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The blessing of Abraham finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and the Redeemer of the world.The rest of the Bible records how these promises were fulfilled and the blessing of Abraham advanced. Yet there is an additional layer of prophecy contained within the Abraham stories. Everything that Abraham did will have significance in terms of later Jewish history - his travels and religious acts in the land of Canaan, and even his and his wifes laughter on learning about Sarahs future pregnancy. God wants to bless us and meet every need of our lives. Accordingly its meaning is - there is sufficiency within Me for every creature and I have the wherewithal to care for you. | of more help or if you want more information please visit: Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Finally he dies and his bones are taken to be buried in Canaan. About Us Take the Gospel to the world.C. cacrac you bring up an interesting point. As far as using Romans 13:1-7 to defend 501C3 and your building - I address below. Amen. Get out of your country, from your family and from your fathers house, to a land that I will show you. It is here, after the death of his father, God's call and promise to Abraham is first recorded. (Ruth 1:20-21). However, in contrast to the covenant with Noah, this particular covenant is not a unilateral one, in that Abraham is expected to be a direct participant by fulfilling the directive of circumcision. The blessing of Abraham is three-fold. , The Bible is also setting up here the parameters by which the relationship between God and the Jewish people will proceed in the future. For most nations children come naturally. This is how the world works. Kings go to war to capture territory or defend what they already have. All rights reserved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. %PDF-1.3 % GALATIANS 3:14 - THAT THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM MIGHT COME ON THE GENTILES THROUGH JESUS CHRIST; THAT WE MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT THROUGH FAITH. ' (Genesis 17:15-16). Varda Books, Skokie, Illinois 2005. These sources are of interest not necessarily because of their accuracy, but because they all indicate that they were prepared to consider other locations for Ur other than southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, these commentaries were all written when Ur was no longer inhabited and it is possible that they were unaware of this citys existence. However, there are other good reasons to consider a southern Mesopotamian Ur of the Chaldees as being unlikely. Southern Mesopotamia is the habitation of the descendants of Ham, whereas the descendants of Shem lived in present day Turkey, Iran, and Northern Iraq. According to Genesis 10:22-31, the five sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Abraham was one of the descendants of Arphaxad (Genesis 11:12-25) Josephus suggests that these five sons gave rise to the nations of Elam, Assyria, Chaldea, Lydia and Levantine. An Ur of the Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia also leads to a very obvious contradiction in the Biblical text. While in Haran, Abraham is told to leave, ). Also, when requesting his servant Eliezer to take a wife for his son Isaac, he tells him to go to Haran , Also, in the Covenant between the Pieces, God takes responsibility for taking Abraham from Ur Kasdim: , (Genesis 15:7). He promised to make Abraham a blessing. Scripture: I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. The 7 blessings of Abraham are the gracious heavenly gift that Abraham received as part of God's plan to create a new nation on earth. Psalm 41 Blessing #1: God wants to deliver you, even in times of trouble. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 - UCKG HelpCentre is a UK charity (1043985). Joshua was well aware of these two promises. He entered Canaan with the explicit purpose of capturing the land of Canaan and distributing it to the twelve tribes. The Torah itself reveals that Abraham was not the only monotheist in the world at that time. Following Abrahams victory over the forces of King Chedorlaomer and his Mesopotamian coalition and his rescuing of his nephew Lot, Abraham is greeted by Malchizedek, king of Salem, who. If Abraham would get out of your God would do three (3) things that will make him a blessing and he had to be a blessing so that God will do three (3) more things for him. 0000003188 00000 n VI. Power over the nations, and the morning star. There are more than 40 blessings in the Word given to Abraham either for him or those who would be through blessings would be blessed. God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us than we are to receive Bereishis, OU Press). 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. A convert to Judaism is called a child of Abraham. Islam and Christianity also consider themselves spiritual heirs to Abrahams legacy. The Koran establishes its Abrahamic lineage through Ishmael. Christianity views Abraham as an important exemplar of faith and a spiritual and possibly a physical ancestor of Jesus. The blessing given to Adam and Eve was contaminated by Satan's deception and now again reactivated to Abraham who would become the father of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. In the theology of Paul, all who believe in God are spiritual descendants of Abraham. The seventh blessing is the peak of the crescendo and represents the aim to which this new partnership between God and man is to lead. The spiritual insights that Abraham has discovered, either on his own or with Gods help, will bring in their wake beneficence to the entire world. 27. Ai was the second place attacked by the Israelites after the destruction of Jericho. (Joshua 8:1017; 12:7-9, 16) The capture of Ai set the stage for the surrender of Gibeon when its inhabitants set up a subterfuge to appear as if they had come from afar and made a peace treaty with Joshua. Gibeon was also of considerable strategic importance, being at the crossroad of the major north-south road as well as an important east-west road. The Israelites also conquered and settled in Beth El (Joshua 12;9-16, 16:1-2). There is still debate as to the location of Bet El, but it may well be the present Arab villages of Beitin or El Birah. This town is also strategically located on the narrow central mountain range, with a connecting road heading eastwards to Jericho. The equivalent name for a God of might in the Bible is El and for the God of fertility Shaddai. The Bible is not separating these two aspects of God but bringing them together as a single Divinity in a way that would be recognizable to people at that time. It could be a directive or even a summary of the blessings preceding it, although this is not how most commentators understand it. Nachmanides suggests that Abraham will become the standard by which blessings are bestowed upon others. , At this time in history, Shechem was probably a fortified city. There is no mention in the Bible that Abraham actually went into the city, but rather he was in the location of the city in the , or location where Shechem was situated. Specifically, he was at an identifiable place in which there was a terebinth or grove of large trees that was called . Blessing number three in Genesis 12:2 and I will bless thee, II. Rashi to Genesis 17:1 as explained by Beer Yitzchak. This is also the explanation of Rav Saadia Gaon. Rabbi Joseph Solveitchik takes a different approach and explains that Gods creation is not fully complete, but God will partner with Abraham and they will both be creators (Chumash with commentary based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. 0000019413 00000 n Genesis 12:2 and make thy name great. Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, A. because of both my natural and spiritual tie to my great great grandfather Rev (Dr.) Richard Udoh is the senior pastor of The Father's house Ministry, a fast growing gospel church. Never struggle to make a name for yourself. Gen.15:6 This would be one explanation for the 400-year delay. The goal of his life was to have a place in what GodContinue, 2023 Created by FAITH. And curse him that curseth thee: 7. 0000001290 00000 n Answer Jesus Christ, His Name appears nowhere, Dear Dr. Eugene Kim, References: a. Dr. Gene Kim video serving God https://youtu.be/LV6j0rB0yos See his comments to Andrew Sheets b. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on Trinity c. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on 501c3 conspiracy I earnestly pray you receive this opportunity to correct your errant ways. He grew up in a family that had turned away from the gospel, but Abraham "sought for the blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto [he] should be ordained to administer the same" ( Abraham 1:2 ). Let us boldly come before the throne of God through our Redeemer Jesus Christ and boldly, by faith receive these blessings in carrying out our roles as God's High Priests. I will make your name great 4. acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 0000021858 00000 n This article explains its biblical meaning and how you can freely receive it. 0000019705 00000 n Attracting her attention by His question, ". And in Galatians 3:13-14, Paul relates this blessing as being bestowed upon the Gentiles through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The term kings implies sovereignty and power. Your offspring will not be a small and insignificant people tucked away in a remote corner of the world but a major and powerful actor on the world scene in one of the central locations on the globe, between the two great superpowers of Mesopotamia and Egypt. 0000022390 00000 n But before you do this,do watch this short videoby clicking on these words in yellow. DANIEL MOSES . 0000025195 00000 n Joy Chinonyerem is an ardent follower of Christ who believes in Living the Christian Life according to the tenets set by Christ himself. The full implications of the Abraham story are now coming together. Why were Abraham and Sarah told to leave Haran in their old age? Clearly, no age is too late to confront spiritual challenges. Prior to God communicating with him at age 75, Abraham may well have concluded that he had led a meaningful life and little remained for him to accomplish. If he had thought this he was mistaken. The most consequential aspects of his life were yet to come. God wants to bless us and meet every need of our lives. God who desires to lead us by His Spirit would like to lead us to the place He also points out that in Genesis 15:6 Abraham was justified by faith. King James Version 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. The blessing of Abraham is misunderstood by many Christians and church leaders. Sefer Bereishis, p72, OU Press). Nachmanides, on the other hand, assigns no particular significance to this form of the verb and assumes it to be common idiomatic Hebrew usage. My brother I have no idea. the protection and pledge of God is grave. Elohim also promises Abraham that this covenant also will bring beneficence in its wake. First, and God has pointed this out previously within His aspect of YKVK, Abrahams seed will become extremely numerous. However, the reason for this is different than when promised under the aspect of YKVK. For YKVK, Abrahams descendants are to become a large nation so that they can populate the land of Canaan. In this covenant given by Elokim, they are to be fruitful in order to fulfill their universal mission. God also rewarded him with the promised son born to him in his old age. God doesnt bless us just to make us happy; He blesses us to make us a blessing. When Balaam wanted to curse the children of Israel, he found out it was an impossible . We're grafted into the seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ. Jacob 12 sons were born and these when Leaving Egypt had grown into a great nation. Perhaps because of this there is a midrashic tradition that Abrahams greatness was not only his awareness of a Single God but to his willingness to go through trials to demonstrate his allegiance to Him. One of these trials was his confronting the Mesopotamian ruler Nimrod and being placed in a burning furnace when his father delivered him to the king for smashing the idols in his idol store. Sefer Bereishis, p72, OU Press). Nachmanides, on the other hand, assigns no particular significance to this form of the verb and assumes it to be common idiomatic Hebrew usage. Remember Gen.11:1-9. (Genesis 14:19). Malchizedek believed that there is a Supreme God actively involved in His universe. Speaks of territorial base. those who would be through blessings would be blessed. Tweet Pin It. 6. Tithing pre-dates the giving of the Law. Anyone, including Gentiles, who comes to Him in repentance and faith is made part of His kingdom, while those Jews who reject Him will be left out. . There are Jewish commentators who see the Egyptian bondage as a form of punishment that was passed on to Abrahams seed, but this is far from being explicit in the text and seems unlikely. After careful consideration - I have to write this as a testimony as a witness submitted as Ambassador for The. Giving releases God's power and abundance. Copyright 2010 Bible-pedia. He shares my conservative views, especially achieving peace through stre, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/7th-congress-of-leaders-of-world-religions-adopt-human-fraternity-chrislam-document-pope-francis-mohamed-bin-zayed/ Now The End Begins CHRISLAM CHRISLAM CONFIRMED: Led By Pope Francis, Leaders Of The Worlds Religions Formally Adopt Human Fraternity Document At 7th Congress Published 44 mins ago on September 17, 2022 By Geoffrey Grider NOW THE END BEGINS SHARE: With the adoption this week by the 7th World Religions Congress of the Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed, Chrislam is now the official One World Religion. Yet only two sentences previously the Bible had said: , . (Genesis 15:6) It is difficult to believe that Abraham was now seeking reassurance. More likely is that the Hebrew word, in the sense of how will this come about (that I will inherit)?, also fits in well into the flow of this passage. Vol 1 Bereishis/ Genesis. From Shechem, Abraham relocates to the mountain east of Bethel and pitches his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. . The Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. , Of course, the very fact that Abraham was able to dialogue with God and question His justice was only possible because of Abrahams appreciation that YKVK is a personal God who listens. One way of looking at this sentence is to consider part of it as being in brackets: In other words, the Israelites will be in servitude and oppression but not for all these 400 years. So the greatest thing we can do as believers is to live to please Him on a daily basis. Abraham. Abraham was an Old Testament prophet born about 2000 B.C. . Abrahams trust in God is also emphasized in other places in Genesis. At the Covenant between the Pieces, YKVK promises Abraham that he will have a biological child and his offspring will be as numerous as the stars of the heavens. Prelude to Successful Action in A Commentary on the Book of Exodus by Umberto Moshe David Cassuto, p78. Post Views: 96. Visionaries will lead the future. Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: All nations will be blessed through you. So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith (verses 69, emphasis added). 38.Section Five. I will curse those that curse you 7. Though childless, Abram was promised a progeny. God's seven promises to Abram when he was still in Ur of the Chaldees; before he left his homeland, his family, his comfort zone and traveled to Canaan by way of Haran: 1) I will make you a great nation 2) I will bless you The Amplified Bible says, "I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors." Abraham was blessed with abundance. If God is your source, it does not matter how bad the economy is, you can be fully confident that God will surely bless you a hundred-fold if you faithfully invest in the preaching of the Gospel. B. Question: In Genesis 12:1-3God promises Abram This is the fulfillment of the blessing of Abraham and Gods promise that through Abraham all peoples (Gentiles) would be blessed. We've already studied how this promise has shaped the Jewish people and the promises included in the covenant that guaranteed them countless descendants and the special Holy Land. God rightly changed his name from 'Abram' (a name which means Exalted father) to 'Abraham' (meaning the father of many ) as a mark of and the starting point toward the fulfillment of those ric. Matthew 7:7-8 in the Amplified Bible says: "Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.