascinating facts about America's 33rd state. This is the reason why, the Electoral College exists; to give a voice to the rest of the country. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Oregon State University was 3.61 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend. Then the East Coasters began to arrive. Still want to move to Oregon? Some types of theft are down due to the Rednecks, you steal and they will shoot at you. Face it, nature sucks. The only way out of poverty was through military service, and that service allowed me to earn the GI bill. Oregon hates Portland! Of course it isfor you. Do I need a hood, an umbrella, or nothing? Dont come down here to shop with your pay no tax card and sponge off of us. You think Oregonians are crazy in the west? Yeah, tell me about it! my reply was to zeke who said their california got improved out of existence but here in northern california (you know up by the oregon border) it is very rural and beautiful still, and we work hard to maintain that!